change of address

BILL OKAIN k4lta at
Tue Aug 29 14:03:00 EDT 1995

Please delete Bokain at as I have changed my
computer internet address to the following:
k4lta at
I have sent a message to again subscribe from k4lta but didn't want
you to continue sending messages to me old address.
thank you es 73 de Bill K4lta

>From sellington" <sellington at  Tue Aug 29 18:50:44 1995
From: sellington" <sellington at (sellington)
Date: 29 Aug 1995 12:50:44 -0500
Subject: Contest headphones
Message-ID: <n1402421807.59438 at>

>These are some of the lightest weight passive noise-cancelling headsets.
>Might be easier to use the headsets than try to modify the ear protectors.

I think Bill means ACTIVE noise-cancelling headsets.

Actually, I'm thinking of doing just the opposite.  I have an active headset
that is very effective at canceling low frequency noise.  Passive hearing
protectors, on the other hand, are very effect at high frequencies, but not
at low frequencies.  So, if I can find a pair of ear protectors into which
I can install the earpieces from the active headset, overall noise reduction
should be very good.  It's hard enough to hear those weak signals here 
in the Black Hole, without competition from all the fans in amplifiers and

Scott  K9MA
sellington at

>From sneader at (Scott Neader, KA9FOX)  Tue Aug 29 18:59:38 1995
From: sneader at (Scott Neader, KA9FOX) (Scott Neader, KA9FOX)
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 12:59:38 -0500
Subject: Give something back to ham radio
Message-ID: <v01510103ac68bb0e6c4e@[]>

I have a favor to ask.

When you post a question to the reflector, please save all the replies
(public and private), combine them into one document, and e-mail it to me.

I will place these "summaries" on my web site for others to use in the
future (

I already have a bunch of them (the list is at end of this message), and
I'd love to do more, but it takes too much time to keep track of all these
threads.  There was some great stuff concerning beverages, for instance,
that would have been great to archive.

So, in the future, when you ask a question and receive helpful information,
compile it and e-mail it to me at sneader at  Then, others
will have access to these valuable answers in the future (and it may also
prevent repetitive discussions on the reflector).

73 - Scott, KA9FOX

Summaries from the CQ-Contest and DX Reflectors

(I hope to soon have a search engine soon so you could just enter a keyword
and it would find all documents containing that keyword)

Categories are:

       Antennas, Towers, Feedline
       Computers and Software
       Radios and Amplifiers
       Station Design
       Travel / DXpeditions
       Miscellaneous Information

Within each category, they are arranged chronologically

Antennas, Towers, Feedline

        Best Vertical - R5/R7 or Butternut? - by K7GM, July 1995
        Lightning Protection/Tower Base Explode? - by KA9FOX, June 1995
        Terrain Analyzer by K6STI - Overview - by KM9P, June 1995
        Plated Muffler Clamps from Dorman - by W6QHS, May 1995
        Remote Antenna Switches - by N4ZR, May 1995
        Using 75ohm CATV hardline with TH6 - by KD5PJ/9, May 1995
        Hy-Gain 204BA Mods - by W6QHS, May 1995
        Interlaced Yagis - by KR=D8Y, May 1995
        GAP Voyager review - by NX7K, May 1995
        Effective one tower installation - by AB6WD, April 1995
        Tracking Interference - by W4MWT, April 1995
        Stacking 40-2CD and Tribander #2 - by KA9FOX, March 1995
        N4KG Reverse Fed Antenna - by K7SV, January 1995
        "Invisible" Antennas for Restricted Areas - by AE0M, October 1994
        Cushcraft 40-2CD Mods - by K5ZD, September 1994
        Stacking Tri-banders - by W9XT, September 1994
        Antenna Modeling Software - by N1EPU, January 1994
        Stacking 40-2CD and Tribander #1 - by K6ZH, January 1994

Computers and Software

        Terrain Analyzer by K6STI - Overview - by KM9P, June 1995
        NEC-WIN Antenna Modeling Software - Overview - by K1KP, June 1995
        Using Printer Port to Key Radio - Schematic - by KR9U, June 1995
        Choosing a Quiet Monitor - by KE4GY, May 1995
        Contest Voice Blaster - Low Audio - by WB2K, January 1995
        Contest Software Comparison (CT - NA - N6TR) - by K3TLX, February 19=
        Antenna Modeling Software - by N1EPU, January 1994
        Contest Voice Blaster - Overview - by K2WK, October 1993

Radios and Amplifiers

        Are HF rigs with 6 meters good for contesting? - by NU6S, June 1995
        Using Printer Port to Key Radio - Schematic - by KR9U, June 1995
        Best Amplifier for DXpeditions - by KA9FOX, October 1994
        Single-op Two Radio Control Box - by K=D8GU, August 1994
        Capacitor on Mic Line with Icom Rigs? - by KA9FOX, June 1994
        Using AGC when Operating CW - by AA5B, February 1994

