ISDN, remote stations

K3NA at K3NA at
Tue Apr 4 21:34:21 EDT 1995

It is difficult to provide the dynamic range that a receiver "should" deliver
to the headphones over a narrow-band telephone circuit.  I suspect (but
haven't done the mathematics to prove) that one will not hear as effectively
on a crowded band like 40m during a contest, if the audio is digitized and
run over a 64 kbit/s connection.

Transit delay over the terrestrial telecommunications network is negligible
for remote-controlling a station.  Typical delay in the local area is a few

Certainly there is plenty of remote-controlled receiver and transmitter
technology available in the commercial arena.  Remote-controlling antenna
switching is a bit more complex.

Allowing the imagination to run ahead a bit, it is conceivable that an entire
club could operate by remote-control dialin to one transmitting and one
receiving location.  The transmitter drivers for each operator can feed into
a single-band multi-kW amplifier deck, so that a 10 kW deck could support six
simultaneous transmissions on behalf of six operators, all signing different

Of course, none of this is permitted under the current CONTEST regulations.
 Receivers and transmitters have to be co-located...

But it is a solution for sharing the expenses of super-station construction,
and for sharing the resources of such a station with the many many people
stuck in housing tracts with limited/no-space or antenna prohibitions.

-- Eric  K3NA
k3na at

>From Celia Tony Becker <becker at>  Wed Apr  5 02:07:37 1995
From: Celia Tony Becker <becker at> (Celia Tony Becker)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 18:07:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: CQ CQ CQ
Message-ID: <199504050107.SAA06607 at>

Larry Tyree <tree at> wrote:
> Adopt the Sprint QSY rule for DX contests...  If you break through, you
> can probably get someone to call you afterwards.  Make multiplier hunting
> a totally different game however.  Does away with the value of packet
> spotting however!!
> An idea whose time just may never come.
I don't see why you say _never_.

Why not start a new contest which is simply a DX included version of Sprint?
Keep it to one 24 hour period to minimize the impact on non contest activities
with a maximum of 18 hours on, retain the single op only, low power only rules.

Only those interested in this sort of operating would participate, I fear,
but let's see!

AE0M, Tony Becker - becker at - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.

>From McCarty, DK 'Dav" <DKMC at  Wed Apr  5 03:01:19 1995
From: McCarty, DK 'Dav" <DKMC at (McCarty, DK 'Dav)
Date: 04 Apr 1995 19:01:19 PDT
Subject: CQ CQ CQ
Message-ID: <CPLAN065.DKMC.133401190095094FCPLAN065 at ION.CHEVRON.COM>

From: McCarty, DK 'David'
Subject:  Re: CQ CQ CQ
Date: 1995-04-04 21:00



You are absolutely right.  It could happen....and it would probably be a

Right now I'm contemplating the fatigue that would be induced by TWENTY FOUR
HOURS OF SPRINTING AT TOP SPEED.  whew!  Reminds me of the way I used to
feel after running in a quarter mile heat in a high school track meet.

On the other hand, one of the fantastic things about the major DX tests
(which are essentially *emulated* by all the other DX tests) is the magical
free-for-all unlimited possibilities you have under the freedom of
relatively simple rules.  Anyone can figure out what is going on and what to
do.  'taint so in the sprint.

And after G4BKI's comments, I wonder if very many of those overseas chaps
who understood it would even care to join in?

Subject: Re: CQ CQ CQ
Date: Tuesday, April 04, 1995 8:23PM

To: cq-contest at

Subject: Re: CQ CQ CQ
Larry Tyree <tree at> wrote:
> Adopt the Sprint QSY rule for DX contests...  If you break through, you
> can probably get someone to call you afterwards.  Make multiplier hunting
> a totally different game however.  Does away with the value of packet
> spotting however!!
> An idea whose time just may never come.
I don't see why you say _never_.

Why not start a new contest which is simply a DX included version of Sprint?
Keep it to one 24 hour period to minimize the impact on non contest
with a maximum of 18 hours on, retain the single op only, low power only

Only those interested in this sort of operating would participate, I fear,
but let's see!

AE0M, Tony Becker - becker at - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.

>From yates at (John Yates)  Wed Apr  5 03:17:00 1995
From: yates at (John Yates) (John Yates)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 95 21:17 EST
Subject: unsubscribe
Message-ID: <m0rwKfP-000E6EC at>


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