Canada - Special Prefixes - Oct-Dec'95

ve2zp at ve2zp at
Fri Aug 11 03:02:37 EDT 1995

Erik: We didn't forget you.  The policy explictly excludes VE0 stations from
using special prefixes.  It also excludes VY9 (Industry Canada), CY9 (St Paul)
and CY0 (Sable) stations from using special prefixes.  I guess VE0s are already
pretty special.
73, Dave VE2ZP/VE9CB
InterNet: ve2zp at

>From John-Warren at (John Warren, NT5C)  Fri Aug 11 04:32:46 1995
From: John-Warren at (John Warren, NT5C) (John Warren, NT5C)
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 22:32:46 -0500
Subject: BC Trash on 40M
Message-ID: <1404028578-10314369 at BANJO.EASY.COM>

Does anyone know which BC stn (or other source) is trashing the whole 40M
amateur band with spurious sigs, between 0230-0400Z or so each evening?
I've heard rumors that Fred, K3ZO, believes it to be Radio Vatican on 7305.
In any case, has anyone tried to get ARRL or FCC involved? - or the Italian
Amateur Radio Scociety if it is Radio Vatican? We need to get the
appropriate channel(s) working on the mess before contest season.
                                                          John, NT5C.

>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at>  Fri Aug 11 04:44:08 1995
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 12:44:08 +0900
Subject: RUFZ scores(8/11/95)
Message-ID: <199508110344.MAA02953 at>

Hi all

Here is the current RUFZ score standings.

=== RUFZ Score Listing === (last revised 8/11/95)

   40654    W2UP  38 416  7.146600
   38381    N8RR  82 390  6.678800
   36807  KC5NWX   7 367  7.779200 	(=KR0Y)
   34299  DL8WAA     397
   32070    K1AR  20 367  5.647600
   31710  DL3DZZ  19 367  7.180100
   31688    K1DG  24 367  5.530400
   31101  JE1JKL  20 347
   29778    K3WW  24 347  5.567600
   28859  JH0KHR   1 347  6.360500
   27596   KE2PF  44 328  5.580000
   24895    K5ZD  24 328
   24785  SM3OJR  13 328  6.021400
   24267  JH0NZN  27 312  5.771800
   23915    N3RS  23 312  4.683600
   21281   KJ4VH  23 284  4.658000
   21133  JA0FVU  22 284  5.068200
   21116    ND3F   ? 297
   20744  JE1SPY  15 312
   20299    KR2Q  28 284  4.074600
   19076    K1IU  15 271  3.818100

	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
	TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
	Internet: je1cka at

>From kf3p at (Tyler Stewart)  Fri Aug 11 04:52:41 1995
From: kf3p at (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 23:52:41 -0400
Subject: NAQP CW Score
Message-ID: <199508110352.XAA28345 at>

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>From kf3p at (Tyler Stewart)  Fri Aug 11 06:18:08 1995
From: kf3p at (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 01:18:08 -0400
Subject: NAQP CW Score (again)
Message-ID: <199508110518.BAA04548 at>

                      1995 NCJ NORTH AMERICAN QSO PARTY
     Call used: KF3P                                           Location: MD
     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW              Power: 150W
     Exchanged Information: KF3P  TY MD =20
     Hours of Operation: 09:57
     band      QSOs     points    mults
     160         34        34       20
      80         82        82       30
      40        151       151       42
      20        153       153       40
      15         79        79       34
      10         47        47       22
     TOTAL      546       546      188      SCORE: 102,648
     Club or Team Name: Potomac Valley Radio Club #1
     Comments: Terrible Corona and static crashes most of the afternoon.
     Disconnected all the antennas at one point, then took a look outside
     and decided I'd keep going with only the tribanders connected.
     Things gradually cleared up, but should have taken some time off early.
     Unbelievable!  Neighbor calls me at 7PM telling me I'm wiping out his
     VCR and he cant watch the tapes he rented!  I tell him my set is clean,
     my TV is clear, and I'm running low power!  Oh well...
     Took my first break around 11PM...walked upstairs and Laurie is just
     watching the credits on a tape SHE rented.  I ask her "any
     interference"?  No...not a trace.  Goofy.
     An improved score from last time, so I'm moving in the right direction!

     Ran 2 radios: an FT1000 for the band hopper and a TS830 dedicated to
     40 meters (got to get another digital radio!)

