New Categories

bmelvin at bmelvin at
Thu Dec 14 13:06:28 EST 1995

I think the new categories are great!  I fit the tribander and wires
category, but this doesn't mean I'm going to enter it.  I just put up a
tower with just enough antennas to enjoy each band.  After next summer
I'll have too many wires in the air to fit this category.  If I put in
a full effort with a good score I'll submit it under low power, all
band, and compete against the likes of W2TZ and W1PH.  I would much
rather finish in the top 10 of that category than first in
tribander/wires.  But, if this category were present last year when all
I had were 3 dipoles for 20, 40 and 80, I may have actually operated. 
The motivation would have been to see if I could beat out tribanders
with dipoles.

73 de Bob WT1O

>From RUSSELL S. RINN" <miltex at  Thu Dec 14 18:48:36 1995
From: RUSSELL S. RINN" <miltex at (RUSSELL S. RINN)
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 12:48:36 -0600 (CST)
Subject: New Categories - replt to Bill
Message-ID: <199512141848.MAA18692 at>

> >In conclusion...
> >
> >Once again it must be a difference in philosophy.  In basketball I always
> >want to guard the other teams best player.  How can I test myself if I play
> >against someone who has my identical skills.
> You missed the point. With subcategorization, an attempt is made to
> equalize the STATIONS, not the skills.
> The contest itself is always a test of skill.

No, you missed my point.  Perhaps the wrong choice of words but what I was 
saying is how can I test MYSELF if I contest against someone with 
the same equipment that I have.  If we're both average op's we should be 
fairly close in score.  I want to compare myself against those with bigger
antennas and see how I do.


>From Bill Fisher  KM9P <km9p at>  Thu Dec 14 19:53:35 1995
From: Bill Fisher  KM9P <km9p at> (Bill Fisher KM9P)
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 14:53:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Ten Tec Reflector
Message-ID: <Pine.BSD/.3.91.951214144842.15307A-100000 at>

I'm setting up a mail reflector for Ten Tec users.  Hopefully take some 
of that traffic off of this reflector.  

If you are interested...  Send a message to tentec-request at  In 
the body of the message type only "subscribe".  Without the quotes of 


Bill Fisher, KM9P

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at  Thu Dec 14 20:13:05 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 12:13:05 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Categories vs. Ratings
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9512141205.E28412-b100000 at>

We seem to go through this exercise about once yearly ;-)  I'd like to
mention (to those of you that haven't been on the reflector that long)
that in response to the more-categories issue, a group of us developed a
Rating System designed to evaluate operator performance over yearly

Addressing the sailing analogy, which is much like bicycle racing, we
started to develop the system with class-based competition.  What we found
was that the density of contesters is too low in most areas to give a
reasonable geographic set of "peers" in any specific contest.  In deciding
whether to keep geographic-based or class-based evaluation, we dropped the
classes.  They could be added if contester density increases, though.

The basic idea of the system is to evaluate your performance by comparing
it to the best in your area.  The evaluation is made over a year's window
and includes the effects of scores over about a three-year period.  It's
pretty useful to evaluate your own performance and amongst others in your
area.  Worldwide, it tends to break down, depending on where you operate
from, but in the populated countries it's *reasonable*.  Not perfect, but

The system was published in the May/June issue of NCJ.  I would be happy
to send the set of ASCII files to anyone who wants to take a look.  Any
feedback is welcomed.  WA7BNM's letter in the Nov/Dec issue of NCJ
misses the point by choosing inappropriate examples, but his own evaluation
is a pretty good indication of how the system works.

My personal feelings lean towards no additional categories, but more
regional reporting and analysis.  I'm not for-or-against the new WPX
categories and consider it a noble experiment.  Let's see how it plays.

