KB5YVT at aol.com
KB5YVT at aol.com
Tue Apr 18 00:23:15 EDT 1995
Checking out the SS results and see that WX0B's nice score was DQ'ed. Just
wondered why if anyone knows??
kb5yvt at aol.com
>From John Pescatore <jpescato at CapAccess.org> Tue Apr 18 04:50:03 1995
From: John Pescatore <jpescato at CapAccess.org> (John Pescatore)
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 23:50:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Antenna & Tower Recommendations
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9504172301.B18267-c100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>
On Sun, 16 Apr 1995 markg at iserver.starlight.com wrote:
> I have been reading for some time posting on this reflector concerning
> contests, antennas, and station configuration and know this is a very
> well informed group. In an effort to work more than the top ten
> stations in a contest and do some DXing in this low sun spot period
> (work BS7H? I never even heard BS7H) I have made plans (translation:
> finally gotten the wifes approval) to put up a tower on our small lot
> (i.e. very difficult to put up any type of wire antenna even on 40M).
> I have put together a configuration based on performance,
> survivablility, serviceability, and neighborhood friendlyness (i.e.
> lowest height when cranked down). Since I will have to live with
> whatever I decide to do I would very much appreciate any comparsions,
> feedback, experience, or suggestions on the following:
> Tower: Tri-Ex LM-470 or US Tower HDX-572 @65' (local limit)
> (comparsions?)
> At 65': Force-12 Magnum 520/240 (5 element 20M, 2 element 40M)
> At 50' (using TIC ring rotor): Force-12 4BA or DX Engineering LP17
> (for 10,12,15,17) (comparsions?)
> Would there be any big advantage to putting a 5-band ant. at 50' such
> as a 5BA or LP20 to get another 20M choice or would I just get
> destructive interference?
> Please send responses directly so as not to clutter the reflector. If
> enough interest I will post the results. Thanks and maybe you'll even
> be able to hear me in the next contest.
> 73's,
> Mark AB6WD
> markg at starlight.com
I don't think putting a second antenna lower down would add
significantly to it, but will clutter it up some, mostly
mechanically, for you. If the lower antenna is a mate to the
higher one and if you have sufficient stacking distance
(like 3/4 wavelength) then it might be worthwhile.
Otherwise, the biggest yagis for 40/20/15/10 at the top
would probably work well -- that is the biggest yagis you
Also, there are 72' and 90' crankups. Just don't crank
them up higher than 65' when people are scrutinizing you.
Most of the time it'll probably be cranked down all the way
anyway, right? How many of your neighbors will know the
difference between 65' and 72' or 90'? And a lot of the
time you're contesting or DXing it's dark anyway. hi.
(Rich Boyd KE3Q)
>From John Pescatore <jpescato at CapAccess.org> Tue Apr 18 05:06:23 1995
From: John Pescatore <jpescato at CapAccess.org> (John Pescatore)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 00:06:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: SquINT
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9504180019.D18267-9100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>
Originated this message as a reply cuz I'm new at this and didn't
know how to start one from scratch.
Wanted to get on in Squint -- tried to interest my nieces and
nephews -- two are 11, one is 13. No dice. Oh well.
Couldn't think of any other potential guest ops. 73
(Rich Boyd KE3Q)
>From John Pescatore <jpescato at CapAccess.org> Tue Apr 18 05:14:42 1995
From: John Pescatore <jpescato at CapAccess.org> (John Pescatore)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 00:14:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Bouvet Split Technique
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9504180041.G18267-b100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>
On Mon, 17 Apr 1995 JFSINGER at delphi.com wrote:
> >My favorite trick is something I heard F2CW doing on one of those crazy
> >trips like 3Y0PI. Perhaps it had been done before, but it was my first
> >time to hear it. At the end of every fifth QSO or so he would say
> > 3Y0PI UP 2 S I X T Y T H R E E
> >and while all the lids were calling UP 2, you could get him on the first
> >or second call on 063. And if too many people found him on 063, he
> >would listen on some other frequency, like S E V E N T Y T W O.
> > --Trey, WN4KKN/6
> I heard the Bouvet ops doing this on 10 meter CW back in 1990. They were on
> 28.005 or so, with a massive pileup that extended beyond 28.070. I called
> them for an hour and never heard one station they worked. Then I heard them
> send "87" at about 45 wpm. What did that mean? I called them once or twice
> on 28.087 and put them in the log.
> I listened to them fish out the few stations calling them on '87, and
> they again called out a frequency that was far from the core of the pileup.
> I wondered about the ethics of this practice. Unless you figured out what
> they were doing, you had zero chance of working them.
> Jeff K0OD jfsinger at delphi.com
I don't see any ethical problem with this. The idea is to be a good op
and figure the puzzle out.
I've often thought that if I were on a DXpedition and started having
jamming problems I'd switch transmit frequency without notice, maybe
even change bands and carry on, and let the guys find me.
(Rich Boyd KE3Q)
>From De Syam <syam at Glue.umd.edu> Tue Apr 18 05:37:45 1995
From: De Syam <syam at Glue.umd.edu> (De Syam)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 00:37:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: K3ZO 2-meter Sprint score
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950418003114.15121B-100000 at mocha.eng.umd.edu>
Well actually there is one Sprint contest I get into and this is it --
along with the 6 Meter Sprint in May.
Activity was great this time! Maybe some of the new Techs are moving
over to SSB from FM. Great to see it. The June VHF QSO Party should be
a blast!
140 QSOs x 29 grids = 4060 points.
Conditions great to Western NY and Ontario; better than average to
W1-land, normal to PA & NJ, very poor to south and west.
Best scores heard: 257/47 by KF3P (at
K3MQH/PA); 197/43 by K1RZ/3 (MD)
73, Fred Laun, K3ZO
>From stevem at w8hd.org (Steve Maki) Tue Apr 18 06:07:55 1995
From: stevem at w8hd.org (Steve Maki) (Steve Maki)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 01:07:55 -0400
Subject: coax problem
Message-ID: <199504180507.BAA05186 at w8hd2.w8hd.org>
>By the way, I looked around
>for the 75 ohm CATV coax with no luck.
> Thanks in advance,
> 73's Bill WB0O
Just as a point of reference, NEW CATV coax is unbelievably cheap because so much of it is manufactured for the CATV industry.
Like .35/ft for 1/2", and .55/ft for 3/4". Unjacketed. Add around .10/ft for jacketed.
Of course, you must buy a whole roll, usually 2400' or so.
But it is the perfect coax for dedicated, single band runs.
If anyone needs a roll, drop me an e-mail.
Steve Maki K8LX
stevem at w8hd.org
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