PaulKB8N at PaulKB8N at
Sun Aug 20 18:35:11 EDT 1995

Does anyone have any ideas on loading the N6TR NAMES.CMQ into extended
memory?  Even though I have 4 megs of RAM on my 386, I keep running out of
memory during contests, especially when I use the Visible Dupe Sheet option.
 Unfortunately, my computer background is very limited.  73, Paul

>From Floydjr <floydjr at>  Sun Aug 20 23:44:18 1995
From: Floydjr <floydjr at> (Floydjr)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 18:44:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: SARTG Log via internet ?
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.90.950820184346.15213C-100000 at>

I would like the answer to this also.  73's Jim WA4ZXA  floydjr at

On Sun, 20 Aug 1995, Rob Snieder PA3ERC wrote:

> Does somebody know if the SARTG logs can be submitted via internet?
> 73 de Rob
> ==========================================================
> Rob Snieder PA3ERC 
> member of Contestgroup Oude Maas PI4COM/PA6WPX
> Internet e-mail : norf at
> Packet Radio    : PA3ERC at PI8MBQ
> PacketCluster   : PA3ERC > PI8DXC
> ==========================================================

>From Floydjr <floydjr at>  Mon Aug 21 00:08:41 1995
From: Floydjr <floydjr at> (Floydjr)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 19:08:41 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Returned mail: Host unknown (fwd)
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.90.950820190817.15213E-100000 at>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 95 18:53:10 EDT
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <MAILER-DAEMON at>
To: floydjr at
Subject: Returned mail: Host unknown

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
421 Host not found for mailer smtp.
550 wf1b-rtty at Host unknown

   ----- Unsent message follows -----
Received: by (4.1/davel-nando/dec93)
	id AA18587; Sun, 20 Aug 95 18:53:10 EDT
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 18:53:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: Floydjr <floydjr at>
To: wf1b-rtty at
Subject: SARTG Scores
Message-Id: <Pine.SUN.3.90.950820184506.15213D-100000 at>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Call: WA4ZXA
Category: Single Op/Low Power

Band    QSO's   PTS    Dist    DX
80       22     195     10      2
40       40     410     12      7
20      165    1930     16     33
15        9      70      4      1
10        0       0      0      0
        -----  ----    ----    ---
        236    2605     42     43

Total Score: 221425

Power: 100 Watts

The only comment I have is the same one I have about all RTTY contests. 
Is there anyway we can spread out on the band more. It seems everyone 
only listens between 80-90. I did most of my CQ'ing below 80 and above 
90. The LP stations cannot compete with the big guns in the middle. All I 
ask is that we put the word out that there are stations on all parts of 
the band. Still had a great time and thanks to everyone who worked me. 

See everyone in CQWW.

73's Jim // WA4ZXA

>From wrt at (Bill Turner  W7LZP)  Mon Aug 21 00:41:23 1995
From: wrt at (Bill Turner  W7LZP) (Bill Turner  W7LZP)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 23:41:23 +0000
Subject: SARTG Log via internet?
Message-ID: <199508202341.QAA20316 at>

>On Sun, 20 Aug 1995, Rob Snieder PA3ERC wrote:
>> Does somebody know if the SARTG logs can be submitted via internet?

How about all contests?  In ZIP format, all my 95 SARTG files together
compress into a single 18.3 kb file (246 QSOs).  I looked over the past 27
contests where I have saved the files in ZIP form, and the average size was
about 20 kb. The largest was last Field Day (1000+ QSOs) which was just over
51kb. The smallest.... well, we don't need to talk about that one.  :-)

Postage to mail my logs to Sweden is going to cost $3.60.  Now, let's see...
exactly how much does it cost to email a file to Sweden???

