RAC Winter Contest Results, AA6KX
zf8bs at twg.com
zf8bs at twg.com
Sun Jan 1 13:51:52 EST 1995
RAC Canada Winter Contest -- 1994
Call: AA6KX Country: U.S.A.
Category: Single Operator, All Band, High Power
160 10 3 12 3
80 43 8 95 10
40 58 8 48 7
20 95 11 255 12
15 13 4 51 6
10 0 0 35 2
Totals: 219 34 496 40
Total QSO's: 715
Total QSO Points: 5096
Multiplier: x 74
Total Score: 377,104
Comments: This was a fun treasure hunt most of you guys missed! Not
only was it a great game to try to find each of the 12 provinces on each
of the 12 band/mode combinations, but there was a bonus station worth 2x
normal credit which was lying around in at least some of the provinces.
My most frequently worked stations: VY1RAC (op VY1JA), VE5RAC, and
VE6RAC, each with 7 contacts. Hardest to find: anything on PEI. The
name of this game was definitely persuading mults to change mode/band.
And it's just amazing how many people I tried this on said they had a
broken key, didn't have a keyer, or couldn't get their antenna to resonate
in "that part of the band". Still, enough people were willing to move for
me that I think that multiplier of 74 will turn out to be a killer mult.
Now when do we get to see how the VE6RAC guys did? They were definitely
Bruce Sawyer, AA6KX
>From root at DL6RAI.MUC.DE (Bernhard Buettner) Mon Jan 2 18:40:50 1995
From: root at DL6RAI.MUC.DE (Bernhard Buettner) (Bernhard Buettner)
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 1995 19:40:50 +0100
Subject: Sorting of SS log by Section
Message-ID: <m0rOrgZ-00097HC at dl6rai.muc.de>
Sorting logs by xx-field, here is a solution that will work with DOS:
sort /+49 < arrl94sb.res > arrl94sb.srt
This will sort arrl94sb.res by the 49th column (the state in the
CT 8.x res file format) and put this into the new file arrl94sb.srt.
You can sort the log by call when you specify /+30 on the command
Sort of version 5.0 of MS-DOS can, however, only sort up to 64 kB
so if you have made a few QSOs then you're out of luck here. Maybe
new DOS 6.22 allows more?
73 Ben
[] Bernhard Buettner (Ben)
[] Mail: Am Brunnen 18, 85551 Kirchheim, Germany
[] Internet: root at dl6rai.muc.de
[] Packet: DL6RAI @ DB0AAB.#BAY.DEU.EU
>From Lyndon Nerenberg VE7TCP <lyndon at canada.unbc.edu> Mon Jan 2 20:21:29 1995
From: Lyndon Nerenberg VE7TCP <lyndon at canada.unbc.edu> (Lyndon Nerenberg VE7TCP)
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 1995 12:21:29 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RAC Winter Contest Results
Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.3.90.950102115723.12599A-100000 at canada.unbc.edu>
> And it's just amazing how many people I tried this on said they had a
> broken key, didn't have a keyer, or couldn't get their antenna to resonate
Well, we had a broken keyer on the 20m station and that didn't stop us -
turned it sideways and keyed manually with the dash paddle. Sure sounded
funny, though :-)
> me that I think that multiplier of 74 will turn out to be a killer mult.
Yup. Multipliers are the name of the game in this contest.
> Now when do we get to see how the VE6RAC guys did? They were definitely
> hot!
Post contest rumours on 75m indicated >1500 Q's and 97 mults. We didn't
hear any scores from the east coast, however we think VE6RAC will take
first place for multi/multi. Not sure yet where we (VE7ZZZ) will place,
but we feel we have a good shot at 2nd for m/m. I'll post our score as
soon as Darrell crunches the logs.
Propagation for us was a lot better than the summer edition of this
contest. We had close to 200 Q's on 75m within the first six hours of
operation. 40m was good also, but the rig blew up a couple of hours in.
It took about four hours to fix it, and that cost us a lot of points.
The VE6's had a tremendous inversion opening on 2m into VE5. VE6SV worked
over 100 stations on 2m, and I heard VE6RAC also picked up quite a few on
Some contest highlights:
* Having a G4 return my CQ on 75m (the four square is working again!)
