aa9jy at
aa9jy at
Mon Feb 6 20:28:15 EST 1995
Dean AA9JY
This is not my final score since a have a version on WF1B software that
needs a the new score file, just haven't done it yet.
Well this is it in a nut shell:
420 qsos
180 prefixes
1100 plus points
195,500 plus points
Had fun on this one even though I thought activity dropped off on
Saturday. Had on problem on Saturday night right before SSB sprint,
amplifer went haywire shut it down and found that it cooked my watt-
meter. Good thing I have spare.
Station setup:
Icom 735 with timewave DSP-59
Homebrew amp running 2 3-400z at 4000 vdc plate
Homebrew X-Beam for 40m @ 85ft
Mosley Tribander @ 72 ft
Sloper for 80m and 160m
Best time is hard to say when you from the black hole, maybe it was
Sunday morning at 1700z running europe for 2 hours or maybe it was
working europe at 2200z (dx said they heard me at 2100z but couldn't get
through), or maybe working 2 not 1 VE8's on 20m half hour apart.
Worked several new ones like C91A and TY1 on 15m at 1500z
Power output for contest was 1000 watts with lots to spare.
Had hardly any contacts on 80m due to wiping out the TV, XYL mad about
that, otherwise good sport. Oh well always a new problem here.
I am new at this digital contesting, but liking it very well. Need to
get into a good digital group soon to learn about all the tricks and
gagets the coastal contesters use to work those DX pileups.
Well, this summer I need to add preamps at all the antennas, and put a
monbander for 20m.
Will send in the updated score soon.
Had fun 73
Dean AA9JY
aa9jy at
>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at> Tue Feb 7 02:41:16 1995
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 95 11:41:16 +0900
Subject: REF French CW Contest
Message-ID: <9502070241.AA05713 at>
Hi Richard
I've been distributing the contest information (rules & results)
to the JA ham magazines. But I have not gotton the response from
REF past few years on REF contest.
I saw your article on Contest reflector and I believe you have
the input from REF on the French contest. Would you send me the
past JA results of French contest? They will be really appreciated
for the publication. Past few years No official information from
REF has been announced on these magazines and most JA contesters
does not believe that the French contest has been continueing!!
Thanks in advance
Japan Crazy Conteters Club
JE1CKA Tack Kumagai
>From scott at (Scott Lieberman) Mon Feb 6 23:33:02 1995
From: scott at (Scott Lieberman) (Scott Lieberman)
Date: 06 Feb 95 15:33:02 -0800
Subject: FCC on Vanity calls: how to get text
Message-ID: <03c_9502061906 at>
f> The ARRL Info Server has the complete text of the FCC's Order on vanity
f> callsigns (file is about 25K). Send a message to info at with the
f> following text in the body of the message (no subject line needed):
f> SEND PR93-305.TXT
I got this, and it offers a lot of explanatory material that is not in AH6NB's
earlier post. If you are planning on getting a vanity call, I suggest you get
this document.
I called the league, and if you have any questions about the vanity call
order,you can e-mail the following people.. jhennessee at
Scott, N1EE/6 nbliss at
|Fidonet: Scott Lieberman 1:143/6
|Internet: scott at
| Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly their own.
| via a2i communications gateway (408) 293-9010 logon=guest for info!
>From dennis at (dennis) Mon Feb 6 20:29:19 1995
From: dennis at (dennis) (dennis)
Date: Mon, 06 Feb 1995 20:29:19
Subject: unsubscribe list
Message-ID: <214 at>
unsubscribe list
>From Mark.Hinkleman at (Mark Hinkleman) Mon Feb 6 22:28:00 1995
From: Mark.Hinkleman at (Mark Hinkleman) (Mark Hinkleman)
Date: Mon, 06 Feb 95 22:28:00 EST5EDT
Subject: List Info
Message-ID: <1995Feb06.222800.18424 at>
I would like to get information on subscribing to any DX related
mailing list. I would like the name of the lists and the commands used
to subcribe.
I thank you in advance for your help.....
73.... Mark ..NU8Z... email mark.hinkleman at
Mark Hinkleman, user of the UniBoard System @
E-Mail: Mark.Hinkleman at
C4 Yourself BBS Voice: (517) 423-3454 Fax/BBS: (517) 423-3667
C4 Systems, Inc. 6585 Hack Road, RR#1, Clinton, Michigan, USA 49236-9530
>From Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at Tue Feb 7 13:22:39 1995
From: Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at (Peter G. Smith)
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 05:22:39 -0800 (PST)
Subject: NA Sprint SSB Score - KI4HN
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9502070519.A6245-0100000 at netcom>
Well of course it wouldn't be a mult,but I heard V73C give someone #3 on
20m. about 0045. He couldn't hear me, though. HR2BDC was also there
briefly - I dragged him into the fray after running into him on the
(nearly) dead band late in the Sprint.
73, Pete
N4ZR at
"Better, faster,cheaper -- choose any two"
"No no no -- it's WEST Virginia"
>From Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at> Tue Feb 7 13:16:57 1995
From: Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at> (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 08:16:57 -0500
Subject: Dayton in an RV ???
Message-ID: <9502071316.AA25460 at>
I'm looking for info on 'doing Dayton' in an RV. This is due to the following
two firsts in my life:
1. First Year I've owned an RV.
2. First time the XYL has approved a Dayton Trip
(She couldn't think of anything else to give me for Xmas)!
In particular, I'd like to get in touch with someone who has done it
and can give me pointers about where to stay, etc. Or do I just
try for a space with 110 power at the flea market?
Please excuse the use of bandwidth on the contest reflector -
Honest, I just wanna go to the Contest Forum! Hope this message
is humorous enough to make up for the spectrum consumption. Or
maybe I should look for
Please reply direct-
-Tony, K1KP, fisher at
>From Setzler" <Setzler at C813.NPT.NUWC.NAVY.MIL Tue Feb 7 14:07:11 1995
From: Setzler" <Setzler at C813.NPT.NUWC.NAVY.MIL (Setzler)
Date: 7 Feb 1995 09:07:11 -0500
Subject: K1NG CQ 160 CW MultiSingle
Message-ID: <n1419974201.79375 at C813.NPT.NUWC.NAVY.MIL>
I'm posting this for John and Rick.
K1NG CQ 160 CW Multi Single
K1NG and KI1G ops
1062 Qs / 56 Countries / 59 Sections / 452,252 points
EVERY antenna at K1NG was damaged to some extent by the Christmas 94 storm.
The 80 meter beam is a total loss. Most of the other beams are repairable.
All the wire antennas were lost (except the Beverages). The towers were all
ok ( John says due to his "superior engineering" (HI, HI)). John and Rick
had time to put up a 160 diople and a quarter sloper for the test.
Plans are to have the new and improved K1NG back on line for 95 CQWW!
de James , KD1NG
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