Scoring changes (VHF/UHF) rover class (long)

gt5830b at gt5830b at
Tue Feb 7 17:42:34 EST 1995

ND3F writes:

>   I think the old scoring system encouraged more "true" roving:  I feel
>   that I need "portable" type sites, big power, big antennas to get a good
>   score and maybe put out only 1 "rarer" grid in the contest, rather than the
>   "many grid--get the strongest guys" concept we had been using.  However,
>   KP4XS did very well south of us with his 6 grid expedition.
>   See you in June!!  73
> End of returned message

Along this line, I found the same to be the case after my January roving
experience in North and Central Georgia.   The following letter summarizes
my position on the scoring change for rovers.  I welcome any other
comments on this subject.  Please respond to me directly at:

gt5830b at             

Dave, K0DI.

To the Contest Advisory Committee

Please consider the following comments pertaining to the recent rule 
changes in scoring of the rover class entries in the January VHF/UHF 
Sweepstakes.  Under the current scoring method for the rover category, 
the total score is simply the sum of the scores from each grid square.
In general, large scores are always the result of a large number of 
QSO's coupled with a large number of multipliers.  Previously, rovers 
achieved high scores by accumulating a large number multipliers from 
contacts having unique grid square combinations, each counting as a 
multiplier with the TOTAL QSO points (from all grids), thus encouraging 
activation of many (and rare) grids.  Under the new scoring system it 
is no longer desirable to have QSO's with many unique grid square 

Currently, to maximize a roving score (using the new scoring method), 
I would plan to do 95% of my operation from a single grid square to 
achieve a maximum number of multipliers acting on a large number of 
QSO points (the way to achieve a high score).  If I change grids I have 
to start all over building up QSO points and multipliers.  The major 
operation would take place in the square closest to a large population 
center and the square having the best operating location (highest point).  
This practice is completely against the intention of the rover category:  
to activate as many grid squares as possible during the contest weekend, 
and especially the ``rare'' grids.  For rover entrants to fulfill the desired 
role of the class it is essential to re-incorporate motivation for 
significant operations from many different grid squares through the scoring 

Activation of rare grids adds significantly to the enjoyment of VHF and 
UHF contests for all participants and the motivation for this in the 
rover class was accomplished very well under the old scoring system.
If a reduction of the rover scores under the old system is desired so 
that rover scores are ``in line'' with single-op and multi-op scores, 
then it would be much better to simply use the old system of rover class 
scoring and scale the result by 1/2, 1/4  or even 1/10.
I sincerely believe the VHF/UHF contest community would 
benefit from a return to the previous rover scoring architecture.

David B. Kunkee, K0DI 
gt5830b at p[


>From lenrev at (Len Revelle)  Tue Feb  7 23:43:00 1995
From: lenrev at (Len Revelle) (Len Revelle)
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 95 17:43 CST
Subject: NAS Glenview Special Event Station
Message-ID: <m0rbzZb-000bo1C at>

For those interested, Lake County RACES will operate from the control towers 
of NAS Glenview during the Feb. 25/26 weekend commemorating the last 
official air ops from the soon-to-close Naval Air Station. Call will be N9US 
operating CW 3580, 7035, 14030, 21140 and SSB 3880, 7280, 14280, 21320, 28430.
Nice certificate for QSL and 9x12 SASE.
          Len Revelle                   lenrev at
                                        Compuserve 72607,1320
                                        KE9YR at W9AZW.IL.USA.NOAM

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