K4VX (W9WI, op)
SPECK at UANSV3.Vanderbilt.Edu
SPECK at UANSV3.Vanderbilt.Edu
Wed Feb 22 11:24:07 EST 1995
----- Begin message from IN%"72777.3143 at compuserve.com" 20-Feb-95
From: IN%"72777.3143 at compuserve.com" "Doug Smith" 20-FEB-1995 18:08
To: IN%"SPECK at uansv3.Vanderbilt.Edu"
Subj: ARRL DX score
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Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 19:05:04 -0500 (EST)
From: Doug Smith <72777.3143 at compuserve.com>
Subject: ARRL DX score
To: SPECK at uansv3.Vanderbilt.Edu
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(hey Mark, can I talk you into posting this to the contest reflector?)
1995 ARRL DX Competition, CW
K4VX/0 Missouri, 20m single-band, single-op
W9WI, operator
1221 QSOs
102 countries
Final score: 373,626
1) Don't DX stations keep dupe sheets? I know I worked one well-known
Asian station (NOT a JA, and NOT VS6WO) *FOUR* times, he called me every
time. I'm sure some European stations did just as badly, definitely
remember working some of them at least three times... (can I trade one of
those QSOs for one with my home call? Still need his country from home...)
2) How do other U.S. operators deal with W's answering your CQs? At
times I had pileups of W's about 3-4 deep, occasionally failing to stand by
when I answered a DX station. Early on, I just worked them without logging
them, but it just seemed to encourage more W's to call. But with some W's,
even blatantly calling CQ DX didn't get rid of them. Ideas?
73 Doug W9WI/4
opr. @ K4VX, ARRL DX CW, 20m. single-band
----- End forwarded message
>From sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu Wed Feb 22 11:24:29 1995
From: sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: 22 Feb 95 11:24:29 U
Subject: Infrequent signing and dupes
>Perhaps in our champaign to demand full calls, we should also insist on at
>1 signing per QSO.)
I'll second that!
Scott K9MA
>From k3lr <k3lr at telerama.lm.com> Wed Feb 22 17:41:56 1995
From: k3lr <k3lr at telerama.lm.com> (k3lr)
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 12:41:56 -0500
Message-ID: <199502221741.MAA20803 at epicycle.lm.com>
Due to the massive response, I am sending more details about the
Sponsored by: North Coast Contesters
Frankford Radio Club
Yankee Clipper Contest
Potomac Valley Radio Club
DATE: Saturday April 29, 1995 TIME: 6:30 PM prompt (bar opens 5:30)
LOCATION: Stouffer Center Plaza Hotel
Fifth and Jefferson Streets
Menu: House Salad, Potato and vegetables, rolls, Grilled skinless
chicken breast, chocolate swirl cheese cake.
COST: $26.00 per person (SEATING IS LIMITED TO 300 MAX)
Send Checks to: North Coast Contesters - Dayton Dinner
P.O. Box 59
New Bedford, PA 16140
Attendance by reservation only
Please include an SASE with your check
Reservation deadline is April 15, 1995. Sorry no refunds
Reservations are first come, first served, so mail early.
Great Prizes, CQ Hall of Fame and more
Hope to see you there!
Tim K3LR
K3LR at telerama.lm.com
>From Marijan Mileti} <Marijan.Miletic at ijs.si> Wed Feb 22 05:52:02 1995
From: Marijan Mileti} <Marijan.Miletic at ijs.si> (Marijan Mileti})
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 05:53:02 +0001
Subject: Bosnian & Croatian Serbs - X5 & YU2!
Message-ID: <01HNC8499KW2000J2W at CATHY.IJS.SI>
Hi contesters,
As the subject of X5 appeared again, I must say that USA op's are happy to
be faraway from Balkans otherwise they might work even YU2 stations which
are Serbs in Krajina region claimed by Croatia, 9A. It happens to us S5
in VHF contests and then our contest managers follow similar policy as CQ
magazine. The whole CQ WW attitude seems to be defined by their EU adviser
from this area while the rest of the world community speaks with Bosnian
Serbs as one of the three parties involved in local civil war.
Considering the CQ policy toward XZ9A rebels, I feel X5 are mistreated!
ARRL has it right along the lines of US foreign policy and ITU regulations.
In order to prevent any politically motivated flames, let me state that I
was born in Croatia, did elementary school in Bosnia (YU4EBL town), gradu-
ated in Belgrade and I live last 17 years in Slovenia. My wife is of
Armenian origin (souns like a melting pot). I did lot of traveling around
former Yugoslavia meeting wonderful people everywhere and I couldn't ima-
gine such a violent break-up and deplorable war still going on in Bosnia.
In my honest opinion, Serbs should be blamed for Bosnian conflict but NOT
for a situation in Croatia where they represent 10% minority!
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.
email: Marijan.Miletic at IJS.SI
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