ARRL 160 Contest DX Window

don.russell at don.russell at
Fri Dec 8 16:01:30 EST 1995

In my opinion, it would be unfair to expect contest particapants to
totally avoid a DX window.  I would hate not to turn in a log because I
accindentally transmitted in a DX window. The 160 mtr contest rules
does not say that you must avoid the window unless working DX, It
merely strongly suggests that you do, according to the ARRL bandplan. 
Very hard to enforce a non-rule.

I was slowly S&P'ing up the band until I came to an open freq., Then I
attempted a run.  The "Police"  said: dx pse qsy.  I replied sri and 
moved.  I looked at the freq., and yes, I was on 1831 Mhz.  I hadn't
forgotten about the window, just didn't realize where in the band I was
at the time.  Should this eliminate me from the contest?  Guess I will
just stop then.  Won't be many op's left at this rate though.  By the
way, it probably wasn't the Police; they're rarely that friendly.

I am not a lid.  I followed the rules of the contest and the FCC.  I am
an Amateur Extra, and I AM ALLOWED TO OPERATE ON 1830-1835 MHZ without
anyones permission if the freq. is clear!

That said, I try to follow the band plan, and from what I heard, so did
most hams.  Except for a few occasions, I heard mostly NA hams calling

By the way, I am new on this forum, although I have been reading the
mail for a while.  I keep having to re-subscribe occasionally.  Is
there a limit to how much mail you can receive without sending any?

73, Don              DON RUSSELL at ECR.KNOX.COM

>From McCarty, DK 'Dav" <DKMC at  Fri Dec  8 21:21:13 1995
From: McCarty, DK 'Dav" <DKMC at (McCarty, DK 'Dav)
Date: 08 Dec 1995 13:21:13 PST
Subject: K5GN CQ WW DX CW (long)
Message-ID: <CPLAN065.DKMC.243521130095342FCPLAN065 at ION.CHEVRON.COM>

From: McCarty, DK 'David'
Subject:  K5GN CQ WW DX CW (long)
Date: 1995-12-08 15:14


                               CQ WW SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 25-Nov-95, 26-Nov-95

    Callsign Used : K5GN
         Operator : K5GN

         Category : S.O.A.B.

 Default Exchange : 59904

             Name : David K. McCarty
          Address : 8603 Manhattan Drive
   City/State/Zip : Houston, TX  77096
          Country : United States

        Team/Club : Texas DX Society

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

  160CW       63          63        163        38        16
   80CW      188         183        507        66        23
   40CW      841         820       2365        99        33
   20CW      427         423       1145       109        38
   15CW      489         479       1316        98        29
   10CW       56          55        104        22        16

 Totals     2064        2023       5600       432       155

    Final Score = 3287200 points.

Station: K2UA/5, Sealy, TX

160/20: TS930 (front end very deaf from input excesses)/Alpha 76
80/15: FT-1000D/Henry 3K
40/10: Collins S-Line/Alpha 78

386 with N6TR LOG 5.23

160: half-wave sloper NE; 1000' beverage NE, 300' SE/NW, 500' SW/NE
80: 2 el Quad fixed NE, tops at 135'; inverted Vee at 130'; shares beverages
40: most of a 4-el KLM at 165'; 2 el quad fixed NE, tops at 100'; inverted
20: 4/4 at 130'/80'
15: 6/6 at 135'/90', 5el fixed SE at 45'
10: 6 el at 105'. 5el fixed SE at 30'

      Continent List  K5GN CQ WW CW 95 SOAB

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      2     4    11    18    23    17     75
  VE calls    =      7    13    32    38    29     2    121
  N.A. calls  =     13    17    26    32    23     5    116
  S.A. calls  =      6     5    13    30    28    23    105
  Euro calls  =     30    84   347   109   304     0    874
  Afrc calls  =      1     5     6    22    16     3     53
  Asia calls  =      0     3    29    16     4     0     52
  JA calls    =      3    45   329   146    44     0    567
  Ocen calls  =      1     7    27    11     8     4     58