* Working KA6BIM for both modes on three bands (lot's of Americans
took interest in the contest this winter)
* Midnight New Year's BBQ and (outdoor wood fired) hot tub at VE7WJA's
cabin (just up the lake from the ZZZ site)
* Watching VE7DRS jump in the lake at midnight! Dave has been taking
a dip in the lake at the site every month since May. He decided to
get efficient this time around. Dave and Wes (WJA) went out around
4PM - while we still had some daylight left - and cut a six foot
hole through the ice with a chainsaw (about 12 inches of ice).
At one minute to midnight Dave wandered down and chipped out the
inch of ice that had formed since 4:00. At five seconds to midnight
in he went, and stayed in until five seconds after midnight, thus
taking his December *and* January dip in one shot :-) We aren't
sure what the water temperature was, but it was -22C on the outside
thermometer. We have pictures of this episode, and I hope to get a
couple digitized and placed on my Web site soon.
Happy New Year to all of you!
--lyndon VE7TCP/VE6BBM (and on behalf of the entire VE7ZZZ crew)
>From Rudolf Torsten Clay <torsten at mephisto.physics.uiuc.edu> Tue Jan 3 03:46:32 1995
From: Rudolf Torsten Clay <torsten at mephisto.physics.uiuc.edu> (Rudolf Torsten Clay)
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 1995 21:46:32 -0600
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <199501030346.AA14780 at mephisto.physics.uiuc.edu>
Internet Sprint N4OGW
129 q's. Started out pretty wild with BOCA, HOAG, HOSE, GOZER, and
GORK. Eventually quieted down to mostly ANDY's and DAVE's. K4PQL was mega-loud
on 40! Got DL1IAO and G4BUO a few times...BUO was beating me in pileups to
the east coast on 80. I operated from my parent's qth in KY...the hardest
part is going to be trying to upload my log to my dad's VM account using kermit.
See everyone in cw NAQP- I'll be back in IL, this time at K9ZO.
Tor n4ogw at uiuc.edu
>From Celia Tony Becker <becker at shell.portal.com> Tue Jan 3 08:13:12 1995
From: Celia Tony Becker <becker at shell.portal.com> (Celia Tony Becker)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 00:13:12 -0800
Subject: SprINT Score and comments
Message-ID: <199501030813.AAA09967 at jobe.shell.portal.com>
Internet Sprint January 1995
Call: AE0M Score: 67 Q's
Equipment Description: RIG: FT-990. ANT: The temporary 40m delta loop is
now permanent, and since Tree changed the rules, N0BBS, (my XYL) and I had
to spend the weekend putting up an 80m ground plane in the same tree. I
returned home at 0000Z to find the vertical part had fallen down, so we
spent until 0110Z spin-casting another line into a better branch in high
winds and twilight. I don't know how effective a tune up this was for NA
Sprint, but we're ready for Field Day!
Does this make me SOA?
AE0M, Tony Becker - becker at shell.portal.com - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.
>From Ed Gilbert <eyg at hpnjlc.njd.hp.com> Tue Jan 3 13:08:11 1995
From: Ed Gilbert <eyg at hpnjlc.njd.hp.com> (Ed Gilbert)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 08:08:11 -0500
Subject: Internet sprint
Message-ID: <199501031308.AA292798526 at hp.com>
wa2srq internet sprint results:
138 qsos. Rough conditions on 40. Most signals were down in the
noise. Best signals were n4tqo, wq5l, ab6fo, nv6o (strongest), and
w7zrc. It seemed like every time I called someone I was beaten by
k4pql. Nothing heard on 80 until the last 30 minutes, then it came
alive with strong signals. Surprised to work g4buo and dl1iao several
times on 80 -- pretty late hours for those guys on a workday.
N6tr is a absolute wizzard at this thing. He was puny weak here, but
always giving out the highest numbers. How do you do it Tree?
Ed Gilbert wa2srq
eyg at hpnjlc.njd.hp.com
>From fish at crl.com (Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.) Tue Jan 3 13:29:42 1995
From: fish at crl.com (Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.) (Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 05:29:42 -0800
Subject: YO, Hairpin, expert?
