QST is becoming a rag
lrudd at access.digex.net
lrudd at access.digex.net
Tue Apr 25 15:44:56 EDT 1995
garbage deleted
>tabloids. Finally, to really jam it up the members ass, they eliminate
members' ...learn to punctuate, ass should be plural. Let me know if you need some
remedial learning materials.
With that out of the way, nobody makes you join. If you can do better I am sure they would
welcome your efforts.
Any other comments would bring me down to your level.
Garbage deleted.
Lauren KD8PZ
>From Richard F. DiDonna" <rdidonna at liberty.uc.wlu.edu Tue Apr 25 20:24:54 1995
From: Richard F. DiDonna" <rdidonna at liberty.uc.wlu.edu (Richard F. DiDonna)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 15:24:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: QST is becoming a rag
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9504251546.A13721-0100000 at liberty.uc.wlu.edu>
Please. What does "QST is becoming a rag" have to do with contesting.
If one would like to bash a general radio topic, might I suggest that you
try TIN or another reflector...
Pretty Please.
Thank you.
Rich KI6ZH
>From jholly at hposl62.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback) Tue Apr 25 21:15:36 1995
From: jholly at hposl62.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback) (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 13:15:36 -0700
Subject: ARRL contest scores online
References: <2F9D3868 at arrl.org>
Message-ID: <9504251315.ZM5508 at hpwsmjh1.cup.hp.com>
On Apr 25, 1:58pm, "Lau, Zack, KH6CP" wrote:
> Subject: Re: ARRL contest scores online
> Len, WF2V wrote:
> >
> >Ahhh, but they do have an 800 number ---> it is used by their VEC and
> >probably others. I dont have it right here, but it is available...
> Yes, the ARRL spends quite a bit of money on 1-800-32-NEW HAM for
> prospective amateurs. However, the cost tends to be offset by the
> publications these people buy....
But since it seems to becoming a tabloid and an amateur publication,
would they buy it? Wait a minute, I thought it was an amateur publication!
73, Jim, WA6SDM
>From Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com Tue Apr 25 04:04:30 1995
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 23:04:30 EDT
Subject: It's W9IP, Not W2UP
Message-ID: <2f9c66c2.k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com>
Sorry, check that log. The guy who knows is W9IP (at St.
Lawrence University), not W2UP. My mistake.
Fred Hopengarten K1VR
Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
home + office telephone: 617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
internet: k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com
"Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low."
>From Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com Tue Apr 25 22:05:25 1995
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 17:05:25 EDT
Subject: W1CF SK
Message-ID: <2f9d6424.k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com>
Dana Atchley, W1CF (formerly W1HKK), of Lincoln, MA,
passed away on Saturday, April 22, 1995. In his final years
he had suffered from Binswanger's Syndrome (which resembles
Parkinson's Disease). Dana, one of the few graduates of
Harvard College as an engineer, was the son of the famed
Columbia University/Presbyterian Hospital (NYC) physician of
the same name, after whom the Atchley Pavillion was named.
He was also a descendant of two American presidents, as he
was related to the Adams family.
Dana became famous in his own right, however, as a
founder of Microwave Associates, a Fortune 500 company which
he served as President and Chairman of the Board. Microwave
Associates, now known as M/A-COM, and Dana in particular,
employed contesters such as K8UR, W1FC, K8PO, Frank Harris
(best known as W1BU and the man who engineered the Arecibo
array in Puerto Rico, as well as husband of QST columnist
Helen Harris W1HOY) and others.
Atchley created the "four square" vertical phased
array, for which he was awarded a patent. He later
described the antenna in QST and changed expectations about
what could be done on 80 meters. He was fond of getting on
80 meters, at 3798 around local sunset during the Christmas
season (December 21-30) and performing the amazing feat of
"chaining" (his term) JA's long path on SSB.
WA2SPL used the W1CF station to win several 160 meter
contests, using a 2 element vertical phased array only 61
feet high (with "top hats"). If I recall correctly, W1CF
also won the ARRL DX test on phone one year, only to be
disqualified when the guest operator was discovered to be
operating beyond the license privileges of the guest
Dana held DXCC #3.
