kl7ra arrl cw score

Gilmore Creek Geophysical Observatory kl7ra at icefog.gcgo.nasa.gov
Tue Feb 21 14:14:23 EST 1995

KL7RA  1995 ARRL CW  S/0 40 meter band ALASKA

Score   173,304     S/O 40 DX   pwr=kw
Q's     996        (was 1013 but dupes are dupes)
Mults    58        (missed LB NB NS PEI, forget s/p these guys    
                    never call CQ and no one lives there anyway)

Rig   Ic-781 homebrew amp
Ant   3 ele Telrex @ 190 feet

Like they say "If I had known I would live so long I would have
taken better care of myself". If I had known the band would be so
good I would have been better prepared. At least got some sleep
before. The 40 meter band was open to the States with +20 signals
almost 4 hours each day. I had many hours of our "normal" 10 to 20
q's per hour which add up. 

I sauntered into the shack around 0100z thinking I still had a few
hours before it opened and the band was already hot. Jumped into
the drivers seat and started the test. Well tried. Computer had
wrong date/time/band, wouldn't key radio. Why do I go through this
every time? The contesters secret weapon - SB220 was arcing and
sparking. Had distorted rx audio (never did find that) and had
every big gun M/M calling as I tripped the clusters across America. 

Finally just shut the amp off and kept at it until I had the first
break from the crowd. Leaped from the desk and carted the
radio/computer and dangling cables to the shack located about 50
feet (and 4 feet of snow) from my house and at 20 below zero. (In
about 10 trips). Got setup for real and with heavy coat and frozen
finger continued the run. Now I had some power and was able to hold
my frequency against the European onslaught that would be coming.
The better ops in Europe just look for me and then know that I will
have a clear freq to the states which they can take away as soon as
they get propagation. 

The shack finally warmed up (electric heat) and broke the freezing
mark around 0800z. Forty meter conditions were unusual for this
time of the cycle. Europe was very loud as was Japan and I would
fend off their calls to find the USA stations which were still in
there most of the night. Calling CQ USA ONLY in nine languages
helps followed by "I know Alaska is a state but I dont make the
rules" keeps the amp running full blast. I watched the temperature
march past the 90 degree mark when the fan system finally cut in
and opening up the vent to the outside air which sucked up my notes
and blasted me with (now) 30 below zero air. But it works. I was
cold again. Gawd I love this hobby.

Rich  KL7RA 

>From Fred Cady ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu" <fred_c at ece.ee.montana.edu  Tue Feb 21 12:14:14 1995
From: Fred Cady ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu" <fred_c at ece.ee.montana.edu (Fred Cady ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu)
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 07:14:14 EST
Message-ID: <0098C4E3.32556FE0.7 at ece.ee.montana.edu>

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1995

      Call: N7ML                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Two


      160       38      114   3.0       19
       80      170      504   3.0       41
       40      432     1284   3.0       68
       20      947     2814   3.0       87
       15      628     1872   3.0       77
       10       52      153   2.9       20

     Totals   2267     6741   3.0      312  =   2,103,192

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: N7ML, WM2C, N7NG, KE7X, AA7WT, KJ7GC, WA7U_

>From Tim S. Ellam  <TELLAM at mccarthy.ca>  Tue Feb 21 14:42:32 1995
From: Tim S. Ellam  <TELLAM at mccarthy.ca> (Tim S. Ellam  <TELLAM at mccarthy.ca>)
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 09:42:32 -0500
Message-ID: <sf49b501.019 at mccarthy.ca>



Single Op QRP

BAND      Q      C
160       6      5
80        13     12
40        22     16
20        46     16
15        20     12
10        11     5

23,364 points

Good conditions, but had limited op time and(read excuses):

1. Flu
2. Chinook did dire damage to the GAP on Saturday
3. Flames/Stars Game


>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Tue Feb 21 14:40:59 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 06:40:59 -0800 (PST)
Subject: ARRL CW; K1AR M/2
Message-ID: <793377659.381194.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

Everyone should visit Mecca once in their lifetime, and now I have been
lucky enough to visit twice.  Last week I arranged to swing by K1EA's
place "on my back" from a few days in Toronto.  The core team was K1EA,
K1AR and K1GQ with part time visits from KC1XX, KM3T, and WB2CPU.  A
great experience.  Thanks Ken, John, and Bill.

Two post contest musings (there are four of them):

1) I was the only member of the core team to have never won a DX contest
   as a single op, but fortunately that wasn't a prerequisite.
2) Well-known QRP operator Howie, WB2CPU, lives on Beacon Street in Boston.
   What's wrong with this picture?

3) There was only one hour during the contest we didn't work a new 

4) We did actually hear a couple of W6's.

