"Is the frequency in use?" or "QRL?"
Ron Stone
ron at gw3ydx.demon.co.uk
Thu Jul 20 16:32:01 EDT 1995
(In reply to your message dated Wednesday 19, July 1995)
| Ron Stone, GW3YDX - EMail ron at gw3ydx.demon.co.uk
If you do not send "QRL ?" before opening up, you will always gain a
free pass into the "BOZO" section of the contest as far as I am
If you open up with a CQ, then I have to assume (lacking psychic
powers) that you did not bother to listen.
If I'm running a frequency and somebody asks "QRL ?" I'll reply "YES"
even if it means asking for a repeat report. You can lose a lot of
time in the subsequent argument if you do not reply. Furthermore, some
operators will deliberately try a "QRL ?" on a busy frequency. The
logic is that if there is no reply, that allows them to start up and
Thank goodness it's only ham radio. Just as well we aren't facing each
other in tanks.
>From De Syam <syam at Glue.umd.edu> Fri Jul 21 01:10:42 1995
From: De Syam <syam at Glue.umd.edu> (De Syam)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 20:10:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: "Is the frequency in use?" or "QRL?"
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950720195705.11809E-100000 at cappuccino.eng.umd.edu>
Hi Barry:
On Thu, 20 Jul 1995, barry wrote:
> De Syam <syam at Glue.umd.edu> writes:
> > OK Barry, What is the minimum power needed to communicate with each of
> > the 120 stations I run in my best hour in a DX contest, and how do I
> > instantaneously determine which minimum power level is appropriate to
> > communicating with each of them? What power do I need to break through a
> > JA pile-up on a 3W8? If the intention is to have everybody run QRP
> > during an entire contest, then why have the 1500-watt power limit at all?
> >
> We're getting into sematics too much here Fred. Part 97 says nothing
> about maintaining a run rate, just communicating.
A good point Barry. In my opinion, the rule about the minimum power
needed to maintain a QSO was written to cover two stations involved in an
ongoing, normal contact. It was not written with contests in mind at all?
> Why have 1500W.
I have already given you one example, trying to break through a JA
pile-up to work a 3W8. Others:
1) Working the "bent path" to Europe on 10 meters in low-sunspot years.
2) Running Europeans on 80 meters in the CQWW when Europeans are busy
working each other.
3) Extending the European sunrise opening on 40 meters to 0700 or 0800 GMT.
4) Running JA's on 40 meters.
5) More examples on request.
> If I lose my frequency, I have a hard time finding a "clear spot" in the
> lower 25. If not WB2K, then K3WW, W3BGN, K1AR, N2RM, W3LPL, etc. etc.
Actually there is nothing magic about the lower 25, Barry. Some of the
best runs I have had on 80 have been in the 3540-3550 area. Especially
in the CQWW, the Europeans have so much QRM on the bands among themselves
that they spread out rather widely. I now have an antenna tuner
permanently in line so I can get up to 3560-3570 if necessary. Actually
I wasn't even thinking about 80 CW when I made my comments. On that band
it's not usually hard to find a run frequency if you keep going high enough.
Very 73,
Fred Laun, K3ZO
>From John Guida" <nj1v at icon.net Fri Jul 21 01:22:22 1995
From: John Guida" <nj1v at icon.net (John Guida)
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 00:22:22 +0000
Subject: Request for information
Message-ID: <199507210028.TAA01917 at ns2.icon.net>
I am moving from Oklahoma to the Houston, Texas area in the next
couple of weeks.
I sure would appreciate recommendations on possible Internet service
providers there, so that I can continue to receive all of the
postings on this contest reflector.
To those who may answer, please respond directly to me so as not to
clutter the bandwith.
Tnx in advance fer ur help!
CUL es 73.............................."victor"
John Guida NJ1V
nj1v at icon.net
>From De Syam <syam at Glue.umd.edu> Fri Jul 21 02:23:22 1995
From: De Syam <syam at Glue.umd.edu> (De Syam)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 21:23:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: "Is the frequency in use?" or "QRL?"
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950720211627.11809I-100000 at cappuccino.eng.umd.edu>
On Thu, 20 Jul 1995, Ron Stone wrote:
> Chaps,
> If you do not send "QRL ?" before opening up, you will always gain a
> free pass into the "BOZO" section of the contest as far as I am
> concerned.
Guess you will just have to call me "BOZO" from now on, then, Ron
> If you open up with a CQ, then I have to assume (lacking psychic
> powers) that you did not bother to listen.
I will never open up on you with a CQ, Ron, because I do bother to
listen. Who says that the only way to prove you have been listening is
to send "QRL?" ?
> Furthermore, some
> operators will deliberately try a "QRL ?" on a busy frequency. The
> logic is that if there is no reply, that allows them to start up and
> continue.