Once, during a CQWW CW DX Test, I had a beam which
wouldn't turn. He came over at midnight on a Saturday night
to turn it while I climbed the tower to see what was wrong.
He was that kind of guy.
On another occasion, he offered me the use of his
station for an ARRL CW DX Test, because he and his family
would be away for the weekend. I just wanted to see what it
was like to be very loud on 80 CW. A daughter, then
attending Middlebury College (VT), came home for the
weekend. I arrived at midnight, after she had gone to bed.
Disturbed by house noises, she called the police. I don't
know how many other burglars operate CW, but when the cops
entered, guns drawn, they found me with headphones on,
running Europeans.
I'm sure that other contesters and DX'ers all have
their own favorite Dana Atchley stories, but, among other
things, he was an early sponsor, by in kind contributions,
of legitimate, radio telescope, SETI research (the Search
for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). He is favorably
mentioned in works by Frank Drake and others.
A few years ago, he donated virtually his entire
station to Harvard, where much of it is in use today at
W1AF. K3UOC (now 7Z5OO and teaching in Saudi Arabia) and
NZ1W (now teaching at London Business School and a member of
the Brigadoon contest group that sets up G0KPW each fall for
one weekend) were instrumental in physically transferring
things to W1AF for use in the CQ WW by a visiting group from
A memorial service will be held on May 31, 1995, at 11 am,
at the Acton Congregational Church, Acton, MA.
Requiescat in Pacem.
dit dit dit dahdidah
P.S. If I got anything wrong, I apologize. Please let me
Fred Hopengarten K1VR
Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
home + office telephone: 617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
internet: k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com
"Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low."
>From Jim Reisert AD1C 25-Apr-1995 1652 <reisert at wrksys.ENET.dec.com> Tue Apr 25 21:55:09 1995
From: Jim Reisert AD1C 25-Apr-1995 1652 <reisert at wrksys.ENET.dec.com> (Jim Reisert AD1C 25-Apr-1995 1652)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 95 16:55:09 EDT
Subject: New country files for CT - 25 April 1995
Message-ID: <9504252055.AA02856 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>
Here is the list of changes:
25-Apr-95 * Added Italian Africa for CQWW (K3EST).
(CTY-503) * Added 4U9Q to callsign list for Zaire, 9Q.
* Added TO5G to prefix list for Guadeloupe, FG.
* Added TO2DX to callsign list for Martinique, FM.
* Added TO7I to callsign list for St. Pierre & Miquelon, FP.
* Added KL9K to prefix list for Korea, HL.
* Added AH7, KH7, NH7 and WH7 to prefix list for Hawaii, KH6.
* Changed prefixes for Kure, KH7, to AH7K, KH7K, NH7K, WH7K.
* Changed prefixes for Alaska, KL7, to AL, KL, NL, WL.
* Added KP3, NP3, WP3 to prefix list for Puerto Rico, KP4.
* Added 4U/KC0PA to callsign list for Western Sahara, S0.
* Removed old-style Russian prefixes beginning with R.
* Added VY9CC (VE3) and VY9QR (VE5) to callsign list for
Canada, VE.
* Added VP8CSE to callsign list for S. Orkney, VP8/o.
* Simplified prefixes for Yugoslavia, YU (again).
IMPORTANT NOTE: There have been primary prefix changes (IG9, KL, KH7K). If
you are still using CT version 8 or earlier, and you use the CTYHDG program
to put beam headings into the country file, you will need to download the
file CTYHDG.PRE as well. It is included in the .ZIP file.
The files are available from a number of sources (listed in easiest/soonest
to hardest/latest order):
1. Send a message to CT-USER-REQUEST at eng.pko.dec.com to request the file(s)
you want, i.e.:
GET cty.dat
GET arrl.cty
GET ctyhdg.pre
GET history.cty
Remember that file names are in lower case. Multiple file requests on
separate lines are OK. The files are there NOW.