     Antennas:  Pair of KT34XA's at 35 and 70 feet for 10-15-20
                40M Inv V beam at 70' - 40M dipole at 45'
                80M Inv V at 100'
                160M 1/4 sloper from 110'

     Other hardware: Top Ten band decoders/ Dunestar 600 bandpass filters
                     Dualing 386 es 486 computers running NA 9.16 linked
                     KF3P RX audio selector system...needs some redesign!

Not sure if this went thru properly the last time, so I repost now.

73, Tyler KF3P

>From Larry Tyree <tree at>  Fri Aug 11 07:00:06 1995
From: Larry Tyree <tree at> (Larry Tyree)
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 23:00:06 -0700
Subject: SprINT results!!
Message-ID: <199508110600.XAA25794 at>


The eighth internet sprint was held on Sunday, the 23rd of July (UTC)
from 0100 to 0300Z on 20 and 40 meters.  Conditions were better than
the last few SprINTs with good signals from most areas of the country
to all other areas of the country.

Twenty meters was open the whole contest, and the second place score
came from a single band 20 meter effort.  This was done by Mike, N0BSH.

Making his first appearance as the winner this time was Randy, K5ZD.
Randy pulled away near the end of the contest with some hot two radio
operating.  He ended up 2 QSOs ahead of N0BSH and three QSOs ahead of
N6TR who had his winning streak of six victories snapped.

The highest perfect score (and the only one at that) was obtained by
Steve, W5KI, with 30 QSOs.  

Activity seemed to be up for the contest.  The numbers bare this out
with nearly a new high in the total QSOs found, and a record number of
callsigns found.  Having the bands open to all parts of the country
help make it sound like more people are on as well.

John Zapisek worked long and hard to bring the name traces up to 
80 percent.  There were a few missing logs which made this harder 
than it has been in the past.  

The proposed date for the next SprINT is Thursday, Dec 28th UTC
(Wednesday local time) at 0100Z on 40 and 80 meters.  

Now over to John for the results:

    Date          9507  9504  9501  9407  9404  9401  9310  9305
    Logs Sub'd      33    32    29    45    29    30    26    29
    Calls Found     82    50    64    88    54    55    47    74

    20m QSOs      2871   967     0  3258  1457  2170  1552  2471
    40m QSOs       587  1629  2115   247  1081   758   574     2
    80m QSOs         0     0   619     0     0     0     0     0
    QSOs NoMatch   498   328   348   461   144   156   214   391
    QSOs Matched  2970  2268  2386  3044  2394  2772  1912  2082
    Total QSOs    3458  2596  2734  3505  2538  2928  2126  2473
    Pct. Matched  85.9  87.4  87.3  86.8  94.3  94.7  89.9  84.2

                           SCORE LISTINGS

#OK  = your score
#NG  = contacts not credited
RXNG = you busted the call/number/name/qth of the station you worked
TXNG = the station you worked busted your call/number/name/qth
DUPE = you worked the same station within 3 previous non-dupes
BCHG = total number of band changes

CALL        #OK  #NG RXNG TXNG DUPE BCHG ACC'Y (each * is 1% over 80%)
k5zd        174    8    2    6    0   18  95.6 ***************
n0bsh       172    7    0    7    0    0  96.1 ****************
n6tr        171    9    1    8    0    7  95.0 ***************
n6tv        164    7    2    5    0    5  95.9 ***************
k4pql       156    6    1    4    1    3  96.3 ****************
k6ll        152    6    1    4    1    8  96.2 ****************
n6zz        142   14    1   13    0    4  91.0 ***********
k7sv        136   12    7    6    0    3  91.9 ***********
n2aa        135    4    2    2    0    2  97.1 *****************
k1dg        135    5    2    3    0    2  96.4 ****************
wa2srq      133    8    3    4    1    3  94.3 **************
w9wi        131    4    2    1    1    7  97.0 *****************
n7lox       125    5    3    2    0    2  96.2 ****************
k2tw        123    2    0    2    0    1  98.4 ******************
wq5l        122   10    3    7    0    2  92.4 ************
k2mm        119    8    5    3    0    3  93.7 *************
nc6u         95   10   10    0    0    6  90.5 **********
nd3f         95   22   14    5    5    4  81.2 *
wi2e         85    7    2    5    0    1  92.4 ************
ab1t         83   13    3    9    1    1  86.5 ******
wn3k         74   14   12    1    1    4  84.1 ****
w5asp        65    7    3    4    1    0  90.3 **********
k7gm         59    2    1    1    0    3  96.7 ****************
na4k         54    7    6    1    0    1  88.5 ********
k9ma         54   10    8    2    0    0  84.4 ****
ae2t         47    2    2    0    0    2  95.9 ***************
ae0m         47    8    2    6    0    7  85.5 *****
k8mr         46    8    4    4    0    7  85.2 *****
wt3h         36    4    3    1    0    1  90.0 **********
w5ki         30    0    0    0    0    3 100.0 ********************
n4tqo        27    4    1    3    0    1  87.1 *******
we9v         26    5    4    1    0    0  83.9 ***
ad6e          5    2    2    0    0    0  71.4 
k0ej        -23   23    0    0    0    0   0.0 No Log
wd9ggy      -34   34    0    0    0    0   0.0 No Log
aa2gs       -37   37    0    0    0    0   0.0 No Log
w5nn        -37   37    0    0    0    0   0.0 No Log
n8na        -59   59    0    0    0    0   0.0 No Log
wa8yvr      -67   67    0    0    0    0   0.0 No Log
w2gd      -1092 1092    0    0    0    0   0.0 No Log, QRO penalty

