WA7FOE at aol.com WA7FOE at aol.com
Mon Jul 10 15:51:17 EDT 1995

As a still new contestor with limited experience - I love this contest.

Everybody works everybody for points.

I wish WPX were the same.

WA7FOE - Single Op - Phone Only - High Power

>From - Western Washington - Zone 6

Score breakdown:

Band       Q's       Zones        HQ Stns      

160          2          2               0
 80          76        15              2
 40          99        15              2
 20         900       39              16
 15         132       16               3
 10         101         4               0

Totals   1310 Q's   91 Zones  23 Hq   486,552 points



Alpha 87-A


160M  Full Wave Vertical loop + Sloping Vertical
80 M   4-Square verticals
40M    3 el Force 12 @ 148' on North Tower
20M    6 el Force 12 at 159' on North Tower
          5 el DX Engineering @ 98' on East tower
          Above antennas phased with Dunestar StackMatch
          A3 @ 108' on West Tower
15&10M  6/4 Force 12 Combo at 110' on North tower
              A3 on West tower

Maybe it is the lesser activity in this contest, but I have found the level
of politeness and professionalism in this contest to be far above that found
in other contests.

The SSTVer that told me I was using the International calling frequency on
14.229 even gave his callsign, 

Thanks and 73 - See all participants next year


>From Balmforth, Kevin D" <kbalmforth at msmail2.hac.com  Mon Jul 10 21:08:02 1995
From: Balmforth, Kevin D" <kbalmforth at msmail2.hac.com (Balmforth, Kevin D)
Date: 10 Jul 1995 12:08:02 -0800
Subject: Vacuum Variable Cap Usage/Mounting
Message-ID: <n1406744336.14773 at MSMAIL2.HAC.COM>

Hi -

I've recently come into posession of a couple of UCSL-750 vacuum variable caps
for use in an amplifier project (2 X 3CX800A7).  Here are some questions for
the cyber-experts :

1.  Both caps have a slanted (pinon?) gear on the shaft, each apparently held
on by two set screws.  After loosening the set screws, the gears still don't
want to come off.  There appears to be a small hole drilled through each gear
and shaft, but there is no pin in it (i.e. I can see light through it).   Can
I use a small gear puller to remove the gear, or is ther something else I'm

2.  The caps came with no mounting hardware.  Any recommendations to
electrically attach to the contact surfaces, and mount the cap to the amp
sub-wall?  I noticed in the ARRL Handbook that the 8877 and 3CX1200 amp
projects mentioned a strap from the vacuum variable cap rotor to ground that
was required to suppress ground loops.  It appears that the rotor was not hard
mounted to the sub-wall; perhaps that is why the strap was required?

3.  I'm planning using the Groth (TC3) turns counters; any pros/cons on these?

4.  Any other recommendations on care and feeding of these components?

Regards, Kevin NC6U

>From BILL FISHER" <BFISHER at concen.com  Mon Jul 10 16:14:10 1995
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 95 15:14:10
Subject: WWW Contesting Magazine ??
Message-ID: <9506108054.AA805414450 at concen.concen.com>

     I'm looking for some people interested in helping to start an 
     electronic contesting magazine.  It would appear as a WWW page but 
     also be delivered by electronic mail in HTML format if requested.  Or 
     an email could be sent out to subscribers notifying them of a new 
     issue.  Whatever the subscriber prefers.
     This would be a not-for-profit venture.  Purely voluntary.  No 
     advertisements unless the proceeds went to sponsoring a contest or 
     contest awards.  It is also not intended to compete with or replace 
     the NCJ.  Nothing will replace the NCJ.
     Anyone with advise, ideas, thoughts, flames, ect... please email me.  
     I believe there is room for another contesting rag.  I have a few 
     thoughts about how to make it intersting and innovative and will share 
     them with anyone interested in getting involved.  Heck, if nothing 
     else... the price would be right.  
     Bill Fisher, KM9P
     No IARU.  Was working on my suntan on top of a tower after I got done 
     with 40 miles in the mountains on my bicycle.  

>From Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at arrl.org  Mon Jul 10 20:48:00 1995
From: Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 95 15:48:00 EDT
Subject: IARU score -W1INF
Message-ID: <3001837A at arrl.org>

    IARU HF Championship -- 1995

          Call: W1INF                    Country:  United States
         (Operator: KB1GW)      Category: Single Operator


       160            0          0      0.00      0         0
        80             0           0         0.00           0         0
        40             0      0         0.00           0         0
        20        405      947          2.34        18               11
        15          70      220         3.14        12           4
        10          35      125         3.57          7                 1

      Totals    510     1292             2.53       37               16

                  Score: 68,476 points

      *** Part-time effort: Time On = 7 hours. ***

            (QSL via:) MAILING ADDRESS:

                ARRL HQ Operators Club, W1INF
                225 Main Street
                Newington, CT 06111
                (Op: Glenn Swanson, KB1GW)


>From De Syam <syam at Glue.umd.edu>  Mon Jul 10 21:51:09 1995
From: De Syam <syam at Glue.umd.edu> (De Syam)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 16:51:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: IARU Member Societies in IARU Test
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950710164826.7893C-100000 at espresso.eng.umd.edu>

Oops I missed one which I found on checking through my log once more:

                HB9A           USKA           SWITZERLAND

Thanks to Ray, WQ5L, for his additions.