73, Bill  W7LZP
wrt at

>From Jeffrey Yeager <jnyeager at>  Mon Aug 21 02:09:15 1995
From: Jeffrey Yeager <jnyeager at> (Jeffrey Yeager)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 21:09:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: NAQSO Results
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9508202115.A22857-0100000 at>

  Well this was the first time I've spent more than a couple hours 
operating the QSO Party.  This time I made it 7 or 8 hrs,   had to take
XYL out so I could contest and goto the Huntsville Hamfest all in the same
weekend. :)

292 x 92 = 26,772

Had alot of fun, never heard much on 10M but 20M conditions where pretty 
good.  75M was all QRN here, local storms made it a real challenge.

The more I operate this contest the more I like it.

73 Jeff  KQ4HC
jnyeager at

>From Randy Thompson <k5zd at>  Mon Aug 21 02:41:13 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at> (Randy Thompson)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 21:41:13 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Beverage kit
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.950820212653.2233A-100000 at>

I have been amused by all the discussion regarding whether Beverages 
should be made of copper or aluminum or steel wire.  Copper seems to be 
the wire of choice and doesn't cost that much anyway.

I built my first Beverage this past year.  It was so easy I can't believe 
I lived without one.  Here's how to do it:

- Go to Home Depot (or other large hardware store) and buy 500 ft roll 
#16 THHN or MTW wire.  It's available in every color you can imagine for 
about $15 per 500/ft roll.

- Go to local feed store and get some electric fence insulators.  This 
cost me about $3.

- Call your favorite radio dealer and order an ICE Beverage matching 
box.  Cost about $30.

- Go to Radio Shack and get a 400-600 ohm resistor.  I actually used four 
(4) 2K ohm resistors in parallel!

Roll out the wire in the desired direction.  Mount the fence insulators to
convenient trees (my Beverage is not perfectly straight) about 7-9 feet
up.  Connect one end of the wire to ground through the resistor.  Connect
the other end to the matching box.  Connect coax.  Enjoy! 

I did follow the conventional wisdom of sloping the ends down.  I used 
4 foot ground rods at each end.

I only have room for a 500 foot run.  W3LPL has pointed out that 580' might 
be a better length.  Simple to solder some more wire on.

This antenna makes 80 and 160 enjoyable.  Less than $50 to hear Europeans all
summer on the LF bands seems like a good deal if you have the space. 

When the antenna broke this summer, I used a split bolt connector to 
join the two pieces back together.  You can find these for about $1 in 
the electrical aisle of the Home Depot (or hardware store). No solder 

Randy Thompson, K5ZD
k5zd at

>From John Guida" <nj1v at  Mon Aug 21 02:46:30 1995
From: John Guida" <nj1v at (John Guida)
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 01:46:30 +0000
Subject: New Radios
Message-ID: <199508210152.UAA06915@>

As long as we're pursuing the "what to get rid of" wish list on new 
radios, what about this:

A "Roll Your Own" or Home Brew (what a concept!) rig. Here's how it 
would work - First - the radio itself would just be in a metal 
enclosure, with appropriate ports for power, antenna connections, 
amplifier interface, key, mic, etc. But most important would be an 
interface port for connection to the computer. No dials, knobs, or 
buttons! You could put the thing on the floor!

Now, assuming the fuctionality in the radio, some fancy software that 
would let you configure your own options in relation to mode, 
filters, read-outs, memories, split options, electronic keyer, even 
frequencies (this could keep everybody in their respective band 
privileges), and on and on,  and could even allow you to specify how 
all of this might be graphically displayed or not. Switch the 
settings and configuration easily with a mouse or even touch screen.  
Maybe you could even give it a name of your choice - like the "NJ1V 

Now just think of the possibilities! Locking out 2nd radios during 
multi contests would be a piece of cake. Feeding information to 
another multi radio on the network would be duck soup! Interface to 
logging and contest programs would be greatly simplified. 100 watts 
would really be that, as would 5 watts. How about building in some 
monitor display capabilities? Almost an endless list!   