Message-ID: <199501031329.AA03766 at mail.crl.com>
I've done some playing with a 5 element (used to be 6) DX Engineering yagi
for 15 meters on a 36' boom in YO. This antenna uses insulated elements and
the driven element is fed with a hairpin match.
YO and AO predict the feedpoint impedance of the DXE dimensioned antenna to
be 21.0 - J19.6 ohms at 21.200Mhz. I optimized the antenna with only 5
elements and improved the F/B and gain across the entire band. However, I
changed the feed point impedance to 15.3 - J19.6 ohms. According to YO, and
the antenna handbook, you should be able to match this with a hairpin.
However, the best SWR I was able to attain was 1.4:1 no matter what I did
with the driven element and the hairpin. As a matter of fact, the driven
element length was the only thing that really improved the SWR. The hairpin
would only make it worse if I moved it in or out. I can't get a receiver up
there to be able to use a noise bridge to tell you what the exact feedpoint
impedance is.... Sorry.
I've talked Brian Beezly, and he and N0XX (DX Engineering) say that I
"should" be able to match this impedance with the hairpin. But, I've talked
to a couple of other guys who say once you get below 20 - J20 that you can't
match it.
Anyone out there have EXPERIENCE with this match and low impedances? I'm
talking about someone who has put an antenna together, not someone that has
a copy of YO.
Bill Fisher, KM9P - Concentric Systems, Inc.
>From Alan Brubaker <alan at nah.dsd.ES.COM> Tue Jan 3 14:20:48 1995
From: Alan Brubaker <alan at nah.dsd.ES.COM> (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 07:20:48 -0700
Subject: Internet Sprint.
Message-ID: <199501031420.HAA13531 at nah.dsd.ES.COM>
K6XO 125 QSOs.
40 meters nearly faded out into nothing around 0200Z. There were
only a few stations that were readable and the rest seemed to be
skipping over me or around me somehow. Finally, people showed up
on 80 and the rate went back up again.
Alan, K6XO
Momma, don't let your babies grow up to be contesters...
>From Steve Merchant <merchant at crl.com> Tue Jan 3 16:01:26 1995
From: Steve Merchant <merchant at crl.com> (Steve Merchant)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 08:01:26 -0800 (PST)
Subject: SprINT Results - N4TQO
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950103075148.24878C-100000 at crl3.crl.com>
AG6D graciously lent me his ant. farm again (and his revitalized 930) for
the SprINT. 40/80 was very different propagation -- I liked it! --
(although I missed working DL1IAO and G4BUO a lot on 20m.) 109 on 40,
23.5 on 80 , total 132.5 BZ (Before Zap).
K4PQL was a lot louder than when I lived a few miles away from him in
N.C. 40 got a little strange couple of times, but hung in there.
Tree was his usual ubiquitous self -- QTW?
Lotsa fun, tnx Q's, see you all in NAQP.
73, Steve N4TQO
merchant at crl.com
>From Jay Townsend" <jayt at comtch.iea.com Tue Jan 3 16:49:47 1995
From: Jay Townsend" <jayt at comtch.iea.com (Jay Townsend)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 1995 08:49:47 -0800 (PST)
Subject: no subject (file transmission)
Message-ID: <m0rPCQe-0000pmC at comtch.iea.com>
The American Digital Radio Society
The 1st Annual ADRS
World-Wide RTTY WPX Contest
First full weekend in February each year
February 4th and 5th 1995
Starts: 0000 UTC Saturday - Ends: 2400 UTC Sunday
For Single Operator and Multi-Single only 30 hours of the 48 hour
contest period are permitted. Off periods must be a minimum of 60
minutes in length and be clearly marked in the log. Multi-Multi
operator stations may operate the full 48 hours.
The object of the contest is for amateurs around the world to contact
as many amateurs in other parts of the world as possible during the
contest period using a digital mode. RTTY, Amtor, Pactor, G-tor(tm),
and Clover (tm) modes are all encouraged.
The 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 MHZ bands may be used. No WARC bands.