Station Design

        Fix MFJ-432 RFI Problem - by KB1GW, June 1995
        Best Chair to Use - by K1VR, March 1995
        Single-op Two Radio Control Box - by K=D8GU, August 1994
        Rig Isolation for Multi-station operations by N6CQ/3, August 1994

Travel / DXpeditions

        Sources for Discount Airline Tickets - by KA9FOX, January 1995
        Best Way to Sign Portable from KP4 - by KA9FOX, October 1994

Miscellaneous Information

        E-mail addresses of contesters - by WB5VZL, July 1995
        E-mail addresses for Contest Advisory Committee - by K3LR, June 1995
        Dates for Dayton Hamvention 1995-1998 - by AE2T, January 1995
        Using Two Radios in a CW Contest - by N6TR, October 1993

/^^\__________     Scott Neader, KA9FOX
\~~/          \         E-MAIL:  sneader at
 \/\____,(  /\ |      WEB SITE:
   / \    \/| \|       ADDRESS:  3323 South 29th St., La Crosse, WI 54601
   |  \   / |            PHONE:  Work: (608)796-5032   Home: (608)788-8889

>From Straw, Dean,  N6BV" <rdstraw at  Tue Aug 29 19:25:00 1995
From: Straw, Dean,  N6BV" <rdstraw at (Straw, Dean,  N6BV)
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 95 14:25:00 EDT
Subject: Latest YTAD.ZIP
Message-ID: <30435B9A at>

Ladies and Gents:

The latest YTAD.ZIP file is available on the ARRL "Hiram" BBS and on 
OAK.OAKLAND.EDU ftp site. This version incorporates several bug fixes, 
including the one pointed out by N4ZR for his QTH.

 In addition, some additional elevation-angle statistical files for England, 
Japan and Australian transmitting sites are included.

Have fun and please keep feedback coming.

73, Dean, N6BV
Senior Assistant Technical Editor, ARRL

>From aa4lr at (Bill Coleman AA4LR)  Tue Aug 29 19:38:35 1995
From: aa4lr at (Bill Coleman AA4LR) (Bill Coleman AA4LR)
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 14:38:35 -0400
Subject: Contest headphones
Message-ID: <v01520d06ac690b632855@[]>

>>These are some of the lightest weight passive noise-cancelling headsets.
>>Might be easier to use the headsets than try to modify the ear protectors.
>I think Bill means ACTIVE noise-cancelling headsets.

No, I mean passive. As in they have padding and a hard outer shell to keep
noise from coming in. Active noise-cancelling headsets are extremely
expensive ($700 and up). But passive headsets of reasonable size can only
deaden outside noise by about 24-27db average. Active headsets can do more.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR      Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "The same light shines on vineyards that makes deserts." -- Steve

>From John Dorr K1AR" <p00259 at  Tue Aug 29 21:12:16 1995
From: John Dorr K1AR" <p00259 at (John Dorr K1AR)
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 95 15:12:16 -0500
Subject: Give something back to ham radio
Message-ID: <3018808874.0.p00259 at>


Your idea for WEB site summaries is great, but will we be able to also 
find our other beloved categories such as: RUFZ, equalization, QRL?, 
CQ awards/covers, NAQP Multi-Multi scores, contest-free zones, "I'm 
traveling to Saigon this week and want to meet the locals", reflector 
admin requests, etc.? We've just gotta have it!

See ya...

