Results Summary--1994 CQP
zf8bs at
zf8bs at
Sat Feb 11 16:36:00 EST 1995
Here are the award winners for the 1994 California QSO Party. This was the
biggest CQP we've ever held--456 logs were received for the contest. Full
results are now in the mail to EVERY person who submitted a log. If you sent
in a log but do not receive a copy of the results by Feb. 20, please send me
email with your mailing address and I'll send you another copy of the results.
Thanks to everybody who participated in the contest.
Bruce Sawyer, AA6KX (ZF8BS at
President, Northern California Contest Club
In the results which follow, the format for results is:
( #SSB QSO's + #CW QSO's ) x Multiplier = Score
1. Special CQP WINE AWARD: a bottle of NCCC Private Reserve Red to the
top 20 stations in California and the top 20 stations outside of
In California: Outside California:
AB6FO (829+825)*58 = 239,714 VE7NTT (885+258)*57 = 145,008
AE6Y (1117+570)*58 = 228,752 K7QQ (619+227)*56 = 107,464
WA6AUE (962+543)*58 = 206,074 AA8AV (426+327)*58 = 106,314
N6EK (769+670)*58 = 205,784 WB9YXY (508+252)*57 = 101,004
KC6X (920+575)*57 = 203,205 N6CQ/3 (518+229)*56 = 96,488
NI6T (922+547)*58 = 202,130 KE9I (505+217)*58 = 96,338
AA6KX (762+659)*57 = 199,557 N9HZQ (497+201)*58 = 92,626
W6TKF (1121+389)*58 = 197,722 N8UM (368+249)*56 = 83,048
W6BJH (705+541)*58 = 175,914 WA4PGM (369+204)*58 = 78,300
W6UQF (591+613)*58 = 175,218 K0PP (343+236)*55 = 76,670
AB6WM (735+478)*58 = 168,432 K6XO/7 (362+206)*57 = 76,494
N6HC (801+433)*58 = 168,258 WA6KUI/4 (249+284)*56 = 75,600
KM6YX (1369+ 2)*58 = 159,152 N1CC (357+211)*56 = 75,432
WA6FGV (464+581)*58 = 154,918 WA5DTK (422+188)*53 = 74,624
KJ6GQ (1264+ 0)*58 = 146,624 W9RE (387+191)*55 = 74,085
W6JTI (381+569)*57 = 140,733 KF0IA (574+ 58)*55 = 72,710
WX6M (1204+ 3)*58 = 140,186 K2SX/1 (245+212)*56 = 63,056
N6IP (236+635)*57 = 135,489 VE7NKI (609+ 0)*51 = 62,118
N8SR/6 ( 29+713)*57 = 125,229 N8LXS/7 (274+175)*54 = 57,942
KD6FW (1077+ 0)*58 = 124,932 N9JF (240+183)*55 = 56,595
2. Trophies and Special Awards:
Top 3 CA stations: AB6FO (sponsored by KI3V)
AE6Y (sponsored by KK6TE)
WA6AUE (sponsored by AB6EQ & KD6NOS)
Top 3 non-CA stations: VE7SZ (VE7NTT, op) (sponsored by WA6AUE)
VE7QQ (sponsored by N5OVV)
AA8AV (sponsored by KN6DV)
Top California Multi-Single:
W6EEN (+K6XC,KA6SAR) (1335+765)*58 = 287,979 (sponsored by WJ6Q)
Top California Multi-Multi:
N6RO (+K3EST) (2060+866)*58 = 389,644 (sponsored by W0YK)
Top Mobile Operation: WJ6Q (sponsored by REDXA)
Top Single-Op Expedition: AA6KX (sponsored by AB6EQ & KD6NOS)
Top Multi-Op Expedition:
KS6H (+N6ZB) (825+567)*57 = 191,007 (sponsored by W6JTI)
Most CW QSO's, in CA: AB6FO (sponsored by N6TV)
Most CQ QSO's, outside CA: VE7NTT (sponsored by N6TV)
Most SSB QSO's, in CA: KM6YX (sponsored by K6HNZ)
Top Low Power, in CA: W6UQF (sponsored by N6XI)
Top Low Power, outside CA: AA8AV (sponsored by AE6Y)
Top Novice/Tech, in CA:
KD6KKP (15+99)*33 = 10,791 (sponsored by KA6ING)
Top Novice/Tech, outside CA:
WB0IWG (5+0)*3 = 30 (sponsored by KA6ING)
Top Non USA/Canada Entry:
XE1/AA6RX (62+88)*50 = 19,400 (sponsored by W6TKV)
>From George Cook <george at> Sat Feb 11 22:17:58 1995
From: George Cook <george at> (George Cook)
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 1995 22:17:58 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: 80 antenna help
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950211221618.17185B-100000 at>
Send me a packet on the FRC cluster and give me an adress to send you
plans for a Double Bazooka. Or Maybe will catch you at FRC meeting.
But it will do what you want it to do and could possibly work as a
driven element in a wire Yaggggggi
On Sat, 11 Feb 1995, Robert Penneys wrote:
> I need an antenna for 80 which will be adequately resonant to run on both CW
> and phone without a tuner, in order to keep the RF out of the computers.
> All ideas appreciated...... Bob
> Bob Penneys, WN3K Frankford Radio Club N.E.R.D.S.
> Internet: penneys at Work: Ham Radio Outlet, Delaware
* George Cook AA3JU Bangor, PA FN21 *
* george at AA3JU at N3IQD.EPA.USA.NA *
>From Robert <w5robert at blkbox.COM> Sun Feb 12 00:48:23 1995
From: Robert <w5robert at blkbox.COM> (Robert)
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 1995 18:48:23 -0600 (CST)
Subject: zf8aa
Message-ID: <9502111848.aa25979 at blkbox.COM>
Recent phone conversation with Ron last night and things seem
more normal at zf8aa for contesting, etc. I will be unable
to make zf8aa for march 2-15th due to work assignment. This
leaves the cottage open should someone be able to go down.
Ron has his ad in QST or drop me a line & I'll pass along the phone #.
It maybe March 95 will be the last ham outing to his cottage
as he is attempting to put in long term renters.
73 Robert WB5CRG w5robert at
Anyone using an Ameritron rcs-4 ??
work OK? how?? tnx
>From Kok Chen <kchen at> Sat Feb 11 21:09:47 1995
From: Kok Chen <kchen at> (Kok Chen)
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 95 13:09:47 -0800
Subject: ADRS RTTY WPX Score
Message-ID: <9502112109.AA09867 at>
ADRS World Wide RTTY WPX Contest
Call: AA6TY QTH: Sunnyvale, California
Category: Single Operator All Band Low Power
MHz QSO QSO pts Prefixes
3.5 7 18 7
7 34 86 32
14 70 91 59
21 54 73 47
28 whatszat?
Totals 165 268 77 == 20,636
Brag tape:
Rig: FT-990 @ 100W
Antenna: dummy load
(4 metre tall vertical on apartment balcony)
Modem: KAM Plus
Software: HostMaster Macintosh + homebrew logging software
No mishaps. Low score is normal for me, HI. Lots of
fun. Thanks to everyone who tried to pick my puny signal
out of the mud. Hope I gave a few folks a mult. All QSOs
done on steam-powered Baudot, didn't touch AMTOR or Pactor.
Thanks, Jay, Ron, and others who set this test up!
Kok Chen, AA6TY kchen at
Apple Computer, Inc.
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