1. SINGLE OPERATOR (High Power All Band, Low Power All Band and a
Single Band)
(a) Single operator stations are those at which one person performs
all of the operating and logging functions.
(b) LOW POWER: Same as 1(a) except that output power shall not exceed
150 watts. Stations in this category will compete with other low-power
stations only. (Only for an All Band Entry.)
(c) SINGLE BAND stations are high power only (even if low power used).
2. MULTI-Operator (All Band operation only) No power classes.
(a) SINGLE TRANSMITTER: Only one transmitter and one band permitted
during the same time period (defined as 10 minutes).
(b) MULTI-TRANSMITTER: No limit to transmitters, but only one signal
and running station allowed per band.
NOTE: All transmitters must be located within a 500 meter diameter or
within property limits of the station licensee's address, whichever is
greater. All antennas must be physically connected by wires to the
transmitters and receivers.
classes of operation.
A RST report plus a progressive three-digit contact number starting
with 001 for the first contact. (Continue to four digits if past 1000.)
Multi-transmitter stations may use separate numbers for each band.
A. Contacts between stations on different continents are worth three
(3) points on 28, 21, and 14 MHz and six (6) points on 7, and 3.5 MHz.
B. Contacts between stations on the same continent but in different
countries are worth two (2) points on 28, 21, and 14 MHz and four (4)
points on 7, and 3.5 MHz.
C. Contacts between stations in the same country are worth one (1)
point on 28, 21, and 14 MHz and two (2) points on 7, and 3.5 MHz.
Multiplier is the number of different prefixes worked. A "PREFIX" is
counted only once regardless of the number of times the same prefix is
worked. No band multipliers.
A. The letter/number; combination which form the first part of the
amateur call will be considered the prefix.
EXAMPLES: N8, W8, WD8, Y22, Y23, HG1, HG19, WB2, WD200, KC2, KC200,
OE2, OE25,U3, GB75, ZS66, NG84.
Any difference in the numbering, lettering, or order of same shall
constitute a separate prefix. A station operating from a DXCC country
different from that indicated by its callsign is required to sign
portable, the portable prefix must be an authorized prefix for the
country or call area of operation. In case of portable operation,
the portable designator would then become the prefix.
EXAMPLE: AB5KD operating from Wake Is. would sign AB5KD/KH9 or
KH9/AB5KD, and KH6XXX operating from Ohio would not sign /KH8 which
is normally assigned to American Samoa, but could sign /W8, /N8,
/K8, etc., or any other prefix authorized for use in the U.S. 8th
call district.
Portable designators without numbers will be assigned a zero (0)
after the second letter of the designator to form the prefix.
WS7I/PA would become PA0. All call without numbers will be assigned
a zero (0) after the first two letters to form the prefix.
EXAMPLE: XEFTJW would count as XE0, RAEM would count as RA0, etc.
Maritime mobile, mobile, /A, /E, /J, /P, or interim license class
identifiers do not count as prefixes.
B. Special event, commemorative, and other unique prefix stations
are encouraged to participate.
(a) All Band score: total QSO points from all bands multiplied
by the number of different Prefixes worked.
(b) Single Band score: QSO points on the band multiplied by the
number of different Prefixes worked. (See VII)
2. MULTI-OPERATOR stations. Scoring in both these categories is the
same as the All Band scoring for Single Operator.
3. A station may be worked once on each band for QSO point credit.
IX. LOW POWER SECTION: (Single Operator only)
Output must not exceed 150 watts. You must indicate Low Power on the
Certificates will be awarded to the highest scoring station in each
category listed under Section IV. of the rules.
1. In every participating country.
2. In each call area of the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Japan.
3. All scores will be published. However to be eligible for an award,
a Single Operator station must show a minimum of 12 hours of
operation. Multi-Operator stations must show a minimum of 18
hours. Plaques will be awarded only to serious contest efforts.
Decisions of the contest chair are final. A single log is eligible
for a single award ONLY. If a log contains more than one band,
it will be judged as an all band entry, unless specified otherwise.
1. All times must be in UTC. All rests must be clearly marked. Single
Operator logs must be submitted in chronological order. Multi-Multi
logs must be submitted chronologically by band. Multi-Single can be
submitted either way.
