Tennessee Contest Group CW NAQP Team Score
SPECK at uansv3.Vanderbilt.Edu
SPECK at uansv3.Vanderbilt.Edu
Mon Aug 7 12:07:05 EDT 1995
N4ZZ 700 202 141,400
K4AMC 552 177 97,704
W9WI 476 135 64,260
WR3O 423 143 60,489
K0EJ 599 195 116,805
Once again Don (ZZ) proves that he is in a different contest than the rest of
us. We think we found his secret weapon tho'. Seems that he was involved in
some secret project back when he was in the military which involved a prototype
version of the Star Trek "transporter". He apparently kept a version. He and
his station was reportedly seen in Texas for a few hours. In general, high
band condx were better than expected (but not as good as further west/south
i.e Texas) but low bands were murder with Erin remnants in the area all day
and nite. BTW, thanks to Kirk-WR3O-for filling in for out-of-town regulars.
He did great!! This is our best team score to date with still much room for
improvement. It will be hard to beat a TDXS team this time. Just as long as
we beat that KCG team !!!
Mark K0EJ
>From Kenneth G. Kopp" <0006485696 at mcimail.com Mon Aug 7 17:26:00 1995
From: Kenneth G. Kopp" <0006485696 at mcimail.com (Kenneth G. Kopp)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 95 11:26 EST
Subject: Tower wenches
Message-ID: <62950807162626/0006485696PK5EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
John (W0UN) beat me to it with his sage comment about keeping
a tower wenched lubed! CQ had a cover with one on a -contest-
tower a few years ago that I knew personally, so they really
do exist. (Credit cards seem to contain an especially good
form of wench lubricant, with perhaps American Express rating
Gawd, if she sees the above I'm done for! Nice Lady, friend
of Wilse, KL7CQ ... have forgotten her call. Liked Yellowstone
River hot-potting, too.
73! de Ken Kopp/K0PP
k0pp at mcimail.com
>From n6ig at netcom.com (Jim Pratt) Mon Aug 7 17:44:53 1995
From: n6ig at netcom.com (Jim Pratt) (Jim Pratt)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 09:44:53 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: IARU announces Drug Testing (fwd)
Message-ID: <199508071644.JAA27581 at netcom6.netcom.com>
> In keeping with the worl trend towards honesty and fair play, The ITU has
> announced an alliance with the International Olympic Committee and will
> initiate random drug testing for all participants in future IARU contests.
> Rumor has it that CQ and ARRL are considering similar implementation of
> testing for TOP TEN finishers in all modes and catagories for the 1995
> contest season.
> Perhaps it is time we volunteer urine and fecal samples with each score
> submitted to ARRL just to get a head start on the ineventable.
> 73 de Doug//N3ADL
Gee, I guess I better stop eating poppy-seed bagels while operating, else
I will have some false positives.
How will multi-op stations be tested? Samples of each operator, or some
sort of composite test?
73, Jim N6IG
>From ke7gh at primenet.com (Brian Short) Mon Aug 7 17:59:58 1995
From: ke7gh at primenet.com (Brian Short) (Brian Short)
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 1995 16:59:58 +0000
Subject: August CQ Magazine Cover
Message-ID: <199508071700.KAA06461 at mailhost.primenet.com>
My CONTEST tower is a crank-up. I have been thinking about installing
a couple chain couplings at critical points to prevent serious injury
in the case of a failure in the cable. Anyone ever hear of other risk
mitigation techniques? I think a couple items from the hardware could
greatly reduce risk to anyone on the ground and I NEVER CLIMB MINE.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated as you never know who could
come in your backyard.
73 de Brian
>> I was carefully reviewing my August CQ to see how I fared in the 160
>> contests (had to get that contest word in there), and was struck
>> dumbfounded by the picture on the cover. If I see what I think I see,
>> N0RR is perched on the side of a CRANK-UP TOWER!
>> Now, around here, that is considered living very dangerously.
>> Either I am grossly mistaken, or he is very bold indeed.
>Reminds me of when K7JA staged a photo for the Sweepstakes results with
>him operating the contest from a swimming pool, with hand-mic in hand
>and radio sitting on the edge of the pool. A zillion guys wrote the
>ARRL complaining about the danger of electrocution, blah blah blah.
>--Trey, WN4KKN/6
>From ke7gh at primenet.com (Brian Short) Mon Aug 7 18:20:59 1995
From: ke7gh at primenet.com (Brian Short) (Brian Short)
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 1995 17:20:59 +0000
Subject: "Drug Testing"
Message-ID: <199508071721.KAA12744 at mailhost.primenet.com>
>> In keeping with the world trend towards honesty and fair play, The ITU has
>> announced an alliance with the International Olympic Committee and will
>> initiate random drug testing for all participants in future IARU contests.
I think drug testing is a good idea. Who would want other than the highest
quality drugs especially on a contest weekend?
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