Rcadair at aol.com
Rcadair at aol.com
Tue Apr 18 10:02:31 EDT 1995
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>From James B. Wolf D611 x4638 MS25-71" <jbwolf at most.magec.com Tue Apr 18 14:39:35 1995
From: James B. Wolf D611 x4638 MS25-71" <jbwolf at most.magec.com (James B. Wolf D611 x4638 MS25-71)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 8:39:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Rotor shafts
Message-ID: <950418083935.177d0 at mostvax>
Date: 18-APR-1995 08:36:42.18
Name: James B. Wolf D611 x4638 MS25-71
Subj: Re: Rotor shafts
DATE : April 18, 1995
FROM : James B Wolf
SUBJECT : Re: Rotor shafts
smtp%"cq-contest at tgv.com"
With out any technical analysis, Dave, W6QHS, is correct.
My HDR-300 had destroyed itself where the keys are suppose
to keep the shaft and everything that is connected to it from
My final fix was to get a torque-lock, a contraption that has a
key in it but clamps itself completely around the shaft tightly.
I have also heard these called Q-locks. The torque-lock was
welded to the bottom of the platform, the origional platform
is above the shaft and the torq-lock is the connection to the
rotor shaft. Inside, the large gear was welded directly to
shaft. kind of a delicate operation but it can be done.
K9UWA did the welding, you would have to ask him exactly
what materials he used. He is on this reflector.
Its great not to cringe every time I see the antennas swinging in
the wind.
The load on the HDR-300 is:
TH6DXX @ 100'
2 el Cushcraft 40-2CD @ 116'
20 el 432 ant @ 130 Ft
Two, 30' 2 meter antennas laced between all the above.
The rotor is mounted at the 57' level with about 30' of
2" mast,which is my "shock-absorber" between the
antennas and the rotor. With two perfectly installed
4" bearings to hold the mast, there is no friction between
the mast and tower. Therefore, it seems the array is constantly
turning with the wind.
James Wolf, KR9U
jbwolf at most.magec.com
Take it away Dave.
James B Wolf
>From Scott J Bauer" <sjb at rfc.comm.harris.com Tue Apr 18 16:21:31 1995
From: Scott J Bauer" <sjb at rfc.comm.harris.com (Scott J Bauer)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 95 11:21:31 -0400
Subject: SquINT Results
Message-ID: <199504181521.LAA03610 at usc02.rfc.comm.harris.com>
SquINT Results from WA2LCC
but first a word from the control operator:
TOWERS & K2SZE: Thanks to all for comments on tower & ordinance
fights. I got some stuff from the ARRL. Thanks ! Only stuff on
health hazards is from the ARRL, so far. A few other leads.
ARRL Atlantic Div Convention, DX/Contest Forum (Rochester
Hamfest): Thanks to all for suggestions and offers. Sorry about
not responding to all individually. Getting to it. Just like my
taxes ! In a day early ! Yesssss! Right now looks like 3 good
talks. I'll make an announcement later when finalized.
CONTEST RESULTS: I vote for contest corrections with the next
years results. At least you are likely to see them. The
sponsors should correct errors and issue certificates, when
winners are Murphy'd. Overall, I think ARRL does do a very good
job, mistakes are unfortunate. Even misplaced a couple logs
mailed in with mass club entries, where you know the batch of
logs was received, since other scores made the listings. CQ has
also done the same. Good job & my thanks to both organizations.
Now for the important stuff ! :-)
SquINT Results:
Operators: Alex, age 8, red, New York
Sara, age 4, yellow, New York
Alex's Log: WA7FOE, Gentry, 6, Pink, Wash
AA5BT, Lindsay, 10, Green, Tex
Sara got shut out. :-(
Really impressed by the QSO totals I've seen. Lindsay & Gentry
are really FB operators ! Look out dads you'll lose the station !
Asked my son why he was talking SO LOUD. He said "I'm trying to
get the needle to go into the red".
Sara: Daddy why didn't I talk to Kyle again ?
(almost with tears)
Dad: I guess daddy needs a better antenna.
Sara: Good idea Dad.