A concept like this would also make upgrading of the radios alot 
easier, instead of replacement, so I'm sure it would not be something 
we can look forward to anytime soon! Gotta keep selling those new 

CUL es 73.............................."victor"

John Guida NJ1V
nj1v at

>From Larry Crim <wz4f at>  Mon Aug 21 03:22:01 1995
From: Larry Crim <wz4f at> (Larry Crim)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 21:22:01 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: NAB in New Orleans
Message-ID: <Pine.BSD.3.91.950820211510.4752B-100000 at>

Any contesters attending the NAB radio show in New Orleans?

If so, it could be a good excuse to get together for a 807 and exchange 
contest plans for the upcoming season.

E-mail me if you're going.

wz4f at

>From Masahiro Kitagawa <kitagawa at>  Mon Aug 21 03:57:25 1995
From: Masahiro Kitagawa <kitagawa at> (Masahiro Kitagawa)
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 11:57:25 +0900
Subject: NO Return-Receipt-To: PLEASE!!!
Message-ID: <199508210257.LAA09214 at>

>From: "John Guida" <nj1v at>
>To: cq-contest at
>Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 01:46:30 +0000
>Subject: Re: New Radios
>Return-Receipt-To: "John Guida" <nj1v at>

Be careful NEVER to use Return-Receipt-To: field in a huge mailing
list such as CQ-Contest at TGV.COM. Thousands of meaningless automatic
replies will flood your mail box. You will hate this even if you love
dog pile.

de masa JH3PRR

>From jreid at (Jim Reid)  Mon Aug 21 04:06:14 1995
From: jreid at (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 17:06:14 -1000
Subject: Re- S-Meters
Message-ID: <199508210303.RAA00937 at>

Hi Jeff

The obvious S-meter unit to use,  were it to be accurate and useful,
seems to me,  ought to be the dBm,  or in  our case,
-dBm.  This unit is used "universally" in radar,  microwave
communication technology, etc.  In a 50 ohm impedance
system,  0 dBm is the power  being dissipated in a 50 ohm
resistor when the  I-squared-R power across it is 1mWatt.

And,  if my arithmatic is correct,  one-half microvolt across
the same 50 ohms is -113 dBm.  In microwave communications
work,  the standard for thermal  noise energy in the systems is referenced
to the noise power in the 50 ohm resistor,  at "room" temperature
with a 1mHz bandwidth of spectrum of rf energy (anywhere in the
spectrum,  it is not frequency dependant)  in   noise power in the
1 mHz bandwidth,  is    -114 dBm.

Per the ARRL Handbook,  many years ago,  manufacturers
of Amateure band receivers wanted to establish  50 microvolts
across 50 ohms as an S-9 signal,  with S-unit steps below
that occuring in -6 dB decrements.  An S-9 signal would become a
-73 dBm signal on our new dBm scale. (50 microvolts is 100
times the one-half microvolt calculated above to be -113 dBm;
since power goes as the voltage change squared,  that becomes
a 10,000 times change in power,  or 40 dB stronger signal,  or
-113 dBm + 40 dB + -73 dBm.

Then were it possible,  the S-unit to dBm conversion would be:

                        S-9                     -73 dBm
                        S-8                     -79
                        S-7                     -85
                        S-6                     -91
                        S-5                     -98
                        S-4                    -104
                        S-3                    -110
                        S-2                    -116
                        S-1                    -121.

Fortunately,  we don't use 1Mz bandwidths for HF communications,
otherwise our weak DX signals would be burried in the -113 dBm noise
level.  In fact,  DX signals are typically searched for by CW ops using
500 kHz bandwiths in the IF passband.  This bandwidth decreases the
thermally generated noise in our receiver's  system by the ratio  of
the 1mHz  to  500 Hz bandwidth difference,  or a lowering of noise power
by  33 dB (1 mHz down to 1kHz is a drop of 1000 times in bandwidth,  or
30 dB, and dropping from 1000 Hz to 500 Hz  is a drop of one-half,  or
another 3 dB drop, netting the 33 DB drop in noise power).  The  thermal
noise energy then presented at the input antenna terminals of any of
our transceivers in 500 Hz of RF bandwidth is then -113 dBm ( the energy
in 1 mHz)  plus drop of 33 dB from the bandwidth narrowing to 500 Hz,
or an input  thermal noise level of -146 dBm.

