Qslwf5e at aol.com Qslwf5e at aol.com
Tue Feb 14 23:06:12 EST 1995

     I have a Harris RF-103 Amp. It tunes 2-30 and I would like to convert it
to tune 160 meters. I know it can be done and one just has to change a
doorknob capacitor or two. I wonder if anyone has done this and can tell me
what to do to modify this Harris?
     Also there is a 6 db pad in the input of the amp. If I remove the pad on
10-17 meters I get a lot of RFI in the shack and the amp doesnt seem very
stable. Is there a way to remove this and still keep the amp stable, maybe a
3 db pad or modification to the present one?  I have diagrams on the amp. I
drive it with a Kenwood 940 and seems to work just fine. Any help would be

                                                   Les WF5E Qslwf5e at aol.com

>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM  Wed Feb 15 11:57:00 1995
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 95 03:57:00 PST
Subject: Embarrasingly low score for NA Sprint CW -- WB4iUX
Message-ID: <2F41F1C0 at admin.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM>

OK, I was eavesdropping on 3830 after the NA Sprint
and heard some hilarious comments. I had hesitated
posting my score (51 Q's, 18 mults, about 2 hours of
sporadic operating), but with prior commitments
to the wife for a movie date..well, let's just say she's a
good lady and I know where my bread is buttered.  Anyhow,
I had hoped to get on to make South Carolina somewhat
less rare as a mult.  Somehow, W5WMU worked me on
all three bands (he called me on 20 as I was CQ'ing and
we had a just-above-ESP but 100% QSO). Also, my
computer was acting up and that caused a lot of
delays.  Finally, I had to run low power until about
0300 gmt due to severe TVI on 80 meters.
Excuses aside, here are some of the comments and if
the author is known I have attributed it appropriately:

1.  " I missed South Carolina, but I heard IUX was
2.  "Yeah, if you call 51 Q's active."
3.  "I wish he hadn't gotten on. I worked AG4?? (can't
remember the call, it was another SC station)"
and got a "QSO #1, Nate" from him. N6TR
4.  "I chased him (IUX) for 25 minutes.  I'd have
done a lot better if I hadn't."  I think this was K6NA
or N6AA, couldn't tell.
5.  "Thanks for getting on Tom.  I'm glad I don't
have the lowest team score."  AA4GA

I have sporadically operated in this contest due to
lack of interest.  However, now the challenge is there
to understand how it works and do better.  The rules
are printed, but some of the subleties are never in
black-and-white regarding the QSY rule.  Matter of
fact, making sure I follow the QSY rule makes me
nervous.  It took me awhile to realize, for example,
that if you come back to a CQ'ing station the
frequency is "yours" after the QSO. Thus, you will
have a pileup call you.  Also, there is apparently
some particular method to which the required
QSO info is sent so those tuning the freq will know
who gets to keep it.  There wasn't any consistency
in this, and I spent a good deal of time listening
towards the end of the contest on 80 meters to
figure out what this method is.  I would appreciate
any advice, criticism, suggestions, etc., direct to
me.  Believe me, I'll NEVER be one of the
300+ QSO'ers in the CW portion of this contest
no matter how hard I try.  Wonder how long it
will take to bust 400 Q's???

CU guys/gals in ARRL DX CW next weekend --
a contest I understand!!!!!  Biggest antennas
you can get, tune for maximum smoke, work
everything you can hear, RATE, RATE, RATE,
and use second radio to find the mults....

73, Tom WB4iUX
Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM

>From Richard Riley (G0JFX)" <RRILEY%ESA.BITNET at vm.gmd.de  Wed Feb 15 17:23:11 1995
From: Richard Riley (G0JFX)" <RRILEY%ESA.BITNET at vm.gmd.de (Richard Riley (G0JFX))
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 95 12:23:11 EST
Subject: W2PV dimensions

While clearing out at F6KBF last weekend we came across the
6 elements of a Yagi for 10m...but no boom!

Someone suggested that it followed the "W2PV" design.

Any ideas where I can find details of the spacing and dimensions?


Richard Riley

email:  rriley%esa.bitnet at vm.gmd.de
packet: G0JFX at N0ARY

>From RADIOCLUB_T91ENS at ZAMIR-SA.ztn.zer.de (RADIO CLUB "NOVO SARAJEVO"1ENS)  Wed Feb 15 07:08:35 1995
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 09:08:35 +0200
Subject: T91ENS & T94NE in ARRL 1995.
Message-ID: <85.21931 at zamir-sa.ztn.zer.de>

Hi there !