Say wot, Ron, you have just made my point! I think this is precisely
what happens in a number of cases, just one more reason to chuck "QRL?"
into the dustbin where it belongs.
> Thank goodness it's only ham radio. Just as well we aren't facing each
> other in tanks.
Agreed with that!
Very 73,
Fred Laun, K3ZO
>From James D Janke <janke005 at gold.tc.umn.edu> Fri Jul 21 02:24:34 1995
From: James D Janke <janke005 at gold.tc.umn.edu> (James D Janke)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 20:24:34 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: NCJ mailing address?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9507202030.A11767-0100000 at gold.tc.umn.edu>
Would somebody please send me the address for NCJ subscriptions? I have
been out of serious contesting for a long time, but would like to get back
into it and figure that NCJ would have helpful articles.
Tnx es 73 Jim Janke K9WIE
>From oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills) Fri Jul 21 02:28:36 1995
From: oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 20:28:36 -0500
Subject: NCJ mailing address?
Would somebody please send me the address for NCJ subscriptions?
Jim Janke K9WIE
Just write to ARRL at the usual place, and write "NCJ" clearly
on the envelope.
I was missing one issue, wrote as above and they very promptly
sent me another copy. It was actually not the one I had asked
for, but still, two round trips is probably fairly fast too.
Great mag!
Derek AA5BT, G3NMX
oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu
>From Mike Cizek <mcizek at CapAccess.org> Fri Jul 21 03:12:36 1995
From: Mike Cizek <mcizek at CapAccess.org> (Mike Cizek)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 22:12:36 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: want OMNI VI vs. FT-1000 performance comments
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.950720220041.24235C-100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>
I am considering trading my FT-1000 for an OMNI VI and would like to hear
comments from people who have used both rigs in the heat of battle
(whether or not you asked QRL first). I have used the 1000 for about a
year, both at home & at W3LPL, and have used an OMNI VI for about a week
at home, but haven't had both rigs side by side yet to make a direct
comparison. I have used both radios enough to know what all the knobs
do, & I know all about TT's great service so all I'm really interested in
are comments on receiver performance. I'm a CW op & rarely work SSB.
Thanks for your replies. 73,
Mike Cizek KO7V
>From barry at w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) Thu Jul 20 23:12:51 1995
From: barry at w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 22:12:51 GMT
Subject: RUFZ
Message-ID: <5F4J9c3w165w at w2up.wells.com>
Has anyone successfully gotten RUFZ from the previously posted address?
My mail keeps bouncing. 73
Barry N. Kutner, W2UP Internet: barry at w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)
>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp> Fri Jul 21 03:35:42 1995
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 11:35:42 +0900
Subject: [cq-contest 6668] more on exchanges
Message-ID: <199507210235.LAA10677 at dumpty.nal.go.jp>
In message "[cq-contest 6668] more on exchanges"
on 95/07/20, David Robbins KY1H writes:
: While someone was flaming K3ZO, they mentioned:
: > Not necessarily. If operating one of the "exchangeless" contests, like
: > CQWW, you know what the exchange is before you get it. In ARRL, if you've
: > worked the guy on another band, CT fills in the exchange for you, so no
: > need to copy it.
: also, there are many stations now that report different powers on different
: bands in arrl dx contests. so you can't always count on the automatic
: power either.
And there is no restriction to change the power during the
contest in ARRL DX, right?
So I can vary(inclese or declease) my output power in each
contacts just like progressive 3digit serial number.
Do not believe the past data which exchanged on other bands,
just believe your ear!
Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
Internet: je1cka at nal.go.jp
>From yvk at WOLFE.net (John KE7V) Fri Jul 21 04:34:41 1995
From: yvk at WOLFE.net (John KE7V) (John KE7V)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 20:34:41 -0700
Subject: rufz
Message-ID: <199507210334.UAA02905 at mail1.wolfe.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Yes. put the info in both subject and message, then it will come.
You need to get a uue decoder.
save dos installation. import to pkunzip. zip it to a new directory.
then your off to the races.
I hope I sent this correctly. First time i've tried an attachment
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="IN.MBX"
(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)
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>From yvk at WOLFE.net (John KE7V) Fri Jul 21 04:46:58 1995
From: yvk at WOLFE.net (John KE7V) (John KE7V)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 20:46:58 -0700
Subject: rufz
Message-ID: <199507210346.UAA03201 at mail1.wolfe.net>
Barry, I'm sorry. that attachment is not complete. So disregard it.
73 johnny KE7V
>From Jumsai Janhom-HS1NIV/5 <aixxo004 at cmu.chiangmai.ac.th> Fri Jul 21 04:51:59 1995
From: Jumsai Janhom-HS1NIV/5 <aixxo004 at cmu.chiangmai.ac.th> (Jumsai Janhom-HS1NIV/5)
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 10:51:59 +0700 (GMT+0700)
Subject: CQ SEA TEST
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.90.950721104614.23784B-100000 at cmu.chiangmai.ac.th>
Hi Contesters:
Hope to see you in CW Seanet Contest 95, Sat 22 July.Time 0000z-2400z
All bands NO WARC.
