IOTA test de WX9E
WX9E at
WX9E at
Mon Jul 31 04:16:16 EDT 1995
I don't think I quite succeeded in duplicating my last place finish in the
12hr mixed mode category of last years contest.
55 Qs for 615 pts x 34 IOTAs (or is it IsOTA?) =
Total 20,910
>From bill at (Bill Parry) Mon Jul 31 09:06:00 1995
From: bill at (Bill Parry) (Bill Parry)
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 95 08:06 GMT
Subject: 6d2x homepage
Message-ID: <m0scprS-000C7WC at nameboy>
The 6d2x home page has been updated with the pictures that were promised but
not delivered.
Bill Parry, W5VX e-mail bill at
SBDM/Administrator Training office: (210) 383-5611
Education Service Center, Region 1 home (210) 686-1639
1900 West Schunior, fax (210) 381-8412
Edinburg, TX 78539
>From Marijan Mileti} <Marijan.Miletic at> Mon Jul 31 12:51:28 1995
From: Marijan Mileti} <Marijan.Miletic at> (Marijan Mileti})
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 11:52:28 +0001
Subject: C3PRINT versus TH ant.
Message-ID: <01HTIO9NN9V600080P at CATHY.IJS.SI>
Hi Contesters,
Recent discussion abt stacking tribanders involved lot of references to NEW
C3 antenna verus KT34 coil-less and TH7 classic traped tribanders.
When I visited ARRL HQ in Jan, I was shown freshly installed C3 on the roof.
Lack of traps was emphasized BUT it was immidiatelly obviuos to me that C3
is EFFECTIVElY TWO ELEMENT PER BAND beam! I am absolutely sure it CAN NOT
beat my 20+ years old TH6 with all the losses involved as it sports hefty 4
elements on 10m and decent boom with 3 el. on 20&15m however short they are.
Users seem to be under well known effect of new antenna increasing owners
activity and bringing nice DX contacts which might have been also made with
the old one.
While log periodics are nice broadband load for solid state RF stages,
gain per boom length leaves a lot to be desired for discrete HF ham bands!
Considering wide azimuth coverage on the cost of reduced gain, I thoroughly
enjoyed operating 40m CW in IARU contest with 1/4 wave ground plane antenna!
No rotor failure and nice mults from unexpected directions...
I am still puzzled about the replacement of my urban TH6/402BA comination with
more modern aluminum!? Has anybody modeled good old TH7 from pre-NEC days?
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.
email: Marijan.Miletic at IJS.SI
>From Larry Tyree <tree at> Mon Jul 31 14:42:38 1995
From: Larry Tyree <tree at> (Larry Tyree)
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 06:42:38 -0700
Subject: Sending 73 followup
Message-ID: <199507311342.GAA25492 at>
I received the following questions from W6SX. Thought the answers were
of general interest:
> Thanks for your posting of 3 June about 73 vice TU. You said, "Next time,
> why sending people's name in the All Asian contest helps your rate." I
> haven't seen the All Asian post. Did I miss it or haven't you sent it yet?
There wasn't one. However, I have been calling about two thirds of the JA's
I work on CW by name. This has been going on for several years. One
possible explanation of the dwindling number of CW ops in Japan is that
they are falling on their swords in dishonor because they don't know my
name in return. Sometimes, they call me Larry. These are the guys with
quick fingers on the callbook.
Maybe JE1CKA can comment on the reaction in Japan.
N6TJ has been using the name database from ZD8 and claims it has made this
hobby fun again. I will never forget the time I operated from 4U1ITU
and called 350 folks by name during 1991 ARRL DX CW contest. Everyone
thought I was their friend who sometimes gets on from there. I got called
every name in the book.
N6ZZ has also had a lot of fun with this feature. TI4CF has surprised
a number of my friends who are in the database.
At any rate, I expect there to be long term benefits to calling people by
name. I believe people will make an extra effort to work you if they
consider you a friend. I know I always used to light up when someone
knew my name. BTW, this happens almost 5 percent of the time now with
the JAs. My percentage for the rest of the world is around 40 percent
(again on CW). This is with 18,000 calls in my database.