Now the ARRL test lab engineers  over the years have measured the
minnimum  discernable signals (MDS's) of nearly all of the rigs used
by contesters and the deserving DX searchers. These are  tabulated in 
each edition of the ARRL's Equipment Buyer's Guide  for tests in both
the 20 and 80 meter bands.  Some examples of their measurments at 
20 meters for   the rigs many of us  use were:

FT1000D        - 137 dBm
FT-980            -138

TS-950SD    -142 dBm
TS-930S        -139 

Unfortunately,  the ARRL data does not tell us what IF bandwidth
filters they were using when the data was taken,  but from what we've
just calculated it's a pretty safe bet they were using 500 Hz bandwidths 
in these tests,  as the few dBs difference between the thermal levels
measured and the actual thermal noise in 500 Hz of spectrum width
of -146 dBm is the added noise in the RF front ends of the rigs tested,
or their so called noise figures.

It is because of the real meaning within dBm numbers that can be
obtained,  that I propose it for the  "new" S-meter standard in a futuristic
new rig.   Unfortunately it will be very diffiacult in actual practice to 
because the measurment has been conveiiently taken from the AGC
voltage in all modern rigs.  Because the gain distribution is different for
each band in each manufacturer's desings,  the AGC voltage developed
for a given signal level is different on each band;  therefore at least two
and probably more parameters are changing among rigs  which will
yield different S-meter readings for the same absolute received signal
level:  the nosie figure of the rig changes per band,  and the stage
gain distribution changes per band.

A way of actually measuring the received signal level,  at RF,  would
probably be required,  or  laboratory spectrum analyzer technology
would be needed to get much better S-meter reading acurracy
no matter what the scale reading unit may become,  but its fun
to dream about it,  isn't it!

By the way,  an excellent book which covers these topics in
great detail is ON4UN's book,  "Low Band DX'ing."  He avers
that for an SSB  signal, when  using 3 kHz bandwidth receiver filters,
the receiver noise floot is -129 dBm,  that  the minimum, operator
useable signal is with a signal to  noise ratio of 10 dB,  or with an
input signal level to the rig of -119 dBm,  or a little stronger signal
than the S-1 level of -121 dBm the rig builders of some years ago
were trying to push as the amateur S-meter unit scale.

Well,  Jeff,  I am afraid I got a little long-winded in my reply,  but
your question was a good one.


73 and Aloha,
Jim Reid, AH6NB (Happily retired on the Island of Kauai)
Hawaii,  USA     Email: jreid at

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Mon Aug 21 04:57:08 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 20:57:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Frequently Asked Questions
Message-ID: <808977428.882895.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

  CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List
		   Revised:  May 12, 1995


CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM is an electronic mail reflector dedicated to hams
interested in all types of amateur radio contesting.  This is a good
place for score reports, expedition rumors, and other contest-related
discussion or announcements.  This forum is more like the NCJ than
QST; INFO-HAMS at UCSD.EDU and are good places to
look for a more rounded discussion of the hobby.

Although there is overlap between contesters and DXers, CQ-CONTEST is
not a DX-oriented group.  DX at UNBC.EDU is an electronic mail mailing
list dedicated to the discussion of DXing.  For details on how to
subscribe to this and other mailing lists, consult the List of Lists
at the end of this message.

Each message you send to CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM will be sent out to all
the other subscribers, kinda like a 2-meter repeater that has a
coverage radius of 12,000 miles or so.	Think of sending mail to the
list as the equivalent of an ANNOUNCE/FULL message on PacketCluster.
Use regular email to send a message to a specific individual.

Electronic mail is also different from packet radio, in that many
subscribers receive their email through commercial services such as
CompuServe and MCImail.  In essence, many people are paying for each
byte of every message sent to CQ-CONTEST.  In order to minimize
spurious messages, follow the operating hints detailed below.

How do I join CQ-CONTEST?

