
K8DO at aol.com K8DO at aol.com
Fri Aug 18 15:05:32 EDT 1995

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Can anyone on the server help Frits... I don't have a spec sheet on 572B4...


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Subj:	572B4s
Date:	95-08-18 03:27:11 EDT
From:	Frits.Jensen at mch.sni.de (Frits Jensen)
To:	K8DO at aol.com

Hi Denny

You wrote, that the russian tubes from Svetlana is very good, and a catal=
og =

=2E.... and so on.

Is it possible for you just to look into your catalog and give me the =

physical messurements on their 572B4s?. I have heard, that they are sligt=
ly =

bigger than the original tubes, and that some folks have had a heck of a =

to built them in to a FL2000 Yeasu amp. Excellent will be a fax with the =

of course (0049 89 636 47729).

In advance thank you very much, and have a nice day

Vy 73 de DL4MHU Frits in Munich

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=46rom Frits.Jensen at mch.sni.de  Fri Aug 18 03:26:20 1995
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To: K8DO at aol.com
From: Frits.Jensen at mch.sni.de (Frits Jensen)
Subject: 572B4s
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 09:24:31 LOCAL
Message-Id: <jensen.31.001A5C44 at horus.mch.sni.de>


>From Marijan Miletic <s56a at ljutcp.hamradio.si>  Fri Aug 18 19:04:36 1995
From: Marijan Miletic <s56a at ljutcp.hamradio.si> (Marijan Miletic)
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 95 18:04:36 UTC
Subject: DSP power
Message-ID: <73690 at ljutcp.hamradio.si>

Hi Ward, thanks for interesting comments on DSP!  It seems to me from AA4LR 2nd
posting that he is NOT aware of harmonic sampling so I sent him private email!
Rohde & Schwarz RX has "all you always wanted but never dared to ask" but the
price is around 10 k$!  I put arbitrary >100 dB figure as oscilator noise
rarely permits more that 70 dB of effective attenuation (shielding is assumed
to be done right).  As the rule of the tumb I remember Collins numbers for SSB
FIR with 64 taps, 16 biys coeff gives >60 dB out of band rejection.  Floating
point DSP may help with coeff, more bits in A/D also but no quanifying idea!
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.

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