FT1000 vs Omni-6 ??

Leonard J Popyack, Jr. popyackl at ers.rl.af.mil
Wed Aug 23 10:10:52 EDT 1995

On Mon, 21 Aug 1995 19:49:58 -0400, Bill Fisher wrote:
>I would like to hear from anyone that HAS USED both the FT1000 and the
>Omni-6 IN A CONTEST.  I'm mostly interested in CW performance of both radios
>(I'm trying to kick the SSB habit).  
>Points of interest:
>Does the Omni-6 eliminate that ***crud*** that you hear on a clear frequency
>in the midst of very large surrounding signals on the low bands?  Their ad
>says it's a big difference.

I have used a friends OMNI VI and it is good.  It has one *HOT* receiver.
As a matter of fact, when I was using it it appeared as though the rig
was underpowered (100 watts), because I was hearing so much more than I
could work.  Run it with an Amp!

Don't be deceived by it's simple looks. it is quite a sophisticated rig.
try one for 30 days free from ten-tec -- see their ad.

>The first thing I notice when I look at an Omni-6 is the knobs.  Geezz...
>you'de think they could spend a few more bucks and put on decent front
>panel.  To me, IMHO, it looks cheap.  Anyone using this radio feel the radio
>is friendly to operate?  Comfortable?

I have never used a FT1000, but the only guy I know who has one never uses
it on CW.  Read about low audio problems with certain headphones.  Also
I remember reading something about audio noise (hiss) on receive. Read the 
reviews in QST.

73 Len WF2V

>From pvdhulst at ib.com (P. vd Hulst)  Wed Aug 23 14:14:39 1995
From: pvdhulst at ib.com (P. vd Hulst) (P. vd Hulst)
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 13:14:39 GMT
Subject: Claimed score SARTG contest
Message-ID: <199508231314.NAA23238 at gwr.bausch.nl>

SARTG Worldwide   

Call used: PI4CC       

Entry Class: Multi Op, Single Xmit 

Band    QSOs   Pts  Dist    DX
80        25   260     1    16
40        44   465     3    21
20       226  2785    22    37
15        36   345     0    13
10         3    25     0     2
-----   ----  ----  ----  ----
Total    334  3880    26    89

Score: 446200

Power 400 watt

Ts940 + Pa 
Tnc :pk232 + mfj 784 dsp filter


80: 1/4 wave GP
40 dipole
20 5 el yagi
15 4 el yagi
10 dipole (?)

Pa0vha pa3epd pb0aiu

Nice contest, we will do it again!

<---- End Included Message ---->

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