#OK + #NG is the raw claimed score.  #NG is the number of busted contacts.
Some contacts may be busted for more than one reason, so RXNG + TXNG + DUPE
may be greater than #NG.  Stations making more than 20 QSOs that did not
submit a log were penalized one point per unreported QSO!

All entrants' graded logs are being returned to them via e-mail.  Further,
all these logs are available via FTP.  The FTP site is
(  Look in directory /pub/k2mm/int for file
(YYMM=9507).  Also look for past results write-ups in files


The record for the most QSOs with 100% accuracy was broken again, this time
by Steve/W5KI with 30 Qs.  The previous holder, K2MM with 28, was reported
to have gone into seclusion to salve his wounds and plot his comeback!

> [Steve/W5KI]  If I could only hear better, and be heard, this [log] would
> be longer than one page.

But then you might have missed your chance at fame and acclaim.  Seems like
you were copying everything you heard FB.  Congratulations, Steve!


This running produced a photo finish, just like last time.  Randy/K5ZD
overcame a 7-Q lead by Tree/N6TR to narrowly beat both him and Mike/N0BSH.

The x-axis for this graph is a constant rate of 170 QSOs per two hours.
Each line above/below the x-axis is one valid QSO more/less than that rate.
(Gee, this three-way horse-race graph sure looks busy.  Bzzzt!)

    Call:  K5ZD  N0BSH  N6TR  (tie)
    Sign:    z     b      t     #

    0100      0110      0120      0130      0140      0150      0200
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    |         |    t    |         |         |         |   ttt   t  89
    |  b b    t  tt tt  |         |         |         |t t   tt |
    bbb b b###|t# b   t |         |         |        bbb#zzzz bt|
    tt tttt   bb b b   t|    ttttt|t  t  # t#t t##  b t zb bbb  b  86
    zzt-------+---------tt#tt--b-bt-tt-t#-tb+b#b--#btt+---b--zz#z  85
    |      zz |  z  b#b bb bbbb b bbb bb  b |      t z|z        |
    | zzzzz   z   zz  zb|         |  b      |       z z         |
    |        z|zz   z  zz         |      zzz|zzzzzzz  |         |
    |         |         |    zzz  |zzzzzz   z         |         |
    |         |         |zz       z         |         |         |
    |         |         |  zz   zz|         |         |         |
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |

    0200      0210      0220      0230      0240      0250      0300
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    |         |         |         |         |        t|     #   |
    |         |         |    t    |      b  |     ttt |ttt z zzz|
    t         |         |   t     |z  b bzbb|t t##z z##z btt tt z 174
    |t t     bb      tt#t t  ztt  |##zzb t######bbbzb zb#z# bbbb|
    | tbtbbbb |bt#tttb  #t t# zb ## bbtz#   |      b  |    b   tb 172
    b#bzbttt#zz bz bbzb |### bbz#b|  t t    |         |         t 171
    z-----zz-tttz-bzz-zz+---------+---------+---------+---------+ 170
    | z z     |z  z     |         |         |         |         |
    |    z    |         |         |         |         |         |
    |         |         |         |         |         |         |


It's interesting that the top two finishers had respectively the most and
the least number of band changes.  Randy's log showed 18 changes -- more
than twice as many as next-nearest Dave/K6LL with eight.  Tree changed
bands only seven times, and second-place Mike stayed put on 20 meters!

