KA5WSS GridLoc '95
Robert Barron
barron at liant.com
Wed Apr 12 10:40:34 EDT 1995
Sorry for the delay. I think my score will have to be revised
somewhat. Still have to go through and remove any bad QSOs.
Callsign Used : KA5WSS
Category : Single Op Phone Only
Default Exchange : Robert EM10
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults
40SSB 27 27 27 19
20SSB 324 324 324 105
15SSB 53 53 53 21
10SSB 14 14 14 9
Totals 418 418 418 154
Final Score = 64372 points.
Obviously 20M was THE band. I might have worked more people
on 40M if I had gotten there sooner and not taken a rest
break. Trying to explain the contest to people is tiring!
On the whole conditions were terrible. Next year could only
be better.
A quick glance at the log indicates that over half of the
contacts generated grids. The ops either knew their grid or
could provide enough information so that it could be determined.
An ARRL grid map was helpful for those stations that wanted to
give me their longitude and latitude. Before the next running I
need to find a small but accurate highway map of each state with
longitude and latitude on it (about the size of a road atlas
booklet). That would have helped with a lot of new mults.
Who says Novices and Techs don't know their grids. I think 10M
might have the highest percentage of contacts where a valid
grid was part of the exchange.
My two fastest hours were in the 52 to 54 QSO range, both on
20M of course. Nothing else came close. If grids did not
count as multipliers on every band I never would have ventured
onto 15M and 10M.
Despite the conditions the contest was fun and tiring. I hope
the conditions cooperate next year. Please remember to send
GridLoc logs to George (WB5VZL) at geoiii at bga.com. With
conditions like last weekend we need all of the logs we can
get. By the way did anyone outside of North America work the
Robert Barron, KA5WSS barron at liant.com
Liant Software Corporation Hook 'Em Horns!
>From Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW" <gswanson at arrl.org Wed Apr 12 16:37:00 1995
From: Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW" <gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 95 11:37:00 EDT
Subject: DX in the GridLoc contest...
Message-ID: <2F8BF3DF at arrl.org>
Considering the poor condx, you have a nice score from the GridLoc contest
Robert! [KA5WSSFinal Score = 64372 points]
Robert, you wrote:
>By the way did anyone outside of North America work the contest?
DX worked from KB1GW: IK1LBO, Max, JN44. (Not sure if he was a "player.")
And, after his reply to my CQ, I received this from Juan, TG9AJR (in
"It's nice to hear someone else who is in the contest!"
73, Glenn KB1GW
>From John Pescatore <jpescato at CapAccess.org> Wed Apr 12 17:58:47 1995
From: John Pescatore <jpescato at CapAccess.org> (John Pescatore)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 12:58:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Yaesu G800SDX Rotator
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9504121245.H9385-a100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>
On Tue, 11 Apr 1995 KU4J at OPUS.HSV.ISG.MOT.COM wrote:
> I was able to repair a Yaesu G800SDX rotator that got zapped by
> lightning at a local hams station. He had to give the control head to
> the insurance company. Does anyone know where I can find a surplus
> control head for Yaesu G800SDX. Yaesu wants as much money for a
> new control head as the whole system costs mail order!
> I would appreciate any help ASAP, I am trying to put together a small
> Contest station this spring.
> Thanks! Tim/ku4j
Go to the insurance adjuster and offer him $10 or $20 for the "broken"
control head. Just a thought.
(Rich Boyd KE3Q)
>From John Pescatore <jpescato at CapAccess.org> Wed Apr 12 17:59:36 1995
From: John Pescatore <jpescato at CapAccess.org> (John Pescatore)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 12:59:36 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contest logging software for Macintosh
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9504121235.I9385-9100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>
On Tue, 11 Apr 1995, Anthony Wanschura wrote:
> Is there any?
> Tony, KM0O
Someone should write a version of theirs for Mac. Otherwise,
there's a W1 who puts out all sorts of Mac stuff. I forget
the call; he's on the east coast packetcluster tho and has
responded to queries from me the couple times I've asked
similar questions (on behalf of my nieces and nephews who
are Mac-bound.) 73
(Rich Boyd KE3Q)
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM Wed Apr 12 21:49:00 1995
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 95 13:49:00 PDT
Subject: Yaesu G800SDX Rotator
Message-ID: <2F8C3D02 at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM>
The adjuster would not have the authority, if he/she is above board,
to sell property on which a claim has been paid. Instead, ask who
handles this property (should be an independent scrap/recycler/
electronics reconditioner/metals recovery/etc. type company) and
go to them to buy it.