        T91ENS will take place in ARRL International DX Contest 1995 in
Single Operator - 80m category. Equipment : 100W in 3 element wire YAGI

        Also T94NE will try to make some QSO's on 15m. He will be ON both
days and will look for openings. Equipment : 100W and 3 element Tribander.

73's and see You in Contest !

                                                     T91ENS Crew

>From Jirasak Visalsawat <syam at Glue.umd.edu>  Wed Feb 15 13:04:54 1995
From: Jirasak Visalsawat <syam at Glue.umd.edu> (Jirasak Visalsawat)
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 1995 08:04:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: One PVRCer's reasons for not doing the Sprints
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950215075359.25443A-100000 at mocha.eng.umd.edu>

Since the subject has been raised about why many PVRC'ers, among others,
do not do the Sprint, let me add my comments to the excellent response by
Chas, K3WW. 

 I never participate in the Sprints and have no intention of
doing so.  I can't see where it would be any fun for me.  And the only
reason I get into the contests I do is because I enjoy them.  Part of the
reason is that I have been contesting for 43 years now and I have become
set in my ways.  I began serious contesting with CQWW, ARRL DX and SS
being the highlights of my year.  Later the WPX, the IARU and the CQM
(whose demise I continue to mourn) were added.  The 160 and 10 meter
contests are interesting because of the propagation anomalies present in
those contests.  The one-country contests are also interesting to me. 
While many of you were sprinting on a recent weekend, I was happily
calling PA's on 80 and 40 meters. 

 Secondly, QSL'ing has always been an
important part of the contest scene for me.  I keep detailed records of
all stations I have ever worked as K3ZO and every new station I work
outside of the USA is sent a QSL automatically.  I still enjoy as much as
I ever did getting a big shipment from the Bureau, checking the log to see
if I have already QSL'ed that particular QSO, and, if not, sending out
QSL's in response.  No, it doesn't particularly bother me that I have
received dozens of QSL's from SP4GFG or JH1GNU.  So DX contests are
primarily what I live for. 

 Thirdly, I trained over the years to do as
well as I could in the contests that I was used to.  My station was built
with DX contests in mind.  I learned contesting at the knees of W9ZM,
W9EWC, W3GRF, W3AU, W4BVV and W4KFC.  Those are my pantheon of heroes.  I
grew up contesting with N6ZZ, NH6T, W3TMZ, W3ZZ, K3EST, K6NA and N6AA. 
Those are the folks I feel most comfortable with to this day.  What is
important to them is important to me.

  Fourthly, the Sprint, as I
understand it, was designed precisely to negate insofar as possible the
advantages of the station I have spent so much time and money putting
together over the years.  So what's in it for me? 

 Fifthly, I do not agree
that the Sprint is the best test of ALL contest skills that one can
develop.  Signal levels from even QRP participants are far greater than
those from a majority of the stations which will call me in a DX contest. 
The calls of the participants are, with a few exceptions, known in
advance.  The same people are worked again on each band.  The operating
skill that I most value among all others, and that I personally believe is
the one requiring the greatest level of skill and concentration, is that
of accurately dragging a weak caller through layers of QRM.  The Sprint,
in my opinion, does little to help perfect this skill.  The annual rite of
passage at the Kansas City suite at Dayton is, in my opinion, a much
better test of contest skills than the sprint.  Is it just a coincidence
that among the most enthusiastic participants of the Sprint are the very
same people who demand a clear spot one or two KHz wide when they are
running stations during a DX contest?  Give me a break!

  Finally, I don't
like bandwagons.  I consider myself as the best judge of what is fun for
me.  I don't look around to see what is the most popular contest activity
for the masses and then climb on board.  I don't ask what contest logging
program is the most popular in my club and then use the same one.  Yes, I
finally decided in 1990 that I had to use a computer to keep up with the
technology so I got one.  And, as you can see, after much arm twisting by
K3EST in particular, I am finally on the Internet.  But the Sprints have
so far not received a positive response from me when I ask the question of
myself:  "Can this really be enough fun for me to get involved in?"  So I
                                  Very 73,
                                  Fred Laun, K3ZO

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