Moving: some NAQP stats

Nd3f at Nd3f at
Thu Aug 10 08:54:55 EDT 1995

This is raw, unanalyzed data from recent NAQP:

I was asked to move 3 times.  I did move each time, and got
10 qs and 4 mults. I wasn't running real fast, however.

I asked others to move 14 times.  I got 11 "laters" , one  "??",
and 2 people moved (7 qsos, 7 initial mults.) Of the 11 "laters",
I worked 3 qsos and 3 mults total, later. I got one later in the last hour of
the contest, soon before my clock ran out!

My opinion:  if I don't get 'em to move, then I probably will miss 'em
Example mistake: I didn't know Tree was only gonna be on 2 hrs.(!)

Second opinion:  With all the "fast band change" technology
around, I think the move/run rate approaches the "stay"/run rate.
My opinion is influenced by VHF contesting where if you don't move
'em when you can hear them you will likely miss them...

Cheers/73 Brian
ND3F Neighbor Drives Three Ferraris (he's not a ham)
         Nine Deuce Three Four
         Nothing Down 3% Financing
         Never Date Three Females ( late advice for KA9FOX?)

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