2. Prefix Multipliers should be entered only the first time they are
contacted. They must be clearly designated.
3. Logs must be checked for duplicate contacts, correct points, and
prefix multipliers. Duplicate contacts must be shown.
4. An alpha/numeric check list of claimed PREFIX multipliers must be
submitted with your log. Unless disk or electronic entry.
5. Each entry must be accompanied by a Summary Sheet listing all
scoring information,the category of competition, and the contestant's
name and mailing address. May be electronic. Also submit a declaration
that all contest rules and regulations for amateur radio in the
country of the contestant have been observed.
6. Official logs and sample summary sheets are available from ADRS.
A large self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage or IRC's must
accompany your request. Contest software by WF1B will be available for
the first contest, and will be considered adequate logging software
for this contest.
7. Contest logs may be submitted on disk, E-mail, or Internet. Logs
submitted on disk must contain all required information. (Time, Band,
Call, RST, RST & NR Sent, RST & NR Recd, Multiplier, and QSO Points).
Files must be in ASCll format and in chronological order for Single
Operators and Multi-Single entrants. Multi-Multi entrants must submit
logs chronological by band. A sorted multiplier file is also required.
Only MS-DOS compatible disks will be accepted (either 5 1/4 or 3 1/2
inch). A SASE with QSL Card will get a reply that your log has been
XIII. Disqualification:
Violations of amateur radio regulations in the country of the
contestant, or the rules of the contest, unsportsmanlike conduct,
taking credit for excessive duplicate contacts, non-verifiable QSO's
or multipliers will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification.
(In-correctly logged calls will be counted as non-verifiable contacts.)
An entrant whose log is deemed by the Contest Committee to contain a
large number of errors may be disqualified. The contest committee's
decisions are final.
Entries must be postmarked no later than thirty (30) days after the end
of the contest. The ADRS World Wide RTTY WPX Contest will always be on
the First (1st) full weekend of February.
Mail Contest Entry and Logs or Disks to:
Jay Townsend, WS7I
Post Office Box 644, Spokane, WA 99210-0644 U.S.A.
Via Internet jayt at comtch.iea.com
For ADRS WPX Rules, Log forms or Information contact:
Ron Stailey, AB5KD
504 Dove Haven Dr., Round Rock, Tx. 78664-5926
Via Internet ron481 at austin.relay.ucm.org
WORLD --------Kantronics Inc.
N.AMERICA-----John Troost, TG9VT Memorial (by W2JGR)
EUROPE--------Eastern Washington Amateur Radio Group
ASIA----------George Clausson, K7WUW
S.AMERICA-----George Wesley, KB2VO
WORLD--------Advanced Electronics Applications, Inc.
USA----------RTTY by WF1B
N.AMERICA----Phil Duff, NA4M
S.AMERICA----ADRS Directors Plaque
EUROPE-------Jim Mortensen, N2HOS
ASIA---------Ted Marks, W2FG
Single Operator, All Band (High Power)
WORLD--------Ron Stailey, AB5KD
USA----------Irv Hoff W6FFC Memorial (by WA7FAB)
N. AMERICA---Hal Communications, Corp.
S. AMERICA---Pat Cardozo, HH2PK
OCEANIA------Shido Takahashi, AH6JF
AFRICA-------Euraf Communications, Benin
EUROPE-------Bill Hellman, NA2M
ASIA---------Jim Colville, WB7AVD
Single Operator, All Band (Low Power)
WORLD------- Rich Lawton, N6GG
USA--------- Don Hill, AA5AU
S. AMERICA---Warren Sinsheimer, W2NRE
OCEANIA------Wayne Matlock, WA6VZI
AFRICA-------John Lockhart,WA0VQR
EUROPE-------Eddie Schneider, W6/G0AZT
ASIA---------Hal Blegen, WA7EGA
Single Operator - Single Band
WORLD 10 MTR--Robert Chudek, K0RC
WORLD 15 MTR--Washington Educational Foundation (by WS7I)
WORLD 20 MTR--Les Bannon, WF5E
WORLD 40 MTR--Barry Kutner, W2UP
WORLD 80 MTR--Tom Arvo, WA8DXD
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