Subscription management is handled automatically by a program that
answers mail send to CQ-CONTEST-REQUEST at TGV.COM.  Send a message to
CQ-CONTEST-REQUEST at TGV.COM that says SUBSCRIBE if you wish to join the
group, or UNSUBSCRIBE if you want to drop out.	The Subject: line is
ignored.  Messages sent to CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM are broadcast to *all*
readers, so don't send subscription requests there.

What are the suggested "operating practices" for CQ-CONTEST?

Put your name and call sign on every message you send.	We don't all
know everyone by just a call or a nickname.

Use a subject line that indicates the true subject of your message.

Wait a while before answering someone's question.  Six other people
have probably answered it already.  Most answers should go directly 
to the person who posed the question, rather than to the list.

Unlike PacketCluster, many people pay $$$ when they receive messages.
Some people pay per message, some per byte.  Therefore, please take
this into consideration when writing a response.  Would you pay $0.50
to read the message that you just wrote?

Eschew flamage.  If someone sends a flame to the list and you can't
bite your tongue, send your flaming reply directly back to the flaming
individual, not back to the list.  No one wants to pay $1.00 to read
these messages (the original flame + your reply).  Treat flamers the
way you would 2-meter repeater jammers - ignore them.

Make sure there is something of value in each message you send to the
list.  Avoid messages that are a complete reprint of someone else's
message, with nothing but "I agree" or "Me too" added to the bottom --
not much value there.

Some people pay by the byte, so when following up to someone else's
message, be sure to include only the essential pieces or thread of
the note.  Don't include those 20 extra header lines that your mail
gateway tacked onto the original message.

How can I get CQ-Contest in digest form?

Tack (je1cka at has graciously offered to redistribute
CQ-Contest messages in digest form.  This means that all
messages posted to CQ-Contest on a given day will be bundled
together and resent as a single message to the subscribers of
Tack's list.  This is useful for people with Internet providers
that place a limit on the number of messages you can have in
your mailbox at once.  This is the case for many of the JA

To subscribe to JE1CKA's CQ-Contest-Digest list, send a message to
Contest-Request at DUMPTY.NAL.GO.JP that says:

        SUBSCRIBE cq-contest-digest your_callsign <your_email_address>

If you are subscribed to CQ-Contest, remember to send the a message to
CQ-Contest-Request at TGV.COM that says

        SET NOMAIL

Since you will be getting the messages in digest form, you won't need to
get them directly from CQ-Contest at TGV.COM, but you will need to remain
subscribed if you still want to post messages.

How can I fetch messages from the CQ-Contest archive?

You can fetch messages from the CQ-Contest archive by sending a message to
FileServ at TGV.COM that says


where yyyy-mm is the year and month of the archive desired.  For additional
information, you can send a message to FileServ at TGV.COM that says HELP.

How can I find out the email address of a particular contester?

George Fremin, WB5VZL (geoiii at, maintains a fairly current list
of contester email addresses.  Send him a note to them asking for his
lists.  You can also get a list of registered CQ-Contest subscribers 
by sending a message to CQ-Contest-Request at TGV.COM that says REVIEW.
If that doesn't work, trying calling the person you seek on the telephone
and asking for their email address directly.  Do not post a message to 
CQ-Contest that says "Does anyone have the email address for ______?"

How can I find out more about the Internet?

Pick up a copy of the book _The Internet Companion_ by Tracy LaQuey,
Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-62224-6.  If your local technical book
store doesn't carry it, you can order from Computer Literacy,
2590 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95131.  Their phone number is

