Srockn4sr at aol.com Srockn4sr at aol.com
Wed Dec 6 18:19:58 EST 1995

tnx to all who responded to my query on the Butternut verticals.  Responses
were mixed, from loving them   to considering them to be just above the
"dummy load" status.  Most agreed that having them elevated was the way to
go.  Have located a hy-gain hy tower which I think will be my choice (if it's
not a total disaster)
Again  tnx to all who responded.
73 Steve  N4SR

>From James White <0006492564 at mcimail.com>  Thu Dec  7 00:06:00 1995
From: James White <0006492564 at mcimail.com> (James White)
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 95 19:06 EST
Subject: Street light noise source?
Message-ID: <30951207000603/0006492564PK2EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

How's your aim....a good pellet gun will take out a lamp, unless
it has one of those $1,000.00 bullet proof covers (for the bad
neighborhoods)....no, I am not suggesting you do that, honest.

I can see photos of you now in CQ magazine, by WB2ZPI- mugshots;
with a clock around thy neck???????? 

                        And in the courtroom                      

(N6JC) "But your honour, my client K7SS only resorted to this
after repeated failure by the utility company to replace the
bulbs...it was 2300 Zulu your honour, and the CQ WW contest was
about to start, besides those solder flux stained socks are

(N6LI) "That's  enough Mr Cochran, besides, all of us on hf packet
know contesters are guilty types, they always use our

Arrrrrrrgh, the judge is an hf packet freek, take the plea bargain
Danny, take it quick!           


>From B.KNEZOVIC at ZAMIR-TZ.ZTN.APC.ORG (Boris Knezovic T94EU)  Tue Dec  5 10:48:18 1995
From: B.KNEZOVIC at ZAMIR-TZ.ZTN.APC.ORG (Boris Knezovic T94EU) (Boris Knezovic T94EU)
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 1995 11:48:18 +0100
Subject: T99MT Multi-Single WW Score...
Message-ID: <86.21309 at zamir-tz.ztn.apc.org>

                   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  1995

      Call: T99MT                    Country:  Bosnia and Herzegovina
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single


      160      109      112     1.03      5      31
       80      604      948     1.57     17      65
       40      613     1124     1.83     23      74
       20      593     1137     1.92     23      67
       15      309      769     2.49     28      64
       10        2        1     0.50      1       2

     Totals   2230     4091     1.83     97     303  =>  1,636,400

Operator List:  Boris T94EU, Elvis T94NF, Ferid T94TF, Pedja T94TU

Equipment Description: ICOM IC-728 + TL-922 (tnx T93M for tubes)
                       160m : 1/4 wave sloper (east/wast)
                        80m : Oblong 
                        40m : Oblong
                        20m : TH3 3.el tribander
                        15m : 3.el monobander
                        10m : TH3 3.el tribander
                        AT286/20 + CT v6.26
no multiplier station - no packet - no electricity sat2200z-sun0600z

Club Affiliation: Sarajevo Contest Group (SCG)

That is all for this year from T99MT. Thanks for all of You give us call
during all three parts of WW DX Contest and WAE RTTY. See You next year in
all major world contests with T99MT or T91ENS callsign.

Do not forget to send QSL to our QSL manager K2PF.

73's from Sarajevo

                                          Boris T94EU & T91ENS Contest Crew

>From Larry Tyree <tree at cmicro.com>  Thu Dec  7 00:23:33 1995
From: Larry Tyree <tree at cmicro.com> (Larry Tyree)
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 16:23:33 -0800
Subject: NCJ Sprint Report Cards
Message-ID: <199512070023.QAA24292 at cascade.cmicro.com>

The log reports for the CW September Sprint are now available.

Send a message to tree at cmicro.com and you will get yours via return

Tree N6TR
tree at cmicro.com

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