73, Tom WB4iUX
Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM
From: jpescato
To: KU4J
Cc: cq-contest
Subject: Re: Yaesu G800SDX Rotator
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 1995 12:58PM
On Tue, 11 Apr 1995 KU4J at OPUS.HSV.ISG.MOT.COM wrote:
> I was able to repair a Yaesu G800SDX rotator that got zapped by
> lightning at a local hams station. He had to give the control head to
> the insurance company. Does anyone know where I can find a surplus
> control head for Yaesu G800SDX. Yaesu wants as much money for a
> new control head as the whole system costs mail order!
> I would appreciate any help ASAP, I am trying to put together a small
> Contest station this spring.
> Thanks! Tim/ku4j
Go to the insurance adjuster and offer him $10 or $20 for the "broken"
control head. Just a thought.
(Rich Boyd KE3Q)
>From Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com> Wed Apr 12 19:36:26 1995
From: Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com> (Steve Harrison)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 14:36:26 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: ISDN, remote stations
Message-ID: <Pine.SGI.3.91.950412142100.21012B-100000 at eagle.sysplan.com>
On Tue, 4 Apr 1995 K3NA at aol.com wrote:
> It is difficult to provide the dynamic range that a receiver "should" deliver
> to the headphones over a narrow-band telephone circuit. I suspect (but
> haven't done the mathematics to prove) that one will not hear as effectively
> on a crowded band like 40m during a contest, if the audio is digitized and
> run over a 64 kbit/s connection.
Several recent articles, published in trade journals such as Electronic
Engineering Times and elsewhere, tell of successful efforts to compress
video-bandwidth signals to be transmitted over limited bandwidth circuits
such as the telephone lines. In fact, even the military has gotten into
this...they are compressing radar video with nominal 10 MHz bandwidths at
remote locations, transmitting the compressed signals over narrowband
circuits, and decompressing at another location. Although there is a time
delay of several seconds (I imagine the delay increases with increased
bandwidth to be compressed/decompressed), the end effect is apparently
worthwhile and already in practice.
I can't see why there would be a reason that a group of operators might
all be at some location at the controls of a remote-control station while
the antlers and equipment were on top of Mt. Olympus...so long as all the
transmitting/receiving equipment and antlers are co-located within the
commonly-stated requirement of a 1000 foot diameter circle or whatever.
Unfortunately, somebody, somewhere, is likely to cause the contest
sponsors to write an additional rule requiring co-location of the
operators at a station site...otherwise, you could have a bunch of
operators who are at home with a remote-control setup running over a
phone line and using the equipment at, say, KC1XX. And KC1XX's phone
numbers (there would have to be a LOT of phone lines coming into such a
remote station, one for each band!) would HAVE to be held secret tighter
than NSA protects their own numbers...otherwise, we PVRCers will call up
there, take control of the transmitters, and promptly put them all WAY
out of band, thus disqualifying the whole KC1XX operation and eliminating
the competition...
73, Steve KO0U/4 <sharrison at sysplan.com>
>From six at knoware.nl (Frank E. van Dijk) Wed Apr 12 21:40:48 1995
From: six at knoware.nl (Frank E. van Dijk) (Frank E. van Dijk)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 95 20:40:48 WET DST
Subject: Dutch PACC high claimed scores
Message-ID: <9504121940.AA27228 at indy.knoware.nl>
High Claimed Scores Dutch PACC Contest
11 - 12 February 1995
multipliers represent Dutch provinces, total 12 so highest possible
multiplier is 72.
DX single operator
4Z4TA 167 41 6847
5R8DS 120 32 3840
9X5EE 20 12 240
CP1OZ 8 5 40
JS6GIM 40 9 360
KA1DWX 91 39 3549
K3ZO 59 19 1121
K4RZ 44 17 748
W7LGG 40 10 400
LU1EWL 54 18 972
PY2NZR 62 20 1240
RZ9OO 225 43 9675
EUROPE single operator
9A2OB 406 57 23142
9A3NU 207 33 6831
CT1BWW 215 22 4730
DK6QI/P 221 46 10166
DL4JYT 214 45 9630
EA5GRP 291 43 12513
EA3BHK 320 39 12480
ER1OA 221 40 8840
ES6PZ 324 52 16848
F5NBX 321 50 16050
G0AEV 269 44 11836
G4IQM 281 35 9835
IT9FTP 281 43 12083
LY2LA 320 43 13760
LZ1ZX 321 46 14766
OL5PLZ 296 47 13912
SP7LZD 269 36 9684
UA6LTI 482 55 26510
RA3XO 454 56 25424
UR6QA 662 57 37734
UR5QN 434 57 24738
YO2DFA 236 41 9676
YT1BB 546 51 27846
EOROPE multi operator
RZ4WWB 715 70 50050
UR5M 557 66 36762
YT7P 318 38 12084
73, Frank PA3BFM
VERON HF Contest Manager
mail to: six at knoware.nl
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