> In your 6 June post, you also said, "In non-high-rate situations, I always
> sent 73, ..." Did you mean for all contests or just for SS? And what do
> you send in non non-high-rate situations?
Actually, I do this for all contests except the sprints. If I am in a
high rate situation, I will send TU or R and nothing else. In the SS, it
is important to "feel" when someone else is waiting to work you. If
you think there is, send TU and wait a half second. If someone calls you,
GREAT! If not, just send a short CQ.
> KB,
> Hank W6SX
> w6sx at
>From sellington" <sellington at Mon Jul 31 15:35:09 1995
From: sellington" <sellington at (sellington)
Date: 31 Jul 1995 09:35:09 -0500
Message-ID: <n1404939142.60457 at>
Don't write off trapped beams without some real data. (Which admittedly
is hard to come by.) I don't really believe trap losses are significant
in the better tribanders. If there were a 1 dB loss in the traps, about
the smallest loss of any significance, a total of 309 W would be dissipated
at 1.5 KW output. On some bands, that might be divided among just 6 traps,
for about 50 W each, which would surely melt down the plastic forms on
a hot summer day. Yet such trap failures don't seem to be very common.
A beam without traps is not necessarily a better performer than a trapped
beam; one has to look a little further.
Scott K9MA
>From jholly at (Jim Hollenback) Mon Jul 31 15:57:01 1995
From: jholly at (Jim Hollenback) (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 07:57:01 -0700
Subject: refraction
References: <199507290001.RAA24305 at>
Message-ID: <9507310757.ZM2560 at>
On Jul 28, 6:42pm, Derek Wills wrote:
> Subject: refraction
> >>Please email me direct as I do not wish to tie
> >>up anymore space on the refractor.
> Hmm, interesting - has our beloved reflector now become a refractor?
> This suggests that it busts the posts before sending them back out.
> Scary.
> Derek "Unscribe" AA5BT,
> oo7 at
>-- End of excerpt from Derek Wills
Not only has it become a refractor, but a poor one at that. The recent
colorful posts is now explained.
73, Jim, WA6SDM
jholly at
>From sellington" <sellington at Mon Jul 31 15:58:05 1995
From: sellington" <sellington at (sellington)
Date: 31 Jul 1995 09:58:05 -0500
Subject: Filters from In'tl Radio & Computer
Message-ID: <n1404937759.42884 at>
>Another advantage to the IRCI CW filters is that they (appear to) come in
>matched pairs. Mine (400 Hz) are very usable to less than 80 Hz ( - 3 dB)
>in VBT mode in the 940. Stock Kenwoods don't even come close unless you
>were very lucky with what came off the shelf. Otherwise forget VBT working
>well. If only we knew the source!
>Bob N6RFM
This depends, of course, on the alignment of the heterodyne oscillators as
well as the filter characteristics. Getting a 930/940 aligned just
right is tricky, and you won't get there following the procedure in
the Kenwood manual.
Scott K9MA
sellington at
>From Lau, Zack, KH6CP" <zlau at Mon Jul 31 16:20:00 1995
From: Lau, Zack, KH6CP" <zlau at (Lau, Zack, KH6CP)
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 95 11:20:00 EDT
Subject: C3PRINT versus TH ant.
Message-ID: <301CF513 at>
Mario, S56A, N1YU wrote
>When I visited ARRL HQ in Jan, I was shown freshly installed C3 on the
>Lack of traps was emphasized BUT it was immidiatelly obviuos to me that C3
>is EFFECTIVElY TWO ELEMENT PER BAND beam! I am absolutely sure it CAN NOT
>beat my 20+ years old TH6 with all the losses involved as it sports hefty 4
>elements on 10m and decent boom with 3 el. on 20&15m however short they
A properly designed 2 element yagi has about 7 dBi of gain.
By comparision, you probably get about 8dB of gain on 20
meters and 10 dB on 10 meters with monobanders the same
length as the TH6.
Incidentally, if you don't mind the narrow bandwidth, it is possible to
get *both* high gain and relatively good F/B on a 2 element very
short boom yagi. The 6M yagi I published in the 19th Eastern VHF/UHF
conference proceedings has 6.8 dBi of gain and 17 dB F/B on a 21 inch
--Zack zlau at
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