WF1B V2.20d & Hal P38
Rob Snieder PA3ERC
norf at
Sat Jul 15 08:26:55 EDT 1995
Hi RTTY gang,
I have a problem that the led bar is not working in WF1B V2.20d.
I spoke to Ray and HAL and they couldn't give me an answer. Ray tried
it with his own P38 board which works . . . I wonder if you are
having the same problems I have and even better how you solved it.
When I select the PC4000 controller in WF1B I see a seperate field
right from the logging field, I assume this is the led bar field, but
when I select the P38 controller this field is not available.
I'm running a 386/33Mhz DOS 6.2 tried ANSI Setver (5.0) etc but no
result. I know Ray is working on this problem but it could be helpful
for him if more people have the same problem. The P38 software is not
changed since it's available released (Version 1.00).
I hope to hear soon from you.
73 de Rob
Rob Snieder PA3ERC
norf at
>From Jay Schwisow <74301.3014 at> Fri Jul 14 20:14:00 1995
From: Jay Schwisow <74301.3014 at> (Jay Schwisow)
Date: 14 Jul 95 15:14:00 EDT
Subject: Which Logging Program
Message-ID: <950714191359_74301.3014_HHJ57-1 at CompuServe.COM>
Hi Bob, Raj, Paul, Scott, and Joe and others,
>>Tell me about TR Logging<<
As I stated in reply to Brian Short I know quite a bit about it for CW
contest/dxpedition logging but have never tried DVP.
Here are some features I really like:
Unlike CT, TR handles a QSO one of two ways, you are either CQing or S&P.
One key selects which mode you are in and screen colors change(user
selectable) to remind you of what mode you are in. Both modes have a
separate set of function keys assigned with it so the different messages
that can be programmed is lots.(I have never used all that can be set up).
The <return> key is the smart key for TR example:
In S&P;
1. A call is input
2. <return> will send the programmable message usually DE AA0NC
3. at this time you are in the recv message block and will type in their
4. <return> will send your report - Done
In CQ;
1. <return> starts cqing
2. enter call <return> sends exchange
3. <return> sends TU de AA0NC TEST (or whatever)
4. <return> with a blank call window starts cq message again .....
In addition you have all your function keys at your disposable for repeating
this or that. A set for Cqing and a set for S&P
Not too long ago I was in KP2 and using TR. It worked sweet. You have the
ability to set up TR to automatically change QSL message depending on your
cq rates<cool>. Every so many contacts, I think I was using 5 it will send
a longer qsl message like QTH is...QSL via....etc......<vy cool>
Here are some features you might have run into while working a TR logging
operation. The name database which will store (if desired) the name of
stations you have worked and greet them as they work you again down the log.
Changing the speed of cw sent within a message (up or down) <vy cool>. I
used this to send exchanges vy fast and the longer QSL message slower.
Good QSLing functions, you can run a label for a specific station if you
want, one contact per label or multiples.
Various alarms can be set up to remind you of various things:
"Europe sunrise now"
"Time to check on the kids"....etc...
It can even alarm you if your cq rates are so slow that you might have
fallen asleep at the computer(nah this never happens hi)
Though I have not used it yet dual rig support in TR is also very cool.
Compared to CT:
Before field day Steve N2IC had a nice comment about CT, " A neophyte can run
CT, you can set down an operator and tell him in 5 minutes how to use it".
This is true of CT, it is very easy to use and easy to read. (This line for
For me TR is a better logging program, not because it is necessarily easier to
use but it is feature rich. It has taken me a litte longer to get used to
using it over CT but some of that might be due to running CT on so many
field days and various MS operations. It is a program that you will
continue to find new features and neat ways of doing things. BTW, I only
own a copy of TR and I use if for contests, a dxpedition or just general
stuff. Periodically, I will export the QSO's to a Windows program I wrote
to handle buro shipments and other heavy qsling stuff.
Any other questions? I will try to answer them.
73's God Bless es Gud DX!
>From Jay Schwisow <74301.3014 at> Fri Jul 14 20:14:05 1995
From: Jay Schwisow <74301.3014 at> (Jay Schwisow)
Date: 14 Jul 95 15:14:05 EDT
Subject: NAQP Logging Program??
Message-ID: <950714191405_74301.3014_HHJ57-2 at CompuServe.COM>
Scott AA8SM writes,
Anyone know of good logging program for the North American QSO Party?
TR will do it. See my other message about TR.
73's God Bless es Gud DX!
>From Steve Sacco <0006901972 at> Fri Jul 14 21:03:00 1995
From: Steve Sacco <0006901972 at> (Steve Sacco)
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 95 15:03 EST
Subject: Does the ARRL Support Radiosport?
Message-ID: <21950714200312/0006901972DC6EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
Is it me, or does anyone else have a hard time dealing with the fact that
QST makes NO MENTION WHATSOEVER on its August, 1995 cover of either the 10M
'test, or the RTTY test? The results of both are contained inside!
I suppose those $150 DSP kits, or "Three simple projects to build this
weekend" REALLY ARE way more interesting than the results of couple of
dumb ole' contests...
The League can say what they will about their support of radiosport
competition in Amateur Radio, but I'm a firm believer in the "Money Talks"
cliche. I believe that the ARRL has said quite a bit about its position on
contesting right there on the cover of the August, 1995. QST.
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you agree with me, get out your keyboards,
typewriters, pens/paper or whatever and get writing to your Director, and
I've got a letter to write.
Steve KC2X
P.S: After busting my you-know-what to get a antenna up to take advantage
of the EU/USA openings on 6 meters, I finally managed to get QRV last
Saturday afternoon. No EU (darn!) but there was a CONTEST going on!!! The
CQWW VHF WPX test. It was a blast, even with 10 watts on 6! I heard K6MYC
in California BIG TIME here in EL-98, but couldn't bust the pile-up.
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