2. Send a message to CT-USER REQUEST at eng.pko.dec.com and get the whole .ZIP
file in UUencoded form. If you don't already have a program to
UUdecode, you will need to get UUD.COM as well:
GET cty.zip
GET uud.com (optional)
Remove the headers and trailers from the UUD.COM mail message so that
the resulting file begins with "ENC.COM.B&F=" and ends with "z!1", and
save it to UUD.COM. Then remove the headers and trailers from the
CTY.ZIP mail message so that the resulting file begins with "begin 664
cty.zip" and ends with "end". Save this to a file called CTY.UU. Then
on your PC type:
C:\> uud cty.uu
This should create the CTY.ZIP file.
3. FTP the file from:
This is an ANONYMOUS FTP server. When you get the username
prompt from gatekeeper, log in as anonymous, and use your EMAIL
address (i.e. reisert at eng.pko.dec.com) as the password. Then
'cd' to /pub/k2mm/ct-files, type 'binary' then 'get cty.zip'.
John K2MM is pretty good about keeping the latest files in there. Look
for a file dated April 25, 1995 or later.
4. FTP the file from:
This is an ANONYMOUS FTP server. When you get the username
prompt from gatekeeper, log in as anonymous, and use your EMAIL
address (i.e. reisert at eng.pko.dec.com) as the password. Then
'cd' to /pub/misc/hamradio, type 'binary' then 'get cty.zip'.
This may take several days to catch up - look for a file dated
April 25, 1995 or later.
5. Download the file CTY-503.EXE from the CT BBS at 508-460-8877. I have
uploaded the file and told them it is there, but it still may take a
couple of days for K1EA to move it to the public area, and include it
with UPD-CT (this may not happen until after Dayton).
6. Download the file CTY-503.ZIP from the DX BBS at 502-898-8864.
I have have uploaded it, but they may need to move the file into a
public download area. Look for a file data of April 25, 1995 or later.
As always, please send me any corrections.
73 - Jim Reisert AD1C
reisert at eng.pko.dec.com
>From ac1o at sunken.gate.net (Walt Deemer) Tue Apr 25 20:22:14 1995
From: ac1o at sunken.gate.net (Walt Deemer) (Walt Deemer)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 95 14:22:14 EST
Subject: Cheap Lightning Protection Trick
Message-ID: <9504251922.0rlp at sunken.gate.net>
The following "cheap lightning-protection tip" was recently posted to
sci.geo.meterology. I have absolutely no idea whether this REALLY works
or "knot" -- but the idea is sure painless to impliment, and this IS the
start of the T-storm season. Someone who "knows", though, should tell
us whether this is a scientifically-valid trick or knot.
73, Walt, AC1O "ac1o at sunken.gate.net" (Note new e-mail QTH)
-----forwarded message begins-----
> A cheap lightning protection trick is overhand knots every 15.4cm in the
> power cords. Believe it or not, some researchers discovered this one.
> It makes the lightning surge work against itself and burn out the
> power cord not the sensitive equipment. Seems absurd but it worked at
> my cottage where sensitive ADC sensors where used to record E fields.
> None of the equipment protected this way was ever damaged. This site
> is on a peninsula sticking right out into a lightning prone elevated
> lake in the mountains. Last storm the Microwave, TV and Radio where
> destroyed but my trusty PC and data recorder survived because of the six
> or seven knots in each power cord and sensor cables. Needed new cables
> though, but that was all that needed replacing.
> Hope this works for your equipment (you do "knot" have much to loose in
> trying out the famous Mic"knot" trick)
> Mic
> --
> Michel T. Talbot
> bo964 at freenet.carleton.ca
(Note: This *may* not work in non-Contest stations.) (Yes! The "C" word!)
>From Jim Reisert AD1C 25-Apr-1995 1848 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com> Tue Apr 25 23:50:02 1995
From: Jim Reisert AD1C 25-Apr-1995 1848 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com> (Jim Reisert AD1C 25-Apr-1995 1848)
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 95 18:50:02 EDT
Subject: New country files for CT - 25 April 1995
Message-ID: <9504252250.AA09051 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>
In case it wasn't clear from my message:
If you're using CT 9, you should
GET cty.dat
GET history.cty
If your're using CT 8 or earlier, you should
GET arrl.cty
GET cqww.cty
GET iaru.cty
GET ctyhdg.pre
GET history.cty
Sorry if there any confusion. I assumed that people would know what files
they need.
73 - Jim AD1C
reisert at eng.pko.dec.com
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