K3ZO's "don't ask first" philosophy

K8DO at aol.com K8DO at aol.com
Tue Aug 15 12:45:11 EDT 1995

Hi Ed... 
Regarding the ballon vertical.... Any radials? ... Details on the launch
system, balloon, feed system, wire type, etc...  Come on.... don't be a
tease....Give us a post on this...

Regarding Fred's 'don't ask'... His philosophy has been much
misquoted/misunderstood... I happen to know that he is a courteous op when
looking for a new run freq, and should be emulated.... especially by the
misguided types who try to take my freq... :>)   
You need an operating philosophy for those situations... I favor "The Breath
of the Dragon"...  ;>{}

Denny   k8do at aol.com

>From Sig <0006481603 at mcimail.com>  Tue Aug 15 17:05:00 1995
From: Sig <0006481603 at mcimail.com> (Sig)
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 95 11:05 EST
Message-ID: <73950815160537/0006481603PK2EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

The M/S effort of N3RD in the WAE CW Contest was a two man operation at the
N3RS station.  Op's were N3RD and N3RS.  The summary sheet and Band Breakdown
  BAND       QSO's      QTC's      CTY's      MULT's
   80        156        156         28         112
   40        506        502         38         114
   20        779        777         45          90
   15         79         79         22          44
Total's     1520       1514        133         360
   Score = 1,091,160 points
HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  
   0    .....     3/3     76/23    27/12    .....    .....   106/38  106/38 
   1      .      32/12     8/1       .        .        .      40/13  146/51 
   2      .      33/2     35/4       .        .        .      68/6   214/57 
   3      .      27/2     12/1       .        .        .      39/3   253/60 
   4      .       6/0     45/3       .        .        .      51/3   304/63 
   5      .       1/1     55/2       .        .        .      56/3   360/66 
   6      .        .      49/1       .        .        .      49/1   409/67 
   7      .        .      25/1       .        .        .      25/1   434/68 
   8    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....  434/68 
   9      .        .        .       6/3       .        .       6/3   440/71 
  10      .        .        .      94/11      .        .      94/11  534/82 
  11      .        .        .      94/4       .        .      94/4   628/86 
  12      .        .        .      27/1     33/9       .      60/10  688/96 
  13      .        .        .      27/4     17/3       .      44/7   732/103
  14      .        .        .      17/0     10/3       .      27/3   759/106
  15      .        .        .      35/3      1/1       .      36/4   795/110
  16    .....    .....    .....    23/0     .....    .....    23/0   818/110
  17      .        .        .      24/0      2/2       .      26/2   844/112
  18      .        .        .      45/1       .        .      45/1   889/113
  19      .        .        .      33/0       .        .      33/0   922/113
  20      .        .        .      44/0       .        .      44/0   966/113
  21      .        .        .      47/0       .        .      47/0  1013/113
  22      .        .      29/0     12/1       .        .      41/1  1054/114
  23      .        .      47/0      2/0       .        .      49/0  1103/114
   0    .....     1/1     13/1     .....    .....    .....    14/2  1117/116
   1      .      31/5      2/1       .        .        .      33/6  1150/122
   2      .      12/1      8/0       .        .        .      20/1  1170/123
   3      .        .      13/0       .        .        .      13/0  1183/123
   4      .       6/1     19/0       .        .        .      25/1  1208/124
   5      .       4/0     22/0       .        .        .      26/0  1234/124
   6      .        .      11/0       .        .        .      11/0  1245/124
   7      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   1245/124
   8    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    .....    ..... 1245/124
   9      .        .        .       1/0       .        .       1/0  1246/124
  10      .        .        .      19/1       .        .      19/1  1265/125
  11      .        .        .      24/1       .        .      24/1  1289/126
  12      .        .        .      23/1       .        .      23/1  1312/127
  13      .        .        .      14/0       .        .      14/0  1326/127
  14      .        .        .      13/0       .        .      13/0  1339/127
  15      .        .        .       9/0      8/0       .      17/0  1356/127
  16    .....    .....    .....    16/0      3/0     .....    19/0  1375/127
  17      .        .        .      14/0      4/3       .      18/3  1393/130
  18      .        .        .      24/0      1/1       .      25/1  1418/131
  19      .        .        .      22/1       .        .      22/1  1440/132
  20      .        .        .      25/0       .        .      25/0  1465/132
  21      .        .       2/0     18/1       .        .      20/1  1485/133
  22      .        .      20/0       .        .        .      20/0  1505/133
  23      .        .      15/0       .        .        .      15/0  1520/133
DAY1    .....   102/20   381/36   557/40    63/18    .....    ..... 1103/114
DAY2      .      54/8    125/2    222/5     16/4       .        .    417/19 
TOT       .     156/28   506/38   779/45    79/22      .        .   1520/133
Station details and random reflections:
This was the first time all of the stacks were up and running.  The poor con-
ditions didn't help, but they seem to have worked well.
80M   Force-12 EF-180A dipole at 140 ft.  
         Developed an intermittent on Saturday and was nearly useless that 
40M   Old faithful 3 element HyGain 403B Long John at 140 ft.  
         Still suffering from that blasted noise generator that cruds up 40M, 
         but I assume all had to put up with that.
20M   Three stack of homebrew 5 element yagis on 36 ft booms @ 117/77/37 feet.
         In general, the three stack combo was best for most of the time but
         in the early afternoon Dave found that the lower two yagis seemed a
         slight bit better on most stations.  Never observed the high two or
         any of the single yagis as being the best.
15M   Three stack of homebrew 4 element yagis on 30 ft booms @ 130/87/46 feet.
         15 meters was very spotty.  Was able to run a few stations from 1230Z
         till around 1315Z on Saturday.  Sunday had only a brief period (1530Z
         till 1615) when we could get answers on 15M.  The last QSO made on 
         this band occurred at 1751Z(Sat) and 1801Z(Sun).
We tried to keep the station going the full time, but had several hours when 
we could not hear/work any europeans.  We also had to shut down on the second 
evening for 30 minutes as a thunderstorm passed by. Strangely, we suffered sev-
ere static on the 40M beam (50 dB over S-9) prior to any rain falling.  The 
wind was whipping up & was apparently charged enough to cause what sounded like
rain static.  By using the lower two 20M beams we were able to work a few sta-
tions during this pre-rainfall period.
Congrats to KC1XX, Ken and LZ1SA and the K1EA super-station for another great 
job.  Some day one of their towers is going to fall down and we will finally 
beat them - or will we???
73 de Sig, N3RS
6481602 at MCIMail.com