> [Mike/N0BSH]  Hope I wasn't required to make QSOs on both bands.  20 was
> great -- short and long skip and loud signals!  40 was QRN city -- never
> even listened there, though the antennas were ready to go.

> [Dave/K6LL]  I tried to make this another two radio training exercise,
> but 40 was really noisy.  Could have made a lot better score without the
> "training."

> [Randy/K5ZD]  My first use of two radios on a Sprint type contest.  Now I
> see why those guys are winning.  Look for me to do it again.


> [Ray/WQ5L]  Thirty minutes into it, I realize I've been working 20 with
> the tuner set for 40. . . .  Blunder #2: just *having* to try to get
> something going on 40 when the propagation clearly favored 20.  Goodbye
> Top Ten, was nice to meet you!

> [Kevin/NC6U]  40 was the pits, 20 was great.  First time on; took a little
> getting used to the rapid format, but, after a while, I started to get a
> rhythm.

> [Randy/K5ZD]  Wow!  What fun.  Short skip on 20 made every area of the
> country available all the time.

> [Gene/N2AA]  This was, as usual, a very good time.  My 40 Meter antenna is
> pretty lousy, and I only had a few Qs there.  20 was not bad, but lots of
> noise around here.

> [Scott/K9MA]  Late start due to lightning.  Bad rain static for rest.
> (I'm not deaf, really!)


> [Steve/N4TQO]  Great to hear lots of new participants and some of the
> early SprINTers who came back for this session.

> [Al/AD6E]  I don't know the rules for scoring but it must be an all-time
> new low for me.  Let me know so I can add to (or subtract from) my 5-Meg
> total.

The NCCC has an award given to members who have accumulated 5 million points
in contest submissions.  Al made 7 Qs and busted 2, so now he can add 5
points to his 5-Meg-Award total!

> [Howie/K4PQL]  John/MM had a better signal this time -- perhaps better
> than TR.

It was a lot of fun operating this time from the QTH of Al Elge, AG6D.  Al's
TS-930 runs a full 150 W, and the KT-34XA and 40-2CD really play.

> [Doug/W9WI]  This contest is fantastic fun!  Keep up the good work!

> [Doug/K1DG]  I was on the phone with a guy who told me he only made about
> 20 Qs, including me.  He admitted he didn't copy my name, and since he
> wasn't serious, he didn't bother asking for a fill.  I won't say who he
> is, but he's losing his intensity as he pushes closer to his 40th birthday
> this coming weekend.  Perhaps he won't send in his log, and I'll be OK.

He didn't, and you are.  BTW, did anybody at John/K1AR's party get him some
new telephone books for his birthday?

> [Chad/WE9V]  The only thing I don't like about sending in my log is that
> other people get busted by MY mistakes.

> [Larry/K7SV]  Finally got the hang of it....kind of! LOTSA FUN!


> [Doug/K1DG]  I noticed the reminder Saturday on packet about the SprINT,
> and decided I needed a contest "fix".  Two hours seemed about right.

> [Tree/N6TR]  While getting warmed up for the internet sprint, I was
> listening to a tape of a previous sprint in the car while picking up
> Chinese take out before the contest.

> [Ed/WA2SRQ]  I sent John [W2GD] a packet message a few hours before the
> sprint, giving him the basics, and asked him to get on if he wasn't busy,
> which he did.  I forgot to tell him about the power restriction and he was
> qro, so that was my fault.

John's not the first to mistakenly run QRO in the SprINT by any stretch.
Tell him he's in good company!  And tell him we still want his log!

> [Doug/K1DG]  When I worked K5ZD on 20, I was *very* weak and he missed my
> number.  Since it was my freq to take, about 5 guys pounced on me when I
> signed my call.  This obliterated any hint of an "r" from Randy.  So I had
> everyone hang on while I asked "ZD? OK?", and got his request for a fill.

> [Jim/K8MR]  I noticed getting beat out more than once by the same guy
> while calling the same station.  Is there now enough activity that the
> 3 qsos between dupes might properly increased to 4 or 5?

