N0bsh at aol.com N0bsh at aol.com
Fri Jun 2 10:44:12 EDT 1995

Hi all

Thanks to all who worked us in the contest.  I think a more 
detailed post will be made when we recover from the sunburn and
insect bites!!

Preliminary line:  2115 QSO x  650 PX     4.5M pts.  M/S
NP4Z, WX9E, N0BSH ops  (oh...with assistence from TP - our pet dog
for the weekend - just wandered by and stayed for the weekend!)

Condx not the greatest in Pureto RIco - kinda wierd actually.  But
we had fun.


Those of you who don't have the latest and greatest .CTY file
should be sure to update the one you have to reflect the new WP3,
NP3, KP3 prefixes for Puerto Rico (and the KH7 and Alaskan PXs as
well, for that matter.)  If these are not in your .CTY file the QSOs
are scored as stateside QSOs.  You may just find a few extra 
points in your final score!!! 

73  Mike  N0BSH
n0bsh at aol.com

>From fax%sparc4 at Olivetti.Com (Marco Fassiotto)  Fri Jun  2 15:05:04 1995
From: fax%sparc4 at Olivetti.Com (Marco Fassiotto) (Marco Fassiotto)
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 16:05:04 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: European Field Day
Message-ID: <9506021405.AA04205 at sparc4.ICO.OLIVETTI.COM>

> The contest runs from 1500z 3 June to 1500z 4 June, CW on the six bands
> 10-160m. Exchange is RST plus serial number. RSGB gives a certificate for
> the checklog from each continent containing most QSOs with G portables.
> Please come on and give out some points. Logs go to G4IQM, QTHR.
> VHF field day is on the first weekend of July, and SSB field day is on the
> first weekend of September.
> Dave G4BUO

Glad to see that someone stirs some discussion about the European Field day.
I hope to see some out-of-europe stations joining the fun this year as in
the past edition we had worked just a little over a handful of them.
Well, now that I think about it, it may be because of our whimpy setup :')
Anyway, I see that logs must be submitted to G4IQM, but I believe that
ours were submitted to ARI contest manager in the past editions (I've never
done it personally). In case we want to enter the worked-most-G-/P
thing, are we supposed to resubmit the logs a second time or the national
contest managers, which I suppose exist in each state, will forward them
Just curious...
73, Marco, QRV at IK1BPO/P if darn WX gives us a break... :') actually :'(

Marco Fassiotto, i1iiy/aa1iu
Internet : fax at sparc4.ico.olivetti.com
AX25     : aa1iu at n0ary.#nocal.ca.usa.na
Tcp/ip   : i1iiy at i1vdm-13.ampr.org or aa1iu at k9iu.ampr.org

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