Canadian Special Prefixes 5-12 February

ve2zp at ve2zp at
Sat Feb 4 18:28:27 EST 1995

On 3 February 1995, Industry Canada Atlantic Region has given
permission for all Canadian Amateurs to use special prefixes to
mark "Canadian International Development Week", sponsored by the
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).

Le 3 fevrier 1995, Industrie Canada r‚gion de l'atlantique a donn‚
permission pour tous les radio-amateurs canadiens d'utiliser
prefixes speciaux pour c‚l‚brer la "Semaine canadienne du
d‚veloppement internationale", parrain‚ par l'Agence canadienne de
d‚veloppement internationale (ACDI).

>From 0000 UTC 5 February 1995 through 2359 UTC 12 February,
Canadian Amateurs may use special prefixes as follows:

De 0000 UTC le 5 f‚vrier 1995 au 2359 UTC le 12 f‚vrier 1995, les
radio-amateurs canadiens peuvent utiliser prefixes sp‚ciaux comme
le suit:

Regular prefix   Special prefix
Pr‚fixe r‚gulier Pr‚fixe sp‚cial
VA2              CI2
VA3              CI3
VA7              CI7
VE1              CF1
VE2              CF2
VE3              CF3
VE4              CF4
VE5              CF5
VE6              CF6
VE7              CF7
VE8              CF8
VE9              CF9
VO1              CZ7
VO2              CZ8
VY1              CK7
VY2              CK8

Dave Goodwin VE2ZP/VE9CB
InterNet: ve2zp at

>From George Troutman <wb4fin at>  Sat Feb  4 19:20:45 1995
From: George Troutman <wb4fin at> (George Troutman)
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 14:20:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Subscrition to DX
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.950204141907.15263A-100000 at iglou>

I wonder if someone could pass along the info neccessary
to get on a DX forum?

Thanks in advance.

73's George WB4FIN
wb4fin at

>From scotty at (scotty neustadter)  Sun Feb  5 09:17:33 1995
From: scotty at (scotty neustadter) (scotty neustadter)
Date: Sun, 05 Feb 1995 03:17:33 -0600
Subject: Young Ham of the Year Award
Message-ID: <199502050333.VAA13457 at>


                      The Amateur Radio Newsline
                           Editorial Office
                          28197 Robin Avenue
                           Saugus Ca. 91350
                      Tel./Fax.: (805) 296-7180
                    MCI Electronic Mail: 324-1437 
                 Internet: b.pasternak at
                          GEnie: B.Pasternak
                      America Online: BILLWA6ITF
                         Amateur Radio: WA6ITF
                           February 1, 1995
                            PRESS RELEASE
                     YOUNG HAM OF THE YEAR AWARD
                        TO BE PRESENTED AT THE
                          HUNTSVILLE HAMFEST

     The Amateur Radio Newsline is proud to announce an agreement with the
Huntsville Hamfest Inc. for the Huntsville Hamfest to become the permanent
home of Newsline's "Young Ham of the Year Award."  

     The Huntsville Hamfest is one of the nations largest and most popular
Amateur Radio conventions.  It is held at the Von Braun Civic Center in
downtown Huntsville and attracts some 7000 attendees each August.

     The city of Huntsville Alabama has many attractions of interest to
young people including the nearby NASA Spacecamp.  Convention Headquarters
is at the Huntsville Hilton Hotel located adjacent to the Von Braun Center.

     The youngster selected as 1995 Young Ham of the Year will receive an
expense paid trip and to the Huntsville Hamfest and possible other
gratuities courtesy of Yaesu U.S.A. Corporation.  

     While in Huntsville, he/she will be provided a C.Q Magazine sponsored
V.I.P. tour of the NASA Spacecamp facility and the Marshall Spaceflight Center.

     The 1995 Young Ham of the Year will receive his/her award at the
Huntsville Hamfest Grand Banquet the evening of August 19, 1995. 

     For more information please contact Bill Pasternak at the address and
telephone/fax/e-mail listed above.


Scotty Neustadter, N4PYD
President, North Alabama DX Club
Huntsville Hamfest Chairman  
scotty at
MCI Mail: N4PYD  Fax: 205 880 9530
  "Entropy is not what it used to be"

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Sun Feb  5 03:38:38 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 19:38:38 -0800 (PST)
Subject: "PQ" from VA2AM
Message-ID: <791955518.425999.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

> What does "PQ" sand for?  Thanks.

Province of Quebec.

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From Celia Tony Becker <becker at>  Sun Feb  5 05:52:45 1995
From: Celia Tony Becker <becker at> (Celia Tony Becker)
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 21:52:45 -0800
Subject: Score, NA Sprint, SSB , AE0M
Message-ID: <199502050552.VAA17600 at>

                       North American Sprint February 1994

      Call: AE0M 
      Mode: SSB                       
  Category: Steath Antennas

               QSOs   MULTs
          20m   42
          40m   50
          80m   28
      Totals   120  *  29  =   3480

All exchanges sent were "S/N Tony CA".

Equipment Description:   
RIG: FT-990, new FL7000 & 486DX2-66 MHz running TRLog v4.05 demo.  
ANTs: My CC&R's prohibit external antennas, so I have an attic 20-10m fan 
pole, a stealthly 40m delta loop and a new 80-15m fan ground plane in the 
eucalyptus over the garden wall.  We even planted a 20 foot high juniper
in front of the ground plane to keep people from seeing it.

I thought I had checked out the new arrangements throughly, but
when I QSY ed to 80m, my power with the amp was less than without!  Like
only 2-3 watts!  This is what I spent all that money for???

When I hit the F1 key to send a CQ with the voice keyer, the power out
returned to 500 w PEP.  Aha!  The east 80m radial passes just below the 
shack floor as it hugs the eaves of the condo, so RF is getting into the 
microphone!  Switch to the ALC on the exciter and it is pegged whenever
I speak, but normal when the voice keyer is playing.

Does this contest have a single band low power class?

Net-net, my score is 1000 pts less than last fall, without the new
antennas and the amp.

AE0M, Tony Becker - becker at - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.

>From Jim Stevens, KI4HN" <ki4hn at  Sun Feb  5 06:47:20 1995
From: Jim Stevens, KI4HN" <ki4hn at (Jim Stevens, KI4HN)
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 01:47:20 -0500 (EST)
Subject: NA Sprint SSB Score - KI4HN
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950205012645.22596A-100000 at server0>

Using TS-850 and AL-1200

Band    QSOs   Mults
 75      58      1    Three 4 el LPAs (NE, S, W) at 100
 40     105     15    4 el at 132
 20      88     27    4 el at 110 rotatable / 4 el at 47 fixed NE
        251  X  43  = 10793

Team: Cluster Pluckers

US/VE Mults Missed: AR, KY (why did N4OGW move?), KS, LA (K5GA in TX this 
time), MS, OK, SC, VT, WY, KH6, KL7 (I heard a W6/7 work a KL7 on 20 & 40 
but I couldn't hear the KL7, argh!), VE1, VE2 (where's Serge when you need 
him?), VE4 (no VV or GV, wow!), VE6, and VE8.

Would be interested in knowing which of the above were out there, but I 

DX worked: XE1/AA6RX

73, Jim, KI4HN
ki4hn at

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