ADRS WPX95 H.C.Scores No#2

ron481 at ron481 at
Mon Feb 13 13:13:53 EST 1995

ADRS WPX HIgh Claimed Scores
                       No# 2


       Call     Qso's     Mults     Score

       WS7I     1132      325       637,430 Ops: WS7I, WA7EGA, WB7AVD

             Single/Op High Power All Band

       KF3P      849       296       711,288
       AB5KD    1043       320       603,520
       KN6DV     653       219       250,755
       VE7SAY    468       200       239,800
       AA9JY     420       420       195,500
       VE6JY     435       175       184,450
       EA2IA     281       174       137,634
       K3WW      341       176       122,672
       S56A      202       132        99,132
       VS6BG     211       125        76,000
       W6OTC     537       110        59,070
       WA6SDM    236       125        58,375
       JH7QHJ    152        99        40,887

             Single/Op Low Power All Band

       AA5AU     739       234       305,838
       KA4RRU    438       200       256,300
       CJ6V      379       169       140,608 (VE6JAV)
       N0FMR     382       149       129,779
       G0AZT/WQ6 371       156       109,512
       K5ED      355       150       107,850 21.5 hrs
       VA6A      313       243        97,955 (VE6WQ)
       VE6ZX     222       108        54,216
       PA3EVY    105        82        24,108
       AA6TY     165        77        20,636
       N5XUS      66        44        11,484 6.3 hrs
       WF1B       40        33         4,224- 80m Sloper on all bands
       VE8EV      52        40         3,800

             20m Single Band

       NA4M      381       213       115,872
       VE7OR     302       169       105,118
       K0BX      118        81        11,664

             40m Single Band

       W2UP     244       142        81,508

             80m Single Band

       K1IU     224       140       133,560

     Send all H.C. Scores to AB5KD, all scores will be posted..


    de Ron AB5KD <ron481 at>
                 <AB5KD @ W5SYT.#AUS.USA.NA>

>From Hsu, Aaron" <ATHSU at  Mon Feb 13 19:03:00 1995
From: Hsu, Aaron" <ATHSU at (Hsu, Aaron)
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 95 11:03:00 PST
Subject: School Roundup
Message-ID: <2F3FAD69 at>

Here's another "ad" for those of you wishing 5 points in this week's School 
Roundup! <hi>

W6BAB, Pasadena City College, will be up on Tues. and Thurs. from 1930UTC to 
2130UTC (11:30am to 1:30pm PST) and possibly till 5:00pm PST on Tuesday.  We 
may also be up on other times/days, pending scheduling.

Hope to hear you sometime this week!

  - Aaron, KD6DAE
    athsu at

>From Balmforth, Kevin D" <kbalmforth at  Mon Feb 13 19:32:53 1995
From: Balmforth, Kevin D" <kbalmforth at (Balmforth, Kevin D)
Date: 13 Feb 1995 11:32:53 -0800
Subject: NC6U Sprint Score (yawn..)
Message-ID: <n1419447112.91263 at MSMAIL2.HAC.COM>

I was anxious to try out new -XA and amp this year.  The first hour was my
best ever, then ... the little old widow from across the alley came over,
complete with hat and gloves. She said that I was killing her TV on channel 2
and 4, and "since there was nothing to do on Saturday nights since her husband
died, except watch TV", could I please turn my radio off.  

Major guilt trip.  I quit for a while, then ventured a little low power on 40
and 80 without a problem.  Final score: 139 x 33 in ~2 hours.  I don't even
have a flicker of TVI in my non-cable house, and every one else in the
neighborhood has cable - except her.  It turns out her antenna and twinlead
feed pre-date Marconi => diode city. Guess I'll have to buy her a new antenna
and coax before the next contest...  

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