CAC Address?/160 DX window
frenaye at
frenaye at
Sun Dec 3 22:32:08 EST 1995
160m Window: Not such a good turn of events...
I wasn't able to get on during the ARRL 160 contest this year. Wish I had
been able to.
I just can't believe all of the radio policeman that have come out of the
woodwork. Must be the wintertime blues.
So there's a change to the 160m window in the ARRL contest. From what I hear
there was an army of policeman there ready to harass every one of them, and
to make sure that a suitable report, notarized, and signed by three friends,
was sent off to to the contest police chief for immediate action. Hey, why
not convict them right here in front of everybody? Shoot them too....
Isn't it appropriate to back off just a little? The rule (is it a hard and
fast rule?) is new. I'm willing to bet 75% of the people you work in the 160
contest, probably more, are casualy participants that get on to make some
QSOs, give out some points and say hi to friends - they may not even read
the rules (oh my!). I'm not so sure the window is even enforceable (I used
to check logs at ARRL, I'd find it very hard to do). Even so, let's give it
a chance to work out. Some gentle works or persuasion work a lot better than
blasts by e-mail. These are your friends right? Other people that enjoy
contesting just like you do right? Yea, right...
As the guy from LA said, "Can't we all just get along?"... I guess we've
kissed the "gentleman's band" goodbye at this point.
73 - Tom
PS: Forget about contacting the CAC about specific rules "violations" you
noted - that isn't their job to handle, they provide advice to the ARRL Board
on contest issues/policy. If you feel moved to complain or document
problems, send your notes to the ARRL Contest Dept. If you have comments
about the viability of the DX Window or other contest rules in general, send
them to your own CAC representative (let me know if you need to know who
yours is), or e-mail to cac at .
E-mail: frenaye at
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093
Phone: 203-668-5444
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