WD8E Field Day results
V.LONG.SA at OCF.compuserve.com
V.LONG.SA at OCF.compuserve.com
Tue Jul 18 10:41:33 EDT 1995
From: V.LONG.SA at OCGRV02
Date: 7/14/95 9:47AM
To: >INTERNET:dx at ve7tcp.ampr.org at OCF_INFORM
Subject: WD8E Field Day results
ARRL 1995 Field Day
LOCATION: Granville, Ohio at the Owens-Corning Science & Technology
EQUIP: CW stn: Kenwood TS-930S & SSB stn: Kenwood TS-440S
Ant: Mosley 33jr up 20 ft., G5RV's at 80 ft and
160m dipole at 90 ft.
GENERATOR: 7kw Coleman
Band CW SSB Novice
160 12 0
80 108 59
40 144 132
20 69 100
15 41 19
10 0 0 35
374 310 35
Total QSO points: 1,092 x 2 (150w or less) = 2,186 points
Bonus points: Emerg. Power 100
Media Publicity 100
Open to public 100
Packet radio 100
W1AW msg 100
7 ARRL members 70
Total Bonus points 670
Total QSO points 2,186
Total points 2,856
This was the first Field Day(*) for many of those who attended this
operation. Some have never been on the air. We had no club name until
about half way thru, it was voted to call ourselves the "Pink Panther
Radio Club (PPRC)".
Operators: (2) CW ops: AA8SM, KA8ZPE and KA8IIC
and KG8FP
Novice Stn: *KB8ZYC
We had a great time and hope to hear everyone next Field Day!
73 Scott, AA8SM
>From Steve Fraasch <sfraasch at ATK.COM> Tue Jul 18 16:18:00 1995
From: Steve Fraasch <sfraasch at ATK.COM> (Steve Fraasch)
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 95 08:18:00 PDT
Subject: Rohn 55G on Insulator
Message-ID: <300BD0D3 at msm.ATK.COM>
I'm installing a 130' of 55g tower in a couple of months and have some
questions for the experts out there: I want to install it on an insulator
and use it on 160 meters. In addition, I will be adding one yagi up top.
Has anyone out there base insulated 55g w/ yagi at top ? I know Paul,
W0AIH, has done same on similar towers, and he's never lost anything. I'm a
little concerned, because I don't want the torque sent through the
insulator, and cracking it (or worse). I would assume the guy torque arms
dampen most of the twist, reducing torque at the base to a small amount.
But, the torque actual torque applied is likely difficult to predict.
Last zinger: Has anyone done same with rotating rings ? In this case, the
tower would definately transmit torque to the ground, at least to where the
rotating base is installed. If rotating the base at the bottom, then the
insulator must again absorb/transmit the torque, unless the torque is
isolated above the insulator.
I've considered shunt feeding, but the current distribution is disturbed on
NEC. I'd rather insulate.
Finally, I will gain some experience with the A.B. Chance screw-in anchors
in wet ground some of you have asked about. I'll report back on the
results. My ham neighbor and I will be installing them with power equipment
as he and I stand in about 4 feet of water. Should be a fun experience.
Mark, K0KX, reports he will watch us from the shoreline.
I know I'm trying to squeeze a lot from one tower, but that's all I will be
allowed from the city. I'm not complaining.
Steve Fraasch, K0SF
sfraasch at atk.com
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