IARU Score - N0BSH

N0bsh at aol.com N0bsh at aol.com
Tue Jul 11 21:03:32 EDT 1995

1995 IARU Score
N0BSH  (at W9UP)     Single op - CW only     15 hours     Wisconsin

               QSOs    Mult
               ----    ----
       160:       0       0
        80:      62       4
        40:     214      26
        20:     516      41
        15:     143      21
        10:      66       9
               ----    ----
               1001     122    =   373,198

Radio:  IC 751
Amp:  Homebrew 4-1000
Antennas:  10/15/20 - Wilson System 40 (old) @ 130'
                 40 - 5/8 wave vertical
                 80 - full wave, sloping 160M loop/tuner

Lots of fun again, as this contest usually is.  Condx were great!!
The good condx caused me to spend quite a bit more time in front 
of the radio than I had planned.  I had been reading about the 6M 
sporadic E openings to EU so I had a feeling something could 
happen on 10 - I was not disappointed!  Nothing like working EU on 
10 in summer at the sunspot minimum!!  20 never died - it was 
usually decent and often really good.  9J2BO called in on 80!!

Missed most of the afternoon hours and a three hour stretch in the
middle of the night when the lightning started - which also 
happened to coincide with one of those really good times on 20 :-( .

Thanks to all for the Qs.  See you next time!

>From the frivolous dept.....

You think about stuff like this when you operate about a mile and a
half from the neighboring zone.  Having worked a fair number of
zone 8 stations (same zone = one point) I re-opened my log, 
changing my QTH to zone 7.  The resulting score was 434,686 - a 
difference of 61K!!!  Kinda makes me want to suggest to Phil that 
we put that big tower on a barge and float the station across the 
river to MN next time!!  :-)

73  Mike  N0BSH
n0bsh at aol.com

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