Easier said than done, unfortunately.
73 Scott WA2LCC sjb at rfc.comm.harris.com Yes that's RF
Communications, Rochester NY, for the person who asked.
How's that for hitting several topics with 1 message ?
>From Bud Semon" <Bud_Semon at cpqm.saic.com Tue Apr 18 09:35:49 1995
From: Bud Semon" <Bud_Semon at cpqm.saic.com (Bud Semon)
Date: 18 Apr 1995 08:35:49 U
Subject: Kid's Contest - N7CW
Message-ID: <n1413927972.66228 at cpqm.saic.com>
Short version - They're already asking when the next one is!
Long version - My learning curve coincided with Linda's (age 7) and we spent
the first 30 minutes making 1 QSO. She was bummed. Then it was big brother's
turn, Scott (age 10). He had been observing and was ready to go! He made 11
QSOs in slightly more than 30 minutes (rubber clocking ?). I don't know why,
but working Rhode Island was a really big deal (thanks KD1NG). I'm not sure
if I've started a new generation of contesters, but the real results are
listed under claimed bonus! Thanks to Greg and Tree for coordinating this.
We're ready for another.
73, Bud, Scott and Linda - N7CW
PS - The "avalanche" of QSLs hit the mail today.
1995 SquINT
20M SSB Multi-op
FT890, L4 and 40M Delta Loop
Op. Linda
1827 AA2IX Ace 8 NY Green
1 "Positive comment" bonus & Multi-bonus "Photo Opportunity"
Op. Scott
1833 KR2Q Samantha 7 Blue NJ
1835 KR2Q Dana 5 Black NJ
1835 AA2IX Ace 8 Green NY
1837 KO9Y Alyssa 5 Pink IN
1841 K0EJ Nathan 11 Blue TN
1842 K0EJ Ryan 8 Red TN
1850 K1CC Adam 11 Green CT
1853 K0OD Andy 10 Green MO
1856 WA7FOE Gentry 6 Pink WA
1856 KD2TT Kyle 8 Blue NY
1902 KD1NG Doug 9 Green RI
1 "Positive comment" bonus
>From vburns <vburns at netcom.com> Tue Apr 18 16:38:41 1995
From: vburns <vburns at netcom.com> (vburns)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 08:38:41 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9504180855.A23339-0100000 at netcom18>
[stuff deleted]
> send "87" at about 45 wpm. What did that mean? I called them once or twice
> on 28.087 and put them in the log.
> I listened to them fish out the few stations calling them on '87, and
> they again called out a frequency that was far from the core of the pileup.
> I wondered about the ethics of this practice. Unless you figured out what
> they were doing, you had zero chance of working them.
> Jeff K0OD jfsinger at delphi.com
If your gonna DX with the Big Dogs...you can't sleep on the porch!
>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu Tue Apr 18 17:07:14 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 09:07:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Bouvet Split Technique
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9504180927.E11753-a100000 at bach.seattleu.edu>
> I wondered about the ethics of this practice. Unless you figured out what
> they were doing, you had zero chance of working them.
> Jeff K0OD jfsinger at delphi.com
Ethics, schmethics...if you don't listen to the DX station and follow
their instructions (even somewhat cryptic instructions) then I'd say your
chances are pretty slim, regardless. It was a fairly clever solution to
some astounding pileups and separated the sheep from the goats rather quickly.
The most important part of any DXer's station is the EARS!
73, Ward N0AX
>From K. Caruso x226-6935 <caruso at netcad.enet.dec.com> Tue Apr 18 17:58:34 1995
From: K. Caruso x226-6935 <caruso at netcad.enet.dec.com> (K. Caruso x226-6935 <caruso at netcad.enet.dec.com>)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 95 12:58:34 EDT
Subject: WO1N squINT results
Message-ID: <9504181658.AA15583 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>
My daughter and I were looking forward to this when we suddenly realized
her Skating exhibition was the same day. We did manage to get home, take
some additional pictures of her in her skating costume, get changed, fire
up the rig and make one Q. Tried CQing high up in the segment but got chased
out by some old geezer nets. Tried to break the massive pileup on WA7FOE with
no luck.