John, K1AR

>DATE:   Tue, 29 Aug 1995 12:59:38 -0500
>FROM:   Scott Neader, KA9FOX <sneader at>
>I have a favor to ask.
>When you post a question to the reflector, please save all the replies
>(public and private), combine them into one document, and e-mail it to me.
>I will place these "summaries" on my web site for others to use in the
>future (
>I already have a bunch of them (the list is at end of this message), and
>I'd love to do more, but it takes too much time to keep track of all these
>threads.  There was some great stuff concerning beverages, for instance,
>that would have been great to archive.
>So, in the future, when you ask a question and receive helpful information,
>compile it and e-mail it to me at sneader at  Then, others
>will have access to these valuable answers in the future (and it may also
>prevent repetitive discussions on the reflector).
>73 - Scott, KA9FOX
>Summaries from the CQ-Contest and DX Reflectors
>(I hope to soon have a search engine soon so you could just enter a keyword
>and it would find all documents containing that keyword)
>Categories are:
>       Antennas, Towers, Feedline
>       Computers and Software
>       Radios and Amplifiers
>       Station Design
>       Travel / DXpeditions
>       Miscellaneous Information
>Within each category, they are arranged chronologically
>Antennas, Towers, Feedline
>        Best Vertical - R5/R7 or Butternut? - by K7GM, July 1995
>        Lightning Protection/Tower Base Explode? - by KA9FOX, June 1995
>        Terrain Analyzer by K6STI - Overview - by KM9P, June 1995
>        Plated Muffler Clamps from Dorman - by W6QHS, May 1995
>        Remote Antenna Switches - by N4ZR, May 1995
>        Using 75ohm CATV hardline with TH6 - by KD5PJ/9, May 1995
>        Hy-Gain 204BA Mods - by W6QHS, May 1995
>        Interlaced Yagis - by KR=D8Y, May 1995
>        GAP Voyager review - by NX7K, May 1995
>        Effective one tower installation - by AB6WD, April 1995
>        Tracking Interference - by W4MWT, April 1995
>        Stacking 40-2CD and Tribander #2 - by KA9FOX, March 1995
>        N4KG Reverse Fed Antenna - by K7SV, January 1995
>        "Invisible" Antennas for Restricted Areas - by AE0M, October 1994
>        Cushcraft 40-2CD Mods - by K5ZD, September 1994
>        Stacking Tri-banders - by W9XT, September 1994
>        Antenna Modeling Software - by N1EPU, January 1994
>        Stacking 40-2CD and Tribander #1 - by K6ZH, January 1994
>Computers and Software
>        Terrain Analyzer by K6STI - Overview - by KM9P, June 1995
>        NEC-WIN Antenna Modeling Software - Overview - by K1KP, June 1995
>        Using Printer Port to Key Radio - Schematic - by KR9U, June 1995
>        Choosing a Quiet Monitor - by KE4GY, May 1995
>        Contest Voice Blaster - Low Audio - by WB2K, January 1995
>        Contest Software Comparison (CT - NA - N6TR) - by K3TLX, February 19=
>        Antenna Modeling Software - by N1EPU, January 1994
>        Contest Voice Blaster - Overview - by K2WK, October 1993
>Radios and Amplifiers
>        Are HF rigs with 6 meters good for contesting? - by NU6S, June 1995
>        Using Printer Port to Key Radio - Schematic - by KR9U, June 1995
>        Best Amplifier for DXpeditions - by KA9FOX, October 1994
>        Single-op Two Radio Control Box - by K=D8GU, August 1994
>        Capacitor on Mic Line with Icom Rigs? - by KA9FOX, June 1994
>        Using AGC when Operating CW - by AA5B, February 1994
>Station Design
>        Fix MFJ-432 RFI Problem - by KB1GW, June 1995
>        Best Chair to Use - by K1VR, March 1995
>        Single-op Two Radio Control Box - by K=D8GU, August 1994
>        Rig Isolation for Multi-station operations by N6CQ/3, August 1994
>Travel / DXpeditions
>        Sources for Discount Airline Tickets - by KA9FOX, January 1995
>        Best Way to Sign Portable from KP4 - by KA9FOX, October 1994
>Miscellaneous Information
>        E-mail addresses of contesters - by WB5VZL, July 1995
>        E-mail addresses for Contest Advisory Committee - by K3LR, June 1995
>        Dates for Dayton Hamvention 1995-1998 - by AE2T, January 1995
>        Using Two Radios in a CW Contest - by N6TR, October 1993
>/^^\__________     Scott Neader, KA9FOX
>\~~/          \         E-MAIL:  sneader at
> \/\____,(  /\ |      WEB SITE:
>   / \    \/| \|       ADDRESS:  3323 South 29th St., La Crosse, WI 54601
>   |  \   / |            PHONE:  Work: (608)796-5032   Home: (608)788-8889

>From sneader at (Scott Neader, KA9FOX)  Tue Aug 29 20:45:30 1995
From: sneader at (Scott Neader, KA9FOX) (Scott Neader, KA9FOX)
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 14:45:30 -0500
Subject: Give something back to ham radio
Message-ID: <v01510110ac68d638c906@[]>

>this msg came to AOL in the form of a downloadable file.

Sorry about that!  Guess it's the same problem that others have reported
with AOL... if your message contains the code for a slashed zero, AOL
thinks the message is an encoded file.

If anybody on AOL didn't receive my posting "Give something back to ham
radio" please drop me a note (sneader at and I'll forward a
"good" copy to you.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

73 - Scott, KA9FOX

/^^\__________     Scott Neader, KA9FOX
\~~/          \         E-MAIL:  sneader at
 \/\____,(  /\ |      WEB SITE:
   / \    \/| \|       ADDRESS:  3323 South 29th St., La Crosse, WI 54601
   |  \   / |            PHONE:  Work: (608)796-5032   Home: (608)788-8889

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