I've wondered about that.  When Tree first announced that rule, he said he
thought it might only be temporary -- until activity picked up.  But the
contest has been working so well just the way it is. . . .  How about it,
SprINT'ers?  How many of you feel the number of inter-dupe QSOs should be


> [Al/AE2T]  I was out doing some last minute work on a 40m antenna.  I
> shouldn't have bothered, I only made one QSO there. . . .  Someday I'll
> be ready for a contest _before_ it starts!

> [Tony/AE0M]  I put up a better antenna for 20m, but still couldn't CQ.

> [Steve/N4TQO]  This was a heartbreaker - no antennas. . . .  My trusty
> dipole decided to stop working on 20M.  This made for total misery:
> listening to tons of good signals on 20 and not being able to work anyone
> (well, 5 contacts in an hour).

> [Pat/WA8YVR]  I don't even have a ham shack in my new house yet.  Contacts
> were made in the laundry room using a 40 meter dipole on 20 meters for the
> most part.

> [Rick/K7GM]  Got a 135 foot center-fed up the week before the contest.
> Only did so-so on 20 (as would be expected) but seemed to work ok on 40.

> [Bob/WN3K]   Storm had trashed antenna but it seemed to load anyway.  Went
> to fix the next AM, and wound up cutting down tower completely.

> [Not N4BO]  Nope, not one Q.  I looked at my bent tower and got depressed
> since the next day it would be sold and there would just be a bare
> concrete patio left.


Here's my favorite name trace this running:

 w5nn     1 poky       =====k7sv=
 nc6u     5 potty      ===n0bsh=
 k5zd    14 gotty      ==n0bsh=
 wi2e    11 phil       ============-====na4k-w5nn=
 nd3f    34 poky       ====-===========-===-=====n0bsh=
 wa2srq  71 goky       ==wq5l=
 k2mm    69 gody       ======-======k5zd=
 nd3f    76 kay        ====-=====-==nc6u-aa2gs=
 w5asp   50 gene       =====n6tv=
 n2aa   108 doug       ======-==========-==n4tqo.

> [Jim/K8MR]  The name Tex came as a salute to our horny friend south of the
> border, AA6RX.  Hoped to be able to hear him send NR __ TEX MEX.  After a
> few beers before dinner and a few glasses of wine with, perhaps I should
> have sent MAL OH  :-)  

 k8mr     1 tex        =-===-========-===========-========-=====
 . . .      tex        =================n6tr-k1ag#
 nc6u    90 bill       =nd3f-kt3y?

Last time, Mal/W5XX sent MAL to everybody.  Mal got on this time, too.  He
made seven Qs -- numbered 50 through 56 -- and passed the names along FB.

Hmmm.  I wonder how much CORNO's absence contributed to this running's
higher rates and scores.  Callsigns must've averaged at least 10% shorter!

> [Brian/ND3F]  Didn't get the "rhythm" of the contest til about 0230 --
> about the time the band faded to west. . . .  I never saw my name after
> the first QSO, so I assume it got busted early.

 nd3f     1 brian      =============n6tv=
 ad6e     4 sultan     -=======-===========-=-=======-?-========
 . . .      sultan     ===-?-===-====-====-=======-====-=====-=na4k.

> [Randy/K5ZD]  Why the name Roozer?  I asked my son what he would suggest.
> He immediately replied, "Needleroozer!"  It was the name of a porcupine.
> You should be happy that I used the short form in spite of his urgings
> otherwise.

 k5zd     1 roozer     =================-===k1dg-wd9ggy=
 k7sv    20 rooz       ===========-=-===================-===-=ae0m-k0cl=
 n6tv   161 larry      =============-=k6ll-n8na?

A porcupine?  Wrong contest, Randy.  You must be dreaming of operating as a
rover in the VHF test!

BTW, the longest name in the contest was POCAHONTAS, Tree's starting name.
See how long it lasted?

 n6tr     1 pocahontas =ae0m=
 nd3f     7 bob        =====-======-?-==-=======================
 . . .      bob        ========================-=-===-?-=======-
 . . .      bob        ?-=====-==-====-===-=-==-?-====wi2e-w1ng?

> [Dave/K6LL]  I sent KAY for the name, instead of WN3KAY, which I received
> on qso #2, and which of course TRLog interpreted as a call update from
> WN3K to WN3KAY, screwing things up royally.  I'll try to return the favor
> sometime, Bob.

 wn3k     1 wn3kay     =k6ll
 k6ll     3 kay        ======-======================-=====-=====
 . . .      kay        ====-======n6zz-n8na?