--Trey, WN4KKN/6/1

Here are the numbers:

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1995

      Call: K1AR                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Two


      160       55      162   2.9       36
       80      610     1830   3.0       87
       40     1346     4038   3.0      113
       20     1714     5136   3.0      118
       15     1247     3738   3.0      110
       10       82      246   3.0       42

     Totals   5054    15150   3.0      506  =   7,665,900


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0    .....    .....   140/29    68/27    .....    .....   208/56  208/56 
   1      .      56/30    75/16     8/4       .        .     139/50  347/106
   2     1/1     60/8     26/9      2/1       .        .      89/19  436/125
   3    12/12    18/5     35/7       .        .        .      65/24  501/149
   4     5/4     44/8     20/3       .        .        .      69/15  570/164
   5     2/1     32/7     52/5      3/2       .        .      89/15  659/179
   6     4/0     33/2     49/2      4/3       .        .      90/7   749/186
   7     4/4     18/1     34/3       .        .        .      56/8   805/194
   8     4/3      5/4     59/4     10/7     .....    .....    78/18  883/212
   9      .       2/0     40/2      8/4       .        .      50/6   933/218
  10      .       2/2     16/1     42/6       .        .      60/9   993/227
  11      .       3/2      5/2    123/11    38/19      .     169/34 1162/261
  12      .        .        .     118/6    128/20      .     246/26 1408/287
  13      .        .        .      99/3    161/7       .     260/10 1668/297
  14      .        .        .      84/5    123/14     2/2    209/21 1877/318
  15      .        .        .      73/3     83/6     10/10   166/19 2043/337
  16    .....    .....    .....    89/7     60/7      7/2    156/16 2199/353
  17      .        .        .      98/4     47/4      5/3    150/11 2349/364
  18      .        .        .      79/2     41/3       .     120/5  2469/369
  19      .        .        .      71/3      7/3      9/1     87/7  2556/376
  20      .        .      60/0     38/4      6/5      2/1    106/10 2662/386
  21      .        .      92/3     38/0      6/1      2/1    138/5  2800/391
  22      .        .      77/5     57/3       .        .     134/8  2934/399
  23      .        .      52/2     44/2       .        .      96/4  3030/403
   0    .....     6/1     49/6     38/1     .....    .....    93/8  3123/411
   1     4/1     65/2      8/0      9/0       .        .      86/3  3209/414
   2     5/2     37/3     16/1       .        .        .      58/6  3267/420
   3     6/4     18/1      1/1       .        .        .      25/6  3292/426
   4     3/2     33/1       .        .        .        .      36/3  3328/429
   5     2/0     57/3     20/1      1/0       .        .      80/4  3408/433
   6      .      51/2     34/0       .        .        .      85/2  3493/435
   7     3/2     38/1     38/1       .        .        .      79/4  3572/439
   8    .....    11/1     33/0     .....    .....    .....    44/1  3616/440
   9      .       4/0     27/0      3/0       .        .      34/0  3650/440
  10      .       1/0     14/2     19/0       .        .      34/2  3684/442
  11      .        .      26/1     87/1       .        .     113/2  3797/444
  12      .        .       2/0     68/1    110/1       .     180/2  3977/446
  13      .        .        .      36/0    118/2      4/4    158/6  4135/452
  14      .        .        .      15/0     85/2     16/8    116/10 4251/462
  15      .        .        .      28/1     72/3     24/10   124/14 4375/476
  16    .....    .....    .....    49/2     51/0      1/0    101/2  4476/478
  17      .        .        .      62/0     46/5       .     108/5  4584/483
  18      .        .        .      58/1     16/1       .      74/2  4658/485
  19      .        .      18/0     46/1      3/0       .      67/1  4725/486
  20      .        .      49/0     24/0      6/4       .      79/4  4804/490
  21      .        .      82/1     12/1     13/1       .     107/3  4911/493
  22      .       6/2     64/1      1/0     17/0       .      88/3  4999/496
  23      .      10/1     33/5      2/2     10/2       .      55/10 5054/506
DAY1    32/25   273/69   832/93 1156/107   700/89    37/20    ..... 3030/403
DAY2    23/11   337/18   514/20   558/11   547/21    45/22      .   2024/103
TOT     55/36   610/87 1346/113 1714/118 1247/110    82/42      .   5054/506

>From jesposit at sctcorp.com (Joe Esposito)  Tue Feb 21 15:06:00 1995
From: jesposit at sctcorp.com (Joe Esposito) (Joe Esposito)
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 10:06 EST
Subject: ARRL CW DX Contest Score
Message-ID: <m0rgwAa-0001k2C at sctladm.sctcorp.com>

                ARRL International CW DX Contest - 1995

Call:   K2YJL/M                         State:  Kentucky
Mode:   CW                              Category: Single Operator,
                                                  Single Band, Low

BAND            QSOs            Mults           Points

 10              44              21             2,772

Equipment:      HR-2510, 25 watts, Hamstick mounted on 1990 Olds,
                MFJ 490X memory keyer w/Bencher paddles.

