johnv at aec.env.gov.ab.ca johnv at aec.env.gov.ab.ca
Thu Feb 2 13:18:34 EST 1995

Industry Canada has given me permission to use the special call CJ6V once 
again and I'll be active this weekend in the RTTY WPX test.I've used this 
call the past two years in the CQWW SSB WPX and I already have the OK to use 
it for the SSB weekend and the CW weekend if I dare get that brave.Now all 
that has to be done is to convince CQ magazine to accept rtty contacts as 
part of their Mixed WPX award. I've tried and was told even though the rules 
state any mode for the mixed award it really only means SSB & CW. Maybe a few 
more requests would change this situation.

Good luck to everyone and the bottom line is have fun!

73 from John VE6JAV aka CJ6V.

>From jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid)  Thu Feb  2 11:09:00 1995
From: jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 95 11:09 WET
Subject: ARLB011 Vanity call sign order
Message-ID: <m0ra8mt-000ZzSC at hookomo>

>Return-Path: <owner-w1aw-list at netcom.com>
>Subject: ARLB011 Vanity call sign order
>To: QST at arrl.org
>From: w1aw at arrl.org
>Organization: American Radio Relay League
>Date: Wed, 01 Feb 1995 19:01:40 EST
>Sender: owner-w1aw-list at netcom.com
>Precedence: list
>ARLB011 Vanity call sign order
>QST de W1AW  
>ARRL Bulletin 11  ARLB011
>>From ARRL Headquarters
>Newington CT  February 1, 1995
>To all radio amateurs 
>ARLB011 Vanity call sign order
>''Vanity'' Call Sign Order Released
>The FCC today released its Report and Order in PR Docket 93-305,
>amending its rules to provide for a ''vanity'' call sign program.
>The new rules are effective March 24.
>Each new amateur station licensed by the FCC is assigned a unique
>call sign through an automated process in accordance with the
>sequential call sign system.  To accommodate requests for specific,
>''vanity'' call signs, the Commission will use a series of four
>''starting gates.''  Gate One will allow a previous holder of a call
>sign to apply for that call sign or, where the holder is deceased, a
>close relative could apply, even if he or she is not otherwise
>eligible to hold the call sign.  Gate Two will allow Amateur Extra
>Class licensees to apply.  Gate Three will allow Advanced Class
>operators to apply; and Gate Four will open the system to any
>licensee, including a club station license trustee applying for the
>call sign of a deceased former holder.
>The Commission will announce the opening of each gate by a Public
>Notice.  The first gate will open as soon as the new application
>form, FCC Form 610-V, is available and the Commission's licensing
>facility is prepared to begin processing the applications.
>The Commission said opening Gate One first to the small group of
>eligible licensees will allow for validation of their procedures and
>alert its staff to the need for adjustments.  The following gates
>two through four will be opened sequentially ''at such times as it
>is clear that the system is ready to accommodate more
>Applications will go to the Commission's contractor, Mellon Bank,
>which will accept them in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  They will be
>processed ''in the order they are received at the processor's work
>Applicants will be permitted to request call signs reflecting their
>own or other call sign regions.
>Except for a close relative applying for a deceased licensee's call
>sign, or a club station trustee applying with the written consent of
>a close relative of a deceased licensee, a vacated call sign will
>not be assignable for a two-year waiting period.
>For clubs, persons not already holding a club station license, as
>trustee, must first apply for and receive a license before filing an
>application for a vanity call sign.  FCC will begin accepting
>applications for new club and military recreation station licenses
>on the effective date, March 24.
>The FCC set aside the one-by-one call sign block until the matter of
>assignment of these calls could be addressed in a separate
>proceeding.  The ARRL had requested allowance for assignment of
>one-by-one call signs to special event stations of national
>A 70 dollar fee (7 dollar annual fee, for a ten-year license term)
>will have to be paid when requesting a new or renewed vanity call
>sign.  The ARRL continues to work for legislation that will enable
>the Commission to charge a one-time fee.
>Copies of the Report and Order are available from League
>Headquarters (SASE please).  Details to follow in QST.  
73 and Aloha,
Jim Reid, AH6NB (Happily retired on the Island of Kauai)
Hawaii,  USA     Email: jreid at aloha.net

>From tree at cmicro.com (Larry Tyree)  Thu Feb  2 21:32:59 1995
From: tree at cmicro.com (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 95 13:32:59 PST
Subject: Internet NCJ Sprint Team
Message-ID: <9502022132.AA04704 at cmicro.com>

It is time for an all Internet CW Sprint team.  If you are otherwise 
nonaligned, please consider joining!.  I will put everyone who responds 
on a team (making extra teams as needed).

The teams will be called Internet Hackers #1, #2 as needed.

Tree N6TR
tree at cmicro.com

>From kn5hose at acca.nmsu.edu (kn5hose)  Fri Feb  3 00:35:08 1995
From: kn5hose at acca.nmsu.edu (kn5hose) (kn5hose)
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 95 17:35:08 MST
Subject: TEST
Message-ID: <9502030035.AA29686 at acca.nmsu.edu>

ThgiXXX This is a test   only a test.

>From yates at iquest.net (John Yates)  Fri Feb  3 01:23:00 1995
From: yates at iquest.net (John Yates) (John Yates)
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 95 20:23 EST
Subject: list
Message-ID: <m0raCjt-000E2UC at dorite.use.com>


>From Hsu, Aaron" <ATHSU at mca.com  Fri Feb  3 02:00:00 1995
From: Hsu, Aaron" <ATHSU at mca.com (Hsu, Aaron)
Date: Thu, 02 Feb 95 18:00:00 PST
Subject: NAQP 1995 SSB...
Message-ID: <2F318EC7 at msmail.mca.com>

A little late, but better than never!

Station:  W6BAB
QTH: Pasadena City College, CA
Operator: Aaron, KD6DAE
Class:    Single Op
Mode:     SSB

Band Q's  Mults
 -------- -----     --------
160  0    0
80   0    0
40   18   11
20   58   30
15   0    0
10   Is anybody out there?
     ---- ----
     76Qs  X  41 mults = 3,116 points

Operating time was about 4 hours, informal S&P after our club meeting ended. 
 There was/is  a hope that some of our no-code techs would get hooked and 
upgrade their license by listening to some contesting...we'll see what 
happens! <hi>.  They still have a few months before Field Day...

  - Aaron Hsu, KD6DAE
    athsu at mca.com

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