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu  Tue Aug 15 17:46:07 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 09:46:07 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: K3ZO's "don't ask first" philosophy
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9508150906.A4778-a100000 at bach.seattleu.edu>

> You need an operating philosophy for those situations... I favor "The Breath
> of the Dragon"...  ;>{}
> Denny   k8do at aol.com

Gee, I always have "Breath of the Dragon" come Sunday afternoon, but it
doesn't seem to help!  If I'm bad in this life, I'll come back as a
contester's microphone, I guess...

   -.-. --.-  -.-. --.-  -.-. --.-  -.. .  -. ----- .- -..- -..-. --...
   |  ----    ---------   o o o o |
   | |  / |  | N 0 A X |  o o o o |  "I don't know why they call it
   |  ----    ---------           |   wireless...I've never seen so
   |    () ()   /^^^\   () () ()  |   many wires in all my life!"
   | O  o o o  (o    )  () () ()  |       From the 1920's and
   | O  o o o   \___/   o o o o o |        never more true!
     \_/ H. Ward Silver, N0AX \_/
        hwardsil at seattleu.edu

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu  Tue Aug 15 17:52:57 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 09:52:57 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: A3S Biting Partial Dust
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9508150957.D4778-a100000 at bach.seattleu.edu>

Anybody have an email address for CushCraft Cushtomer Service or secret
knowledge of how to check the traps on an A3S?  I apparently damaged it
during Field Day (see, it IS contest related) and now have a lossy, wide
bandwidth SWR curve on 20 (too wide, too quiet), SWR greater than 2 on 15
over the whole band, but 10 seems OK.  Sounds to me like the outer trap or
traps are shot on one of the elements.  Tips on resonant frequency, etc.
would be most appreciated.

73, Ward N0AX

What do I need 15 for, anyway?

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu  Tue Aug 15 17:58:19 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 09:58:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: WAE...Wuzzat?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9508150919.F4778-9100000 at bach.seattleu.edu>

Was there a DX contest last weekend?  I thought it was the East Coast -
European QSO Party ;-)  I worked, maybe, 20 guys on 20-meters, sent one
QTC.  That was it from the Left Coast, guys!  Heard ZC4C calling without
response...sigh...but no luck getting in a quick Q ;-)  Someday the
swallows will return to Capistrano and the sunspots to the middle latitudes.

73, Ward N0AX

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