> [Bob/N6TV]  Used TRlog for the first time Saturday evening.  The program
> works well for Sprint-type contests; I can see how it can give you an
> advantage.

Now that didn't hurt too much, did it, Bob?

> [Joe/W5ASP]  Yes, I finally got back on after missing the past several
> events.  I managed to leave both the rules and the N6TR configuration
> file in Houston.  So I wasn't sure of date, time, freq., and I spent what
> little time I had doing the config file on the fly... nasty business!

You might not need as much of a configuration file as you think.  Tree has
updated TR-Log's default messages and settings for the Internet SprINT.
A bare-bones LOGCFG.DAT might be all you need!


This running had a large number of missing logs, which resulted in the
lowest match percentage since the very first running.  The quality of the
name traces has suffered from that -- the coverage of the following listing
is only about 80% instead of the usual 98 to 99%.

For an explanation of the symbols, see the Reader's Guide to SprINT Name
Traces at the end of this report.  Enjoy.

 aa2gs    1 al         ========-=-=====ad6e.

 ad6e     1 al         =======-=========-================wa2srq-wa8yvr?

 ae2t     1 al         =-======n6tr-w2gd?

 yt7ar    1 alek       ====k7gm=
 wn3k    55 alec       =
 ab1t    60 alek       =======k7sv=
 nd3f    82 al         ==-====-====w9wi-k9uiy#

 k1ag     1 bill       ==k6ll
 k6ll   133 pete       =========k9ma-kb2qcy#
 n0bsh  165 mike       =====-======k9ma.

 km9p     1 bill       ==-===-===-==nc6u.

 n6tv     1 bob        =========k6ll=
 k7sv    15 boby       =
 k1dg    14 bob        ====-========-=-==================k8mr-n6ulu?

 wt3h     5 bob        *===-=====-=-===-?-==========-======-====
 . . .      bob        ==============na4k-k0ej?

 n7lox    1 brian      -=======-==-====================k1dg-k1ar?

 aa6kx    1 bruce      =====n6zz-wa8yvr?

 k2mm     1 buster     ==n6tv=
 n6zz     3 butter     =====================================-===
 . . .      butter     -=-======w5asp-wa8yvr?

 w2ezb    1 chas       ======k4pql-w5nn?

 k6ll     1 dave       =====-=wt3h+wn3k

 wt3h     1 dave       =========k6ll=
 wn3k     6 doug       =================-=========-==nd3f-k4ewg#

 k6lrn    1 dick       ====-===-==-==================-?-======-=
 . . .      dick       ========-=-==========k6ll-w4tnf#
 w5asp   60 jim        ======-===-=nd3f.

 n4tqo    1 dorn       ===-========-===========-====k5zd=
 w5asp   16 doug       ===w5asp+k7sv

 ab1t     1 doug       ===-==========-=======-==================
 . . .      doug       ======-============-=k4pql-n6ulu=
 k8mr     9 goug       =wq5l=
 n7lox   68 doug       ===-=-=-=====-==-=======-=====-==k7sv-nj9c?

 k1dg     1 doug       ================-========================
 . . .      doug       =======-========n6zz-k6lrn?

 w9wi     1 doug       ===========ae0m+nc6u

 wa2srq   1 ed         ================-==========================k1dg=we9v?

 n2aa     1 gene       ===========-==-====-==========-==========
 . . .      gene       ==-=======-===-===-=====n6zz=
 wn3k    63 doug       ==========================n6tv-k0cl=
 w9wi   126 larry      -aa2gs=
 k7gm    60 bob        =w5ki.

 k4pql    1 howie      ====================-?-============-==ab1t=
 we9v    28 sowin      =k5zd-vk4tt#

 ae0m     7 howie      *==-===========-===wq5l-w0hep#

 w0hz     1 jack       ========-====-=-===========-====-====-===
 . . .      jack       ==========-=-==-====wq5l.

 w5asp    1 joe        ======k2tw+k6ll

 wi2e     1 joe        =========================================
 . . .      joe        ======-====-==n7lox-w9hi#

 w5xx    50 joe        ============-========nc6u-kb2qcy#
 k6ll   136 mike       ===nc6u-k1ag#
 w5asp   59 bill       -w4tnf#

 n0bsh   60 joe        *===k4pql-n2ckz#

 k1ar     1 john       =n6zz=
 nc6u    30 rich       =======w9wi-k4ewg#

 nj9c     1 john       =k7sv-k9uiy#
 k1dg    85 vic        ===-=====k5zd-w2gd?