73, Ward N0AX

>From floydjr at (jim floyd)  Thu Dec 14 19:40:06 1995
From: floydjr at (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 15:40:06 -0400
Subject: ARRL 10 Meter Contest 95 Scores III
Message-ID: <199512142040.PAA25839 at>

ARRL 10 Meter Contest 1995
Raw Scores

Compiled by

Date Posted: 12/14/95

CALL              HRS        SCORE      QSO'S     PTS      SEC      DX

Single OP/QRP



WF2V                            160        12                    4

Single OP/HP/Unassisted

ZS9F                        195,716       866    1732      42        70
ZS6BRZ                      150,876       762    1524      39        60
K4VUD                        78,800       704              44        12
ZS6BRH                       67,490       397              35        50
N3BB                         66,660       555              42        18
N8RA/1                       65,800       731              32        13
KE5FI                        37,026       363              29        22
KQ4HC                        21,620       235              35        11
WB1GQR                       16,056       223     446      28         8
KF8UM             18          7,488       117              26         6
N9ITX/7                       4,524        78              22         7
VE6JY                         2,268        63     126      10         8
KK5DK                             4         2                     1

K1ZX/4                      151,956       567              45        22
KM9P                        102,620       420              48        14
N8RR              10         24,300       135              36         9

AA7BG             31         21,328       172              25         6
K7FR                         19,000       190     680      28         6
K3JT                         18,176       142              29         3
KM0L                          1,920        32     128      14         1
VSYBG                             4         1               1
VR2GO                             4         1               1

AC4NJ  (OP WC4E)            245,952       820              86        26
K3ZO              28        197,802       669              69        30
NC0P                        143,000       473                  102
K6LL                        103,500       493    1500      51        18
W9XT                         99,120       415    1180           84
KE9A              13         97,328       426              58        19
WD0T                         55,700       287              54        15
WM2C               9         51,688       324     994      44         8
W9UP                         19,902       151                   43
KI8W               3          9,042       274                   33
WF1B                          6,500       100     260      24         1
K6XO/7                        3,058        96                   11
WX9E                          2,272        42                   16
KD6DAE                        1,656       184                    9
AE2T                            384        15               7         1

Single OP/LP/Unassisted

N3ADL             13         38,352      408               30        17
N9ISN                        16,926      217               25        14
WA4ZXA             9          5,640       94               18        12
KB4OGM                        3,720       62      124      21         9
GW0GEI                        3,360       80                         21

N4BP                        122,264      493     1972           62
AC1O/4                       82,700      397               40        12
W5HUQ                        56,000      280               39        11
KP4VA  (OP KP4TK)            31,960      170      680      36        11
N9XBM  @KO9Y                 29,184      191               29         9
KR4DL                        24,864      168      672      29         8
WA2SRQ             6         21,080      170               26         58
K8HVT/1                       7,912       86               18         5
W3CPB                         6,480       90      360      15         3
K7NPN              4          5,400       90                    15
K7MM                          5,112       71      284      13         5
WB0OLA                          448       16       64       5         2
AB7GM                           204       17                     3
KD0AV/9            1            204       17                2         1

W3EP                        108,000      484               59        17
AA4GA                        73,472      315      896      65        17
WA6KUI                       48,768      247                    64
K2UF                         41,600      211               45        19
WA0QOA                       30,184      232      686      33        11
WA0X                         28,600      276               30        17
WA7BNM                       26,600      242               31         7
K8JLF              4          7,776      109      324      20         4
WF2L                          7,600       59
N7STU                         2,204       40      116      15         4
KK7A                            820       27       82       8         2


N4ZC                        263,000      723               83       36
NU4Y                        170,000      671               77       27
NC0P                        140,000      473                   102
AA3JU                       100,864      610     1576      47       17
AA5UO                        71,500      398               45       28
N5RP                         63,992      291      842           76
N2MZH                        46,176      315               40       12
KR4YL  @WB2LES               37,576      246      616      42       19
K0LUZ                        23,120      170      680      28        6
WA8QYJ                       29,464      202      508      40       18
K0RC                         16,000      127               35        7
KC4UCK/T          13          8,878      157      386           23
VE5MX                           784       19                6        8


WS4F                        180,576      572               80       34
N2BIM                       162,000      516               62       20
K3WW                        150,858      560               64       23
AA4NC                       127,000      585               72       31
AA3JU                       100,800
WB8NER                       90,480      350               62       25
WS1C              13         89,200      415               62       13
WC9M                         42,840      630                    68
K7UP                         30,000      200
AB4RU                        27,000      170               43       12
AA8SM                         5,366       74      186      23        3


73's Jim

Amateur Call: WA4ZXA
       Email: floydjr at
 Packet Node: N4ZC

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