                                     Very 73,

                                 Fred Laun, K3ZO

>From David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu  Mon Jul 10 21:52:01 1995
From: David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (David C. Patton)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 15:52:01 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: WX0X IARU Results
Message-ID: <199507102052.PAA26559 at ecom1.ecn.bgu.edu>

Another fine contest weekend from K4VX.  Including Lew and Terry,
Mark, AG9A and I  (WX3N) operated Club Zoran with hopes of returning
to the number one slot above the big W5WMU station.  Doubt it will
happen--I think we ran too much stateside, but last year condx were
much better on 20, which is really the most important band out here.
This year we were completely unable to sustain any DX runs on 20 SSB.
10 and 15 were better with all the Es, and 40 and 80 and 160 were the
best I have ever heard in the summer.

Funny how close we were to last year's score.  We made three less
QSOs this year, but finised 130k higher in final score thanks to all
the mults.  In the breakdown I included 1994's numbers in

				WX0X  1995 IARU, Multi-op
Band	QSOs (1994)	points		zones		HQ stns

160	25 (13)		55 (31)		8 (4)		2 (0)
 80	110 (110)	332 (316)	22 (17)		7 (3)
 40	308 (332)	1182 (1326)	33 (34)		16 (12)
 20	872 (1225)	3190 (4655)	36 (47)		17 (15)
 15	310 (114)	1126 (396)	33 (27)		14 (9)
 10	315 (149)	923 (421)	14 (7)		1 (1)
TOT	1940 (1943)	6808 (7145)	146 (136)	57 (40)

			1940 and 203 for 1,382,024
			(1943 and 176 for 1,257,000-1994)

Multi Multi would have been great fun this year!

*15 was also open all night to EU, but definitely nothing we could

*A few CT1s, EA8, and GW4BLE all called-in on ten.  Nothing
widespread like the East Coast had.

Friday night we had a few EUs coming through this far west on 6, so
fully expected the Es to be good.

*Worked one JA on 15 over KH6.

*CE8EIO sure had a terrific (S9) signal on 3.800.

*W1AW crew did a great job!  Congrats.  It is still sorta eery to be
called by W1AW so many times.

*VK4MZ on 10 CW at 0400Z was nice!

*Got the rate meter (10min) up to 456 on Saturday morn, my best from

*As I commented last year, this is a really fun contest.  Mark and I
really had to discuss our strategy during the contest because of the
10 minute rule and the rapidly chaning E skip and condx.  i.e., go to
20 to work that zone 26 and possible lose the only EU link-up on 10,
etc.  Great fun.  Passing mults is far more difficult, so we also
utilized far more skeds than usual--And the skeds usually

*No packet yet.  Hope we never get it.

73, Dave Patton, WX3N
mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu

>From wwalsh at intac.com (Warren Walsh)  Mon Jul 10 22:39:57 1995
From: wwalsh at intac.com (Warren Walsh) (Warren Walsh)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 17:39:57 -0400
Subject: N2BCC IARU results
Message-ID: <199507102139.RAA16089 at nile.intac.com>

                      IARU HF Championship    1995
      Call: N2BCC                    Country:  United States
                                     Category: Single Operator

      160        0        0     0.00      0      0
       80       12       34     2.83      8      3
       40      230      912     3.97     17      9
       20      431     1627     3.77     36     12
       15      478     2014     4.21     27     15
       10       24       84     3.50      7      1
     Totals   1175     4671     3.98     95     40

                 Score: 630,585 points

Equipment Description: Ten-Tec OMNI-VI, TecTec Titan 

Antennas: The N2RM antenna system

Comments:  Thanks to Mr. Moore's hospitality in allowing me to use the N2RM
station, I had a blast! Learned plenty! Looking to do it again next year.
The OMNI worked great and coupled with the Titan makes a great CW station!
Ended up with about 850 CW Q's and 325 SSB. Must add more SSB Q's next year.
Best band was 15, started calling CQ on 15 SSB at 0920Z and was surprised to
have a small run into europe, haven't seen those early conditions in the
last 2 years!  Thanks to everyone who participated!

Warren - N2BCC at N2RM

wwalsh at intac.com


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