73,  The Wouff Hong
List of Lists

CQ-Contest at TGV.COM
	Contest forum

	DX forum

	QRP forum

VHF.icon_fonts at
	VHF forum
		VHF-Request.icon_fonts at

boatanchors at
	Old ham gear forum

VHF at W6YX.Stanford.EDU	
	VHF forum

N6TRLOG at CMicro.COM	
	N6TR logging program forum

ct-user-request at
	K1EA's CT logging program forum

na-user-request at
	K8CC's NA logging program forum

prop-request at
	Propagation forum

ham-tech at netcom.COM
	forum for people with technical ham related questions (antennas, 
	radios, digital communications, etc) to share information with 
	each other

w1aw-list at World.STD.COM
	distribution list for the dissemination of official news and 
	information from the American Radio Relay League (the "League")

ky1n-list at World.STD.COM
	distribution list for the dissemination of volunteer examination 
	information in New England

ham-ant at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional mailing list with Usenet group

ham-bsd at UCSD.EDU
        A discussion group for people interested in ham radio applications of
        the Jolitz 386BSD software.

ham-digital at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup(s)*

ham-equip at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup

ham-homebrew at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup

ham-policy at UCSD.EDU
	Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup

ham-radio at UCSD.EDU
        The HAM-RADIO mailing list is an experimental digest using subject
        grouping and MIME encapsulation to provide a daily dose of ham radio
        related traffic from the Usenet

ham-space at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup

info-hams at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup

logplus at
	Mailing list for KD7P's LOGPLus! logging software

>From kf3p at (Tyler Stewart)  Mon Aug 21 05:38:06 1995
From: kf3p at (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 00:38:06 -0400
Subject: New Radios
Message-ID: <199508210438.AAA27130 at>

>Further suggestions on things to remove from the front of radios....
>Well, for remote control, they could remove everything, and replace them with
>a twisted pair jack.... Then the software and your trackball will control the
>radio, which will be in the equipment shack at the base of the monster tower
>well outside of town, while you are comfortably, feet up, in your den...

Twisted pair?!?  You mean fiber optic cable....Sure would be a hell of a lot
easier and cheaper to run 1 fiber optic cable to each tower than half a dozen
hardlines...tie in your rotator controls, etc... run electric to the base
of the tower and you're all set.  

It should be the next wave of amateur technology...integrated computer control
and "lossless" feedlines.

73, Tyler KF3P

>From Marijan Miletic <s56a at>  Mon Aug 21 06:48:26 1995
From: Marijan Miletic <s56a at> (Marijan Miletic)
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 95 05:48:26 UTC
Subject: Hamcube
Message-ID: <74526 at>

Paul, KB8N introduced interesting concept of future HF radios in the form of
"hamcube" siting on the top of the tower and doing all the RF work while being
remotely controled by PC via optics.  I'd love to have 1500W one BUT I wonder
how often I'd have to climb the tower?  I am just preparing to do so in order
to replace simple 1N4007 diode rectifying 60mA for my 24V antenna relays...
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.

>From becker at (Tony and Celia Becker)  Mon Aug 21 04:15:49 1995
From: becker at (Tony and Celia Becker) (Tony and Celia Becker)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 23:15:49 -0400
Subject: a little NAQP SSB Score
Message-ID: <199508210619.XAA05056 at>

                           NA QSO SSB SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 19-Aug-95, 20-Aug-95
    Callsign Used : AE0M
         Operator : AE0M
         Category : Single Operator
 Default Exchange : Tony CA
        Team/Club : Northern California Contest Club

  BAND   Raw QSOs  Valid QSOs  Points   Mults  Ants (100% aluminum free)
 40SSB      12         12        12      10   Delta Loop @ 8'
 20SSB      94         94        94      36   Delta Loop @ 12'/ Attic Dipole
 15SSB       3          3         3       2   Delta Loop @ 16'/ Attic Dipole
Totals     109        109       109      48=20

    Final Score =3D 5232 points in 5 hours.

RIG: FT-990, FL7000 at 150W & 486DX2-66 MHz running N6TRLog version 5.24. =
Off time stategy was dictated by company picnic 4 - 10 PM, so I had to=20
leave just as 20m was beginning to favor my low wires.  Upon returning, I=20
only had the last 10 min. on 40m.

Best hour was 2241 at 40 per hour.  Best 10 min. was 0558 at 72/hr
AE=D8M, Tony Becker - becker at - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.

More information about the CQ-Contest mailing list