 w2gd     1 john       ============================-=======-===-
 . . .      john       =-====n7lox-k9uey?

 wd9ggy   1 joker      ===-===k2mm-aa2gs=
 nc6u    15 joyce      ====wq5l-w5nn?

 n8na     1 karl       =====n2aa=
 k2mm    65 steve      =-====-=======-=============k5zd-k9uiy#
 k7sv   136 vic        ====-====n6tr.

 wa2srq  52 kay        *===========-=wa2srq-vk4tt#
 k5zd    88 keith      =======-=======-===wa2srq=
 n2aa    88 kieth      ==nd3f=
 k7sv   100 keith      ====ab1t-w2gd?

 vk4tt    1 keith      ====k7gm-w2ezb?

 w1ng     1 ken        ==-==k7gm-w1ng?

 nc6u     1 kevin      ==-====we9v-k0zx?

 k0cl     1 larry      ================k2mm
 k2mm    86 gene       ================-==-=====-==-===-=====-====k1dg.

 k7sv     1 larry      ==========-===============-==============
 . . .      larry      -===-====-====-==-==k7sv-n8na?

 w2gd    46 larry      =======n4tqo=
 na4k    45 phil       ====-=====-====-===-================w5asp-wa0i#
 n2aa   128 randy      -km9p=
 wq5l   126 ralph      ==k2mm-w1ng?

 w6hal    1 lee        =======-====nd3f-wb5hal?

 k0ej     1 mark       ==-==================k6ll-kb2qcy#
 w9wi   119 mike       =n6tr-kb2qcy#

 kb2qcy   1 mike       ====wa2srq-w2gd?

 k2tw     1 mystic     ============-=-=====================k5zd-w9hi#
 n7lox   55 stu        =-=============k7gm-wa8yvr?

 wa8yvr   1 pat        =============-=-=====k7gm-yt7ar?

 k4ewg    5 pete       =nd3f=
 we9v    15 pene       =
 k2mm    40 phil       -=======-=====================-=========-
 . . .      phil       ======-=====-===wn3k-aa2gs?

 kt3y     1 phil       =-===ab1t=
 k7sv   137 rich       ==k2tw-k9uiy#

 n6zz     1 phil       =-=======-===-=========-====-============
 . . .      phil       ====-============-=-=====nd3f=
 k9ma     8 rich       ====-===============-===-?-=====-=====-?-
 . . .      rich       =-=-========w5asp.

 k0zx     1 rich       ==-=========-=========-=======-========-=
 . . .      rich       ==-==-=-========k5zd-w6hal#
 n6tr   155 lee        =======w5asp-k1ag#

 k7gm     1 rick       =============wq5l=
 k8mr    10 reck       -wd9ggy=
 k2tw    66 rick       -=============k8mr=
 k9ma    24 rich       -=-=-=-===-==-=k8mr=
 k4pql  130 eric       -k9uiy=
 w9wi   109 phil       ==ab1t-k9uiy#

 wq5l     1 rock       ======-===n0bsh=
 wa2srq  11 nock       ====-====-=====-============k6ll-w0hep#
 wq5l    35 rich       ===-===============-======n6tr=
 k8mr    16 rick       =
 k9ma    16 rich       ========================-=======ae0m=
 wq5l   107 doug       =-=====-=-==n6zz=
 k9ma    57 mike       =
 w5asp   63 doug       =======wn3k-k0ej?

 k9ma     1 scott      -=======================================k8mr-wa8yvr?

 n6ulu    1 stan       ==-====-=-======-=======================-
 . . .      stan       =======-=k6ll.

 na4k     1 steve      =-====================-==-==-=====n6zz=
 nc6u    34 kay        ==-==n6tr=
 na4k    32 joe        -k1ar=
 k2mm    54 kay        =ae0m-vk4tt#
 wa2srq  66 keith      =-==we9v.

 w5ki     1 steve      ================================-=-======
 . . .      steve      ===-=-==-=-===================-======n4tqo+ab1t

 w9hi     1 stu        =======================-==-====n6tv-w5xx=
 k7gm    31 vic        ========-=====-===k7gm-w2gd?

