FT-1000 speaker BANG

WX0B at aol.com WX0B at aol.com
Mon Aug 7 15:45:55 EDT 1995

In a message dated 95-08-07 03:06:44 EDT, s56a at ljutcp.hamradio.si (Marijan
Miletic) writes:

>	cq-contest at tgv.com
>Hi Contesters,
>I unpluged headphones 8 hours after the end of EUHFC and I heard famous BANG
>the FT-1000 speaker.  This speaks a lot for a quality of components uaed a
>as 1 mF electrolytic capacitor decopling DC from speaker did NOT discharge.
>Cheap 100 Ohm resistor might solve this problem but it can not be found even
>rigs manufactured by famous Hi-Fi company.

This sounds really bad to me.  I would think that Yeasu wouldn't cut corners
here but will try to verify this
with the schematics.  An old trick and quick fix which would not need any 100
ohm resistors would be
to put a second 1mF back to back with the first one and then solder a couple
of 1n4001diodes also back to back around the caps.  Make sure the diodes
would conduct preventing the caps from seeing reverse voltage larger than .6
V (diode junction) while the diode conducts that cycle to the other cap.

You have then created a non-polarized large capacitor.  Which  won't blow up
or distort the audio.
                        +               +
_________|  |____________|  |_______________
     |            |  |            |            |  |           |
     |                           |                           | 
     |____ |\ |_______|______| /|______|
               |/ |                          | \|

These babies can handle lots of power.

But this technique is useful when you need like 100 MF....not only 1 Mf.  At
1 mf there are lots of non-polar caps available.

This is analogous when I bought my first "Contest" rig an IC781 and only mike
I had to make a quick and
dirty boom mike was a cartridge I paid a buck for.   So I used a $5000 rig
with a $1 mike for the first contest I used the rig on......go figure what a
ham will do, but its no excuse for Yeasu..HI.

73 Jay  WX0Banana

>From sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu  Mon Aug  7 19:53:26 1995
From: sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: 7 Aug 1995 13:53:26 -0500
Subject: August CQ Magazine Cover
Message-ID: <n1404318844.89369 at mail.ssec.wisc.edu>

 >Anyone ever hear of other risk
>mitigation techniques?

Seems I once heard about some kind of latches between sections, which
could be operated from the ground with ropes, or something.  Guaranteed,
I suppose, to get jammed in the worst possible configuration.

Scott  K9MA
sellington at ssec.wisc.edu

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu  Mon Aug  7 20:26:44 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 12:26:44 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: IARU announces Drug Testing (fwd)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9508071244.B2875-a100000 at bach.seattleu.edu>

> How will multi-op stations be tested?  Samples of each operator, or some 
> sort of composite test?
> 73, Jim  N6IG

Naw, they'll just confiscate the coffee can after each contest ;-)

   -.-. --.-  -.-. --.-  -.-. --.-  -.. .  -. ----- .- -..- -..-. --...
   |  ----    ---------   o o o o |
   | |  / |  | N 0 A X |  o o o o |  "I don't know why they call it
   |  ----    ---------           |   wireless...I've never seen so
   |    () ()   /^^^\   () () ()  |   many wires in all my life!"
   | O  o o o  (o    )  () () ()  |       From the 1920's and
   | O  o o o   \___/   o o o o o |        never more true!
     \_/ H. Ward Silver, N0AX \_/
        hwardsil at seattleu.edu

>From Roy Hradilek <73374.2465 at compuserve.com>  Mon Aug  7 20:29:55 1995
From: Roy Hradilek <73374.2465 at compuserve.com> (Roy Hradilek)
Date: 07 Aug 95 15:29:55 EDT
Subject: NAQP Score/Breakdown: AD5Q
Message-ID: <950807192954_73374.2465_DHS25-1 at CompuServe.COM>

                         Band QSO Mult
                         160   16    8
                         80    61   25
                         40   155   43
                         20   219   49
                         15   107   39
                         10    72   29
                         ---- ---  ---
                         Tot: 630  193  --> 121,590

Duh, I have a new wire beam on 40 - something I should have thought of a long
time ago. This was fun!

I don't think the low bands played very  well. There  was much  to do  on the
high bands, and that's were the action was. Lotsa mult movin'.

Roy -- AD5Q...

>From ke7gh at primenet.com (Brian Short)  Mon Aug  7 20:38:00 1995
From: ke7gh at primenet.com (Brian Short) (Brian Short)
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 1995 19:38:00 +0000
Subject: NAQP CW SCORES (v.1)
Message-ID: <199508071938.MAA23757 at mailhost.primenet.com>

                              NA QSO SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 05-Aug-95, 06-Aug-95

    Callsign Used : KE7GH
         Operator : KE7GH

         Category : sop

 Default Exchange : Brian AZ

             Name : Brian K. Short
          Address : 1994 E Laguna Dr
   City/State/Zip : Tempe, AZ 85282
          Country : United States

        Team/Club : Central Arizona DX Association

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

   80CW       21          21         21      10
   40CW      128         128        128      42
   20CW      271         271        270      49
   15CW       80          80         80      32

 Totals      500         500        499     133

    Final Score = 66367 points.

>From lvn at fox.cen.com (Larry Novak)  Mon Aug  7 21:05:32 1995
From: lvn at fox.cen.com (Larry Novak) (Larry Novak)
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 95 16:05:32 EDT
Subject: TDXS NAQP CW  Team Scores
Message-ID: <9508072005.AA10171 at cen.com>

> Texas Dx Society NAQP CW Team Scores:
>         K5GA, Bill              690 x 217 = 149,730
>         K5GN, Dave              652 x 212 = 137,376
>         AD5Q, Roy               630 x 193 = 121,590          
>         K7UP (KN5H), Steve      624 x 207 = 129,168       
>         W5ASP, Joe              502 x 162 =  82,830          
>                                             620,694

  Good Gawdalmighty ........ Now we don't want to hear any griping from
  TX after CQWW.

  Great job!

  Larry, K3TLX

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