Call: WO1N
Name: Christina
Age: 9
Color: Pink
K1VR ~1845 Annie 11 (?) Neon Mass
See you in the next one,
Ken and Christina
>From aa6tt at frontier.net (William H. Hein) Tue Apr 18 18:35:22 1995
From: aa6tt at frontier.net (William H. Hein) (William H. Hein)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 11:35:22 -0600
Subject: Bouvet Split Technique
Message-ID: <v02110100abb9a791be63@[]>
The best pileup (DX or contest) split technique is one which rewards
skilled operators with a Q and leaves lids holding their d***s.
Bill AA6TT
>> I wondered about the ethics of this practice. Unless you figured out what
>> they were doing, you had zero chance of working them.
>> Jeff K0OD jfsinger at delphi.com
>Ethics, schmethics...if you don't listen to the DX station and follow
>their instructions (even somewhat cryptic instructions) then I'd say your
>chances are pretty slim, regardless. It was a fairly clever solution to
>some astounding pileups and separated the sheep from the goats rather quickly.
>The most important part of any DXer's station is the EARS!
>73, Ward N0AX
William H. Hein, PO Bx 579, Ignacio, Colorado 81137-0579 USA
fone 970/883-2415 fax 970/883-2408 Internet aa6tt at frontier.net
AA6TT is in Tiffany, Colorado, grid square DM67fb
*** To subscribe to the 160m DX Internet mailing list, email the message
"subscribe" to topband-request at lists.frontier.net ***
>From Fred Cady <cady at mainman.ee.montana.edu> Tue Apr 18 19:25:14 1995
From: Fred Cady <cady at mainman.ee.montana.edu> (Fred Cady)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 12:25:14 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: EARS
Message-ID: <Pine.NEB.3.91.950418122424.846C-100000 at mainman.ee.montana.edu>
>The most important part of any DXer's station is the EARS!
>73, Ward N0AX
Nah, its what's between the ears.
73, Fred KE7X
>From Ruthie Hoffman - RFN <ruthie at utd.rochester.edu> Tue Apr 18 19:56:43 1995
From: Ruthie Hoffman - RFN <ruthie at utd.rochester.edu> (Ruthie Hoffman - RFN)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 14:56:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: SquINT
Message-ID: <199504181856.OAA05946 at desperado.utd.rochester.edu>
My brother Jay, AA2IX, who hasn't come into the computer
online age yet, asked me to post the following log (he gave
me the log via a phone call, which Ace ((nickname for old
family name they hung on the kid...Asa)) kept himself).
Kids SquINT contest April 15, 1995
Callsign: AA2IX
Operator: Ace QSL info: Asa Sturtevant
Age: 8 3844 Ransomville Rd.
Color: Green Ransomville, NY 14131
State: NY
Operating conditions: Operator couldn't sit down...was TOOO
Station: Yaesu FT-990
Ameritron AL811
Gap vertical
All QSOs on 14MHZ between 14.270 and 14.300.
1809 WD0I 47 Blue MN
1822 WA7FOE Gentry 6 Pink WA
1832 KM2L Blue NY
1833 W6KXQ/AG Bilt Blue CA
1835 N7CW Scott 7 Blue WA
184? KD6WPW Phyllis 55 Yellow CA
1842 N6TR Tree 40 Blue OR
1844 KC7AGC Dan 51 Green WA
1849 W6JVA Rich 58 Blue CA
1853 K5GN Dave 37 Maroon TX
1855 VE3OET/M Pete 50 Pink ONT
1857 KN4YL Karn 13 Green FL
Total: 12 Qs
Comments: Ace - "That was the funnest thing I ever did in my
Dad - "After Ace worked W6JVA *I* got excited and
took the mic. Rich was the FIRST 6 call
I'd ever worked - as a Novice in 1963's
Novice Roundup. In order to get a QSL card
at that time I pulled stamps out of my
stamp album, given to me by my grandfather,
and sent the card out airmail! After the
'test I got out the return QSL card to show
Aunt - "My brother has GOT to get up some better
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