  Unknowns    =      0     0     0     1     0     0      1

  Total calls =     63   183   820   423   479    55   2023

Unknowns on 20 = X5BYZ

                              K5GN CQ WW CW 95 SOAB

  HOUR  160CW    80CW    40CW    20CW    15CW    10CW    TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
    0       0       0      13      10      11       3      37      37
    1      11       0       0      20       0       0      31      68
    2       5      25       0       0       0       0      30      98
    3       0      40       2       0       0       0      42     140
    4       1       0      61       2       0       0      64     204
    5       0      13      12       4       0       0      29     233
    6       8       9      18       1       0       0      36     269
    7       0       5      83       0       0       0      88     357
    8       0       2      71       0       0       0      73     430
    9       1       1      82       0       0       0      84     514
   10       0       1      68       0       0       0      69     583
   11       2       0      35       0       0       0      37     620
   12       2      24       0       0       0       0      26     646
   13       0      19       0      32       0       0      51     697
   14       0       0       3      11     105       0     119     816
   15       0       0       0       7      47       2      56     872
   16       0       0       0       8      23      14      45     917
   17       0       0       0      25      16       0      41     958
   18       0       0       0      26       0       2      28     986
   19       0       0       0      15       2       6      23    1009
   20       0       0       0       3      17       3      23    1032
   21       0       0       0      24       0       2      26    1058
   22       0       0       0      23      13       3      39    1097
   23       0       0       0      33      36       0      69    1166

    0       0       0       0      32       6       2      40    1206
    1       0       1       7      80       0       0      88    1294
    2      17       0       0       0       0       0      17    1311
    3       3       0      36       0       0       0      39    1350
    4       6       6       7       0       0       0      19    1369
    5       2       5      22       1       0       0      30    1399
    6       0       8      35       3       0       0      46    1445
    7       0       0      60       0       0       0      60    1505
    8       1      11      16       0       0       0      28    1533
    9       4       4      14       0       0       0      22    1555
   10       0       1      47       0       0       0      48    1603
   11       0       6       6       0       0       0      12    1615
   12       0       2       1      22       0       0      25    1640
   13       0       0       3       2      23       0      28    1668
   14       0       0       0       0      73       0      73    1741
   15       0       0       0       0      50       1      51    1792
   16       0       0       0       5      25       0      30    1822
   17       0       0       0       9      21      12      42    1864
   18       0       0       0      10       5       2      17    1881
   19       0       0       0       4       3       0       7    1888
   20       0       0      14       3       0       3      20    1908
   21       0       0       2       7       2       0      11    1919
   22       0       0      42       0       1       0      43    1962
   23       0       0      60       1       0       0      61    2023

  TOTAL    63     183     820     423     479      55

   1.           25  573
   2.           14  448
   3.           15  340
   4.           04   72
   5.           05   72
   6.           08   70
   7.           16   56
   8.           03   44
   9.           13   38
  10.           20   30
  11.           11   25
  12.           09   23
  13.           32   21
  14.           33   21
  15.           07   17
  16.           06   16
  17.           31   14
  18.           17   13
  19.           30   13
  20.           10   12
  21.           02   11
  22.           01   10
  23.           38   10
  24.           19    9
  25.           36    8
  26.           39    7
  27.           27    7
  28.           24    7
  29.           35    6
  30.           12    5
  31.           28    5
  32.           21    4
  33.           40    4
  34.           37    3
  35.           18    3
  36.           26    3
  37.           22    1
  38.           34    1
  39.           29    1
(No Zone 23 worked, though I heard UA0YAY on 20.)

 257 Band changes

Went in knowing I was tired (heavy landscaping work all week before; sick
kids keeping me up at night; fixing antennas on Friday morning.  Still
managed to go all 48, but probably should have slept, looking back at some
relatively unconscious hours on Sunday!  Thought about doing single-band
instead, but then All-Band is just so much fun, I couldn't resist.

160:  As everyone else has said, "WOW!"  I usually get distracted by 160,
and this time was no exception.  The difference was that I was working stuff
instead of just being tantalized by it.  Friday night was fantastic, working
everything heard except the FG5 alligator.  The sunrise peak didn't really
happen to Europe, but the early opening was better than I've ever seen in
November.  The big gun JA's were in for hours, too.   Saturday night was a
completely different band, but still very good.