Operating Time: 14 hours

Soapbox:        Worked HH2PK and CP8XA for new ones on 10 CW, 
                bringing total to 71 countries worked. Surprised
                to work UA0ZDA/MM1 as last contact in contest.


Joe, K2YJL/M

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 08:58 CST
Message-ID: <950221.09052712.006414 at USM.CP6>

Several days ago, Gerry Hern (sp?????) posted a message to the reflector
dealing with his problems getting the VoiceBlaster software to run on
his machine. I am experiencing exactly the same problem, and several
calls to Tim and Dave have failed to yield a solution to the problem.
I wonder if any of you have encountered the same problem, and if you
have found a cure.
    My machine/set up:  Computer 486dx33 clone box, tall tower, 8M RAM,
Local Bus, SoundBlaster 8 card, NA 9.0 main software, VoiceBlaster (
not sure of version but purchased in October or September.
     The problem:  I am able to load the memories easily and the play-
back is just fine, until I hit the Esc key. As soon as that is done,
the output volume falls off to a barely audible output from the
Soundblaster. The only way to return to full output is to dump the
VoiceBlaster software and reload it into the computer. As soon as it
is loaded, the output is restored to full output, but then the problem
repeats if Esc is hit.
     I would appreciate hearing from Gerry Hern (???) directly if you
have had any responses and from anyone else who encountered this
bug......   Its great software all the way around, but need to resolve
this problem...
      If you want to respond directly, the address is:
              Gary_Jones at BULL.CC.USM.EDU
    Thanks for the help.
                       73     Gary

>From n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM)  Tue Feb 21 15:10:25 1995
From: n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM) (LondonSM)
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 08:10:25 -0700
Subject: N2IC/0 Multi/Shingle
Message-ID: <9502210810.ZM5000 at dr.att.com>

Spent the weekend convalescing from a case of the shingles - just too painful
and tired (from lack of sleep the previous 2 weeks) to put in a serious effort.
 Operated myself about 1/2 time until 12Z Sunday, when KJ1N relieved me for the
remainder of the contest (thanks Dan).

High points:  Best EU opening on 15 meters in the past 2 years.  UK7R called me
on 80 meter LP (no other 80 LP heard/worked).  Finally worked JA on 10 meters
during a contest (first time in 2 years).  6V6U + many VK's on 160 meters.

Low points: 40 meters very noisy to JA both nights.  CT1AOZ only EU heard on
160.  (Summary: Pretty darn good weekend for the bottom of sunspot cycle).

N2IC/0 - M/S

160  22  14
 80 118  34
 40 273  56
 20 412  72
 15 600  70
 10  41  25

   1466 271  -> 1.19M

Looking forward to ARRL Phone from New England !

Steve London, N2IC/0
n2ic at dr.att.com

>From Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at hp-and.an.hp.com>  Tue Feb 21 15:18:22 1995
From: Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at hp-and.an.hp.com> (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 10:18:22 -0500
Subject: K1KP ARRL CW MM Score
Message-ID: <9502211518.AA27217 at hp-and.an.hp.com>

                 ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST -- 1995

      Call: K1KP                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Multi


      160       46      138   3.0       32
       80      173      519   3.0       65
       40      638     1911   3.0       87
       20      887     2661   3.0       90
       15      706     2118   3.0       81
       10       44      132   3.0       28

     Totals   2494     7479   3.0      383  =   2,864,457

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: K1KP, WA1S, NB1B, N1OEK, KM1D

Equipment Description:
   IC-765, IC-735, SB-220 (2), CT9.20, 486-66, 386-40.
   160: Quarter wave sloper from 70 feet, 600 foot Beverage
    80: Delta Loop, full wave, spex at 70 feet.
    40: 40-2CD at 80 feet
   20-10: KT-34XA (2) at 70 feet and 40 feet (fixed EU).

Club Affiliation: YCCC

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Tony Brock-Fisher  K1KP
               15 Webster St.
               Andover, MA 01810


   1. Went Multi-Multi instead of Multi-Single for the fun of it 
      this year. Sure makes the "second" radio more fun!

   2. Special Thanks to the Ionosphere this weekend - after living
      through CQWW '94, it was really a blast to actually run guys
      on 15! And just as 15 went from rate to mult, 40 opened for
      rate into EU, 2 hours before sunset!

   3. No equipment problems, although this is the second contest
      where in the middle of Sunday morning runs, the shack temperature
      gets up to 80 degrees and the odor of burning Heathkits prompts
      us to open a window. I hope it's not something expensive or

   4. It never fails to amaze me how much improvement in CW copying
      ability occurs in 48 hours...

   5. My award for committment goes to X5EBL. You know, the guy that
      doesn't count for anything? If he's a no pointer in my log,
      then his whole score must be zero. But he's in there contest
      after contest, making zero point Q's. I have no politcal
      position on this subject, and I don't know what his is. But
      he must love contesting...

-Tony, K1KP, fisher at hp-and.an.hp.com

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