See you,
>From Gary Schwartz <garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net> Fri Jul 21 05:05:39 1995
From: Gary Schwartz <garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net> (Gary Schwartz)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 23:05:39 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: RUFZ
Message-ID: <Pine.3.02.9507202335.B15159-a100000 at solaria.mil.wi.us>
On Thu, 20 Jul 1995, Barry Kutner wrote:
> Has anyone successfully gotten RUFZ from the previously posted address?
> My mail keeps bouncing. 73
Yep...got a reply back in only a few minutes. Much improved performance
and the opening screen is in english (thanks, the XYL's HS German is a bit
Gary K9GS
| |
| Gary Schwartz K9GS E-Mail: garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net |
| Society of Midwest Contesters Packet:K9GS at WA9KEC.WI.USA.NOAM |
| Greater Milwaukee DX Association Member |
>From patd at eskimo.com (Patrick Dayshaw) Thu Jul 20 23:34:53 1995
From: patd at eskimo.com (Patrick Dayshaw) (Patrick Dayshaw)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 23:34:53 +0100
Subject: "QRL"?
Message-ID: <199507210635.XAA13791 at mail.eskimo.com>
>On Thu, 20 Jul 1995, Peter Reed wrote:
>> > Am I happy that someone asks "QRL?" before starting up? No, I
>> > would rather they just start up by calling "CQ TEST". That way I
>> > am not faced with the dilemma I described above. My attitude about
>> > this is "May the better man win." Contesting is, to a certain
>> > extent, war.
>> > Very 73,
>> > Fred Laun, K3ZO
Well, I guess Ham Radio has finally reached the same level as the conflicts
that seem to typify the civilization of our "inner cities". What a bummer!
I've only been licensed since 1961 so I am a reletive newcomer to the HOBBY
I am almost ashamed to admit (based on the attitudes expressed on this
reflector by K3ZO) that I have, hanging on the wall of my shack, the words
that appeared for many years in the inside fly-leaf of most ARRL
publications penned by Paul M. Segal. This drival, (by K3ZO's standards)
was called "The Amateur's Code". It addresses more the "Spirit Of The Law"
rather than the "Letter of the Law". Without the details the following six
(6) points were mentioned:
1) The Amatuer Is Considerate
2) The Amateur is Loyal
3) The Amatuer Is Progressive
4) The Amatuer Is Friendly
5) The Amateur Is Balanced
6) The Amateur Is Patriotic
It seems to me that at least several of these items should, in one way or
another, apply to the Radio Sport aspects of this hobby. Maybe in this day
and age power and the drive to take what one wants, when one wants it, is
the new standard. How ironic.... The quest for human "civilization" over
the century's has been to eliminate just such an attiude. Not that
competing and trying to win is wrong, IT IS NOT, (it is in fact what
separates our statistically small segment of the world's species from the
others, we don't do it for survival, we do it for sport) but the attitude
that there is no consideration, nor acceptance for, the "Spirit-Of-The-Law",
only that "Might-Makes-Right", is what pisses me off. Just as the use of
"performance enhancing" drugs threatens to destroy the Olympic Games (and
others), this "Might-Makes-Right" attitude will help destroy the Radio Sport
that we love so much. Skilled operators, great stations, and luck help make
winners as they should, but the "screw-the-other-guy, no matter what"
attitude will eventually spell the end for our sport.
I'm not the least bit angry with Peter.... rather I feel sorry that he has
somewhere along the way lost the very essence of what Ham Radio, even the
Radio Sport aspect, is all about. I sure hope that no one comes through his
front door with a .45 when he only has .22.....!
Patrick, WA7VNI........ patd at eskimo.com
>From Linda Luther <Lbylll at LBY.pcmail.levels.unisa.edu.au> Fri Jul 21 22:29:00 1995
From: Linda Luther <Lbylll at LBY.pcmail.levels.unisa.edu.au> (Linda Luther)
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 16:29:00 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: video tape about contest stations
Message-ID: <301044A4 at itu-pcmailgate.levels.unisa.edu.au>
I am proposing to give some talks on contesting.
I would like to obtain a videotape showing some of the
BIG multi stations in the world. I know such things are
available I just don't know where to get them.
Can anyone help?
I would prefer in PAL/VHS but I have access to
conversion equipment to change NTSC/VHS to PAL.
Martin VK5GN
To reply please contact
Linda Luther VK5QP Phone 08 302 2348
Associate Librarian, City Campus Fax 08 302 2135
University of South Australia Email Linda.luther at unisa.edu.au
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