80:  Very tough, as usual.  Worked most things heard, but very few mults to
the west.  Nearly everything was east of here, and the farther east, the
harder to get.  Found new mults as high up as 3580.  3V8BB's pileup was a
unique sound Friday night--Europe had him wrapped up completely.  At least
the weather was not too noisy; hearing was not as big a problem as usual.

40:  The money band, even though the 40M beam is yet to be repaired from
spring wind damage.  Made me wonder what would have happened with a complete
antenna?  Europe went out for several hours each evening after dark, but
before and after was very good.  Amazed at how late the western and northern
stations stayed workable, right through the JA run.  Some of the best
conditions to the west were well after sunrise, when I had to be on 20/15.
 Oh well, that's all-band for you.

20:  Plus and minus.  Usually minus.  Couldn't get a run going when the
signals were good out of Europe; went to 15 and stayed there too long;
nothing doing when I came back from 15.  However, after dark on Saturday was
the best JA run on 20 in recent memory!  Finally got the multiplier up on
20.  Next step is the Q's.

15:  Fantastic short European run on Saturday morning.  Had the rate meter
over 200 for a few minutes.  Then the QSK vacuum relay went out.  By the
time I figured it out and got it reconfigured to another radio, the opening
was fading.  Good rate after that, but never so good as that first half
hour.  Sunday was "almost open", with a wider geographic opening, but only
the bigger stations making the trip.

10:  Almost zip, even from here in the south.  Noticed parts of the antenna
on the ground Friday afternoon, figured it wouldn't hurt much.  3B8/N6ZZ was
in for hours off and on, but not much else and not very many SA stations
worked.  Thought I heard/worked JA3ZOH on scatter, but too doubtful to
count.  Really cool to snag VE2/N6AA on scatter!  Not a peep out of Europe.

Biggest problem with lids was on 40M, where a certain KY1 multiop station
provided QRM by firing up on my frequency while I was listening to the guy I
was working.  Not once, not twice, but five times over the weekend!  Once he
persisted long enough to prevent me from completing a QSO with a VK9X
(double mult)  whose call I never got corrected before he left in
exasperation, never to be heard from again.

Also getting tired of people calling and calling no matter what the DX
station comes back to.  Just slows things down for all.

Overall, it's interesting to have the spots disappearing and the score
nearly level with two years ago!  With the terrific low band conditions it
is really hard to keep up with the Eastern guys, but the contesting is still
quite fun.  More hours of pileup busting and less of running, I guess.

Congrats to K0RF and W9RE on their fine scores from our zone.  And thanks
again to my host, Dennis, K2UA/5.  Here's to next year!

Dave K5GN
dkmc at

>From milewski at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU (Steve Milewski)  Fri Dec  8 21:34:10 1995
From: milewski at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU (Steve Milewski) (Steve Milewski)
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 1995 13:34:10 -0800
Subject: Omni-6 Firmware change coming.

>Date: Fri, 08 Dec 1995 14:45:39 -0500 (EST)
>From: Bill Fisher <bill at>
>Subject: Omni-6 Firmware change coming.

...much cut...
>I used this rig for the first time in a contest this past weekend in the
>160m contest.  I had my IC-761 next to it and could switch the 160m
>antenna to either radio.  It's hard to describe, but I felt much less
>fatigued while using the Omni-6.  It is a joy to listen to....  The best
>feature is the RF GAIN which actually works like I believe it is supposed
>to work.  When increased the band noise will slowly fade (S meter will
>decrease too) but any signal over a certain level will still come through
>at it's normal strength.  You may say big deal... but it really is nice!

I agree. In many low band situations where the noise level is quite high, I
find myself backing the rf gain to just about the 1 o'clock position and
boosting the af gain.

It really helps pick out otherwise totally uncopiable signals.

Steve Milewski
milewski at
Ham: AA7FL
 *** Stumps don't lie! ***

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