tanakattm at tanakattm at
Thu Jul 6 15:41:42 EDT 1995


>From Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at  Thu Jul  6 05:58:55 1995
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 1995 00:58:55 EDT
Subject: Stacking a TH7 and 402-CD
Message-ID: <2ffb6d91.k1vr at>

As many people know, I have a TH6 at 98', a TH6 at 61', and
a TH7 at 31'.  I also have a 40-2CD at 91', only 7 feet
below the TH6.  BUT, the 40-2CD is on a Ring Rotor, and I
can turn it independently from the top TH6.  At any azimuth,
or combinations of azimuth, the two antennas do NOT
interfere with one another.  I buy the "resonant length"

I could easily add a few more feet of mast to the top TH6,
as it is presently only 2 feet above the top flat plate.
But every time I think about doing it, I decide that my time
would be better spent working on other things to make a
bigger CONTEST score!
                      Fred Hopengarten K1VR
           Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
     home + office telephone:  617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
                   internet:  k1vr at
                  "Big antennas, high in the sky,
                  are better than small ones, low."

>From Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at  Thu Jul  6 13:39:54 1995
From: Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at (Peter G. Smith)
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 1995 05:39:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Hi vs low antenna
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9507060503.A600-0100000 at netcom20>

A friend at FCC tells me that such a thing actually exists -- using
interferometric techniques to identify the dominant angle of arrival. 
Unfortunately (or maybe it's just as well), it's priced in the roughly
$800k range. 

73, Pete                                       
N4ZR at
"Better, faster,cheaper -- choose any two"
"No no no -- it's WEST Virginia"

On Wed, 5 Jul 1995, John KE7V wrote:

> I'm still waiting for the person who will make the blackbox that
> determines the actual angle of radiation at any moment, "arrival".
>  That way we can all design our towers and antenna systems to 
> automatically sense this angle and "voila". At W7RM the higher 
> antenna on 10-15 and 20 always listened better on the long haul
> signals, but go to the caribbean and vice versa. W7RM was on a
>  bluff 200 feet or so over salt water, and who knows where the 
> ground was at.
>   73's  Johnny  KE7V

>From Dieter Dippel" <dippel at  Thu Jul  6 16:27:04 1995
From: Dieter Dippel" <dippel at (Dieter Dippel)
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 1995 15:27:04 MET
Subject: WAE-Contest 1995 (Rules)
Message-ID: <F45C4E4D67 at>

DL2DN  > CONTEST  01.06.95 11:54 135 Lines 5542 Bytes #90 @WW

Subj: WAEDC 1995 RULES

From: DL2DN @ DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU  (Herbert)

+--------------------------+      CW : 12 Aug 0000 UTC - 13 Aug 2400 UTC
| European DX Contest 1995 |      SSB:  9 Sep 0000 UTC - 10 Sep 2400 UTC
+--------------------------+     RTTY: 11 Nov 0000 UTC - 12 Nov 2400 UTC
For more detailed information please write to WAEDC Committee, Box 1126,
D-74370 Sersheim, Germany (SAE/IRC).

This is the 41th annual contest sponsored by the DARC. The activity will 
be between  European  countries and the  rest of  the world (except RTTY
where everybody works everybody).

3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21- 28MHz. Minimum operating time on a band is 15minutes. 
A quick band change is allowed to work new multipliers.

(A) Single operator, all bands.
(B) Multi-operator, single transmitter. Only one signal may be on the air 
    at any given time, except  when  new  mutipliers  are worked on other
    bands. It is not allowed to transmit or receive QTCs parallel to QSO-
(C) SWL.

DX packet cluster spotting is allowed in all classes.

Only  36  hours of operating time out  of the  48-hour contest period are
permitted for single operator stations.  The 12-hour off timemay be taken 
in one, but not  more than 3 periods any time during the contest and must 
be indicated in the log.  Off time must be at least 1 hour.

Exchange: RS(T) plus QSO number starting with 001.

One point per QSO. If QTC traffic (see there) is made, one point for each 
complete QTC.

QTC Traffic:
Additional point  credit  may  be  earned by making use of the QTC traffic 
feature. A  QTC is a report  of a confirmed QSO that took place earlier in 
the contest.A QTC can only be sent by a non-European station back to a Eu-
ropean station. (But only once and not to the station reported in the QTC.) 
The general idea is that after a number of Europeans have  been  worked  by 
a DX station, a list of these QSOs can be reported  back during  a QSO with 
another European station.

A QTC contains the time, call  and QSO number of the station being reported 
(i.e. 1234 DF0AA 031, which  means that  DF0AA  has been worked at 1234 UTC
and gave serial number 031).

DX: A maximum of 10 QTCs to a EU station is allowed.
EU: You can receive a maximum of 10 QTCs from a DX station.

(Exception RTTY, which allows transmitting  and receiving of  QTCs, but not 
between the  same  continent. The sum of QTCs sent and received between two 
stations must not exceed 10.)

A station can be worked several times to complete the number of 10 QTCs.QTCs 
are sent in series. 3/7 indicates that this is thethird series of QTCs and 7 
QTCs are being reported.

The multiplier for  Europeans  is determined by the number of DXCC countries 
outside Europe  worked on each band. The multiplier for non-Europeans is de-
termnined  by  the number of European countries worked on each band (see WAE 
country list). In the RTTY part themultiplier is determined by the number of 
countries  worked on the WAE/DXCC country lists.

Bonus Multiplier: Multiply your multiplier  on 80 meters by 4,  on 40 meters 
by 3, and on 20/15/10 meters by 2.

Final score:
Total QSO points  plus total QTC points times the sum  total multiplier from
all bands. (i.e.:(200 QSOs+100 QTCs)*80 multiplier points= 24000 final score)

Only single operator, all band class may be used. The same callsign, European
or non-European, may be counted only once per band. The log must contain both 
callsigns of a QSO and at least one of the  control  numbers.   Each callsign
counts one point, each complete QTC one point (only a maximum of ten QTCs per
station). You can count up to two  QSO points and two multipliers in one QSO.
The multiplier is determined by the DXCC and WAE country lists.

Club competition:
Club members must operate within a 500km diameter and the club is required to
be a local club,  not  a  national organization. To be listed, three  entries
from  a  club are requested and the club's  score is determined by its member 
scores in the CW,  SSB  and RTTY  part of the WAEDC. A special trophy will be 
awarded by the DARC to the winning clubs from Europe and Non-Europe.

Certificates and plaques:
Certificates are awarded to the top scorers in each class in each country.
Continental winners will receive a plaque.

It is suggested that you use the official DARC or equivalent log forms.Submit
a dupe sheet for each band. A summary sheet showing the scoring and signed de-
claration is  required. Logs may be sub mitted on a disk. The 5,25 or 3,5 inch
disk must be  MS-DOS formatted (40 or 80 tracks) and the ASCII files must con-
tain all contest QSO information in the same order as the usual paper logs.

Logs must be postmarked no later  than  September 15th for the CW section, Oc-
tober 15th for the SSB section and December 15th for the RTTY section.

Mailing address :
WAEDC Contest Committee, P.O.Box 1126, D-74370 Sersheim, Germany

WAE country list:
OZ-PA-R1/FJL-R1/MVI-RA-RA2-S5-SM-SP -SV-SV5Rhodes-SV9 Crete-SY-T7-T9-TA1-TF-
TK-UR-YL-YO-YU-Z3-ZA-ZB2-1A0-3A-4U1 Geneva-4U1 Vienna-9A-9H

Meet YOU in WAEDC 1995!

73 Herb DL2DN @ DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU 

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