To Move or Not To Move

n0dh at n0dh at
Wed Aug 9 17:51:43 EDT 1995

 kn5hose at (kn5hose) WROTE:

>following scenario:

>During the North American QSO Party (in this case CW) I was able to
>run stations on 20 meters at a high rate. (SNIP)

>Now, after working about 20 Texans and moving for about 1/2 of them,
>I began to wonder why should I screw up my rate and lose my 20 mtr
>freq to give out a mult? I saturated all the bands for the entire 
>contest period and all thos guys that asked me to move would have
>found there eventually.

>So, I am wondering what, if any opinions exist regarding  the refusal 
>to move to another band when 9 out of 10 times, the "asker" is gonna
>find me later.

When you are the "rare" one you control the situation. The easiest way out is 
to make schedules (and them keep them!). "I will be on 40 meters at 0400, 80 
meters begining at 0600 and look for me on 160 at 0700 on 1837..QRZ contest". 
It's a good idea to have this strategy set up before the contest. tape a "cue 
card" above the rig to remind you and that way you give out consistent info. 
Only make the exception for the multiplier YOU need not for the 20 guys in 
Texas, California etc. This is a doubly good idea for 80 and 160 as you can 
show up, have a 10 ro 15 minute run because there are 20 guys in line waiting 
to work you, work the band out quickly and then go back to 20 an 40 for the 
big runs.


(Also a transplant de Tejas)

>From Derrick Belbas <dbelbas at City.Winnipeg.MB.CA>  Wed Aug  9 19:02:22 1995
From: Derrick Belbas <dbelbas at City.Winnipeg.MB.CA> (Derrick Belbas)
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 1995 12:02:22 -0600
Subject: To Move or Not To Move -Reply
Message-ID: <s028a4e3.086 at City.Winnipeg.MB.CA>

>>> kn5hose <kn5hose at> 08/08/95 04:53pm >>>
So, I am wondering what, if any opinions exist regarding  the refusal  to
move to another band when 9 out of 10 times, the "asker" is gonna find
me later.

Exactly correct.  "Askers" are very frequently guys that we all bump
signals with for ten hours.  I try to accommodate requests, but if rate is
good, I don't hesitate to say no.  I'm usually the only guy on in my section,
so I'm sensitive to these requests.

But, if I can't work MB, WHY SHOULD ALL YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!

Sorry for not being around very much this time.  I had an excellent first
two hours, but then it was mother-in-law-->heart attack-->hospital..>no
radio time.  She'll be okay.  The score didn't make it.

See you Saturday.

73..  Derrick  VE4VV       dbelbas at

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