 n0bsh    1 sultan     ====================-============-=======
 . . .      sultan     ==========================-==============
 . . .      sultan     ==========-=============w9wi-kb2qcy#

 we9v     1 sultan     ==========-==-===========================
 . . .      sultan     =-===-=-=====-====-==k4pql=
 k9ma    13 larry      =-==-==========-===========wn3k-n8na?

 n2ckz    1 todd       ===========ae2t-k1ar?

 ae0m     1 tony       ==================-======================
 . . .      tony       =-=========================-==wi2e-k0ej?

 k9uiy    1 vic        ==========n0bsh-w5xx=
 n6tv   124 van        ===-========-=====n0bsh-kt3y=
 wq5l   119 jim        -=n2aa-wa0i#

 k0ej     8 vic        =======n6zz-wa8yvr=
 k4pql  138 phil       ==============wa2srq.


 wa1mug   1 john    ==w1ua=
 kz4h     8 jon     ===-===w6go.

WA1MUG started with the name John.  The first station he worked got the name
OK, then passed it to W1UA.  The name John showed up OK in all three logs.

W1UA then worked KZ4H who recorded Jon in his log.  Either W1UA mis-sent the
name or KZ4H mis-copied or mis-logged the name on his QSO #7.  KZ4H then
passed Jon along to the next station he worked with his QSO #8.

Jon survived until W6GO copied it on his last QSO.  It showed up in the logs
of all stations in between, except for one station who did not send one in.

 wb2oeu   1 fred    =====-=====-=====wb2rkk-wb2woi=
 wa2uwa  17 stinky  -===-========-?-=========wa2eah-wa2ccf?

WB2OEU started with Fred which showed up OK in WB2RKK's log.  RKK then
worked WB2WOI who did not send in a log.  But WOI's next QSO# was found in
WA2UWA's log, and UWA recorded Stinky.  The error may have occurred anywhere
between RKK sending and UWA receiving.

UWA then passed Stinky with his QSO #17, and Stinky eventually made it into
WA2EAH's enormous log.  EAH then worked WA2CCF, who did not send in a log,
and the trace was lost.  Along the way, the name passed through at least two
consecutive stations who did not send in logs.  This made manual suturing of
the traces necessary.

 k2kir    1 howie   =========wa2spl=
 w2mta      sowie
 w2mta   20 bill    =========w2fr
 w2fr    30 dill    =========wb2drw.

K2KIR started with Howie.  WA2SPL said he copied and sent Howie, but W2MTA
said he copied Sowie.  MTA's log also said he found Sowie offensive, so he
changed it to Bill before sending it with his QSO #20.  W2FR copied Bill OK,
but his log said he's always had trouble sending Bill, so he changed it to
Dill before passing it on with his #30.

 k1znd   12 dave    *========wa1hco-wa1iqj#
 wa1pid  73 don     ==========================wb2fzo+k2eiu/5

K1ZND worked someone on his QSO #11 who sent him Dave -- or so he thought.
The other station didn't think the QSO complete, and so continued by sending
Dave on his next QSO without putting ZND in his log.  Meanwhile, ZND
blissfully passed on the freshly cloned Dave with his #12.

Dave made it OK to WA1HCO who passed it to WA1IQJ.  But IQJ was cluelessly
sending Don to everybody, including the next station he worked, WA1PID.
This Don survived until he got to WB2FZO.  FZO thought he passed Don to
K2EIU/5, but EIU was really working someone else, so Don fell on the floor.

######## END

>From yvk at (John KE7V)  Fri Aug 11 08:27:44 1995
From: yvk at (John KE7V) (John KE7V)
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 00:27:44 -0700
Subject: Another marriage
Message-ID: <199508110727.AAA00952 at>

Yuri UA9OPA from Novosobirsk is getting hitched tommorrow in Seattle.
 His beautiful fiancee Tanya also from Novosobirsk has been here for
about a month and adapting just fine thank you. It promises to be an event 
never seen in these parts as I will be the best man and my dear wife Yana
aka UA0AYL the maid of honor. I promise not to drink to much Vodka because
I heard it kills brain cells or something like that! We plan to load up the 
Space needle as thats where the dinner party will be so you all can be part
of the festivities. We should have a fairly good signal on 160!!! 
    73's Johnny KE7V

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