Canada Day Contest 1 July Rules

ve2zp at ve2zp at
Sun Jun 11 22:26:34 EDT 1995

                   RAC CANADA DAY CONTEST 1995

Each year on 1 July, the anniversary of Canada's confederation, the
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) sponsors the Canada Day Contest. 
Amateurs all over the world are invited to Canada's birthday party
on the air.
Contest Period: 0000z to 2359z 1 July 1995
Bands and Modes: 160 through 2 metres, CW and 'phone (SSB, FM, AM,
etc.)  Suggested frequencies for CW are: 25 kHz up from the band
edge. For SSB try: 1850, 3775, 7075, 7225, 14175, 21250, 28500 kHz. 
Check for CW activity on the half-hour.
QSOs: Any station can work any other station for QSO credit.  You
may work the same station once on each mode on each band.  A QSO
with a station in Canada is worth 10 points.  Maritime Mobile
stations (VE) count as Canada.  QSOs with RAC official stations
are worth 20 points.  Their callsigns are: VA2RAC, VA3RAC, VA7RAC,
VY1RAC, and VY2RAC.  Stations outside Canada are worth 2 points. 
CW QSOs in the conventional SSB sub-bands, SSB QSOs in the CW sub-
bands, and QSOs made or solicited through a repeater are all
Exchange:Canadians send RST and Province or Territory.  Foreign and
VE stations send RST and serial numbers.
Multipliers: Multipliers are Canada's ten provinces two
territories, and count once on each mode on each band. There are
192 possible multipliers.  The multipliers, and their associated
prefixes are: Newfoundland (VO1 and VO2),  Nova Scotia (VE1, CY9,
CY), Qu‚bec (VE2/VA2), Ontario (VE3/VA3), Manitoba (VE4),
Saskatchewan (VE5), Alberta (VE6), British Colombia (VE7/VA7),
Northwest Territories (VE8), New Brunswick (VE9), Yukon Territory
(VY1), and Prince Edward Island (VY2).
Final Score: Total your QSO points, and multiply by your multiplier
         ie.: 100 VE QSOs = 1000       
               10 RAC QSOs=  200    'phone multipliers= 20
              100 DX QSOs =  200        CW multipliers= 30
              210 QSOs    = 1400 points          total= 50
          1400 QSO points X 50 multiplier points = 70,000 final
Classes of Entry: Certificates will be awarded to the top-scoring
entrant in each province, territory, USA call area and DXCC 
     country in each of the following categories:
     1. Single Operator, All Bands;
     2. Single Operator, All Bands, Low Power (100w output or
     3. Single Operator, Single Band;
     4. Multi-operator.
     Single operators who receive multiplier-spotting assitance
     from DX Spotting or PacketCluster networks should class
     themselves as multi-operator entries.  There are no single-
     mode categories.  Multi-operator stations may operate on
     several bands simultaneously.
Entries: Must contain a summary sheet showing score calculation, a
dupe sheet listing calls woked by band and mode, a multiplier
checklist, and log sheets.  Log sheets must show time, band, mode,
call, exchange received, and QSO points claimed for each QSO. 
Multipliers should be clearly marked.  Send entries to: RAC, 614
Norris Court - Unit 6, Kingston, Ontario, K7P 2R9, CANADA by 31
July, 1995.
Results: Will be published in November TCA, and will be sent to
certificate winners.
Trophies: Will be awarded to the top-scoring scoring entrants as
follows: Single operator, all bands (sponsored by Atlantic Ham
Radio); Single Operator, Low Power (sponsored by Durham Radio Sales
and Service); Single operator single band (sponsored by H.C.
MacFarlane Electronics); Multi-operator (Sponsored by Norham Radio
Inc.); Single operator, outside Canada (Jorge Bozzo LU8DQ memorial,
sponsored by Alan Goodacre VE3HX/VE2AEJ)

>From Robert Penneys <penneys at>  Mon Jun 12 11:50:53 1995
From: Robert Penneys <penneys at> (Robert Penneys)
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 06:50:53 -0400
Subject: VHF results...ha!
Message-ID: <199506121050.GAA00760 at>

Well, there I am at HRO, furiously attempting to procure all kinds of exotic
amps and antennas for the VHF test. The last time I was on in was in the early
60s with a Gonset III.

Saturday afternoon, I realize I hadda do it and took home an ICOM 820 and a
736 for 6-2-440, a couple meters, a whopping 4 el on 2 and a 6m mobile whip.
With a full weekend family schedule and a mower back after two weeks absence,
it wouldn't be even a token effort.

Listening on a variety of antennas but not one right for the band, I heard and
worked a couple guys on 6. With the 2m beamette up 10', I had 9 Qs. Next time,
knowing I can get good radios, and a Proset jumper for ICOM maybe, I'll set
something up for three or four bands . But, it was fun to stress, if not break,
the ice.

CU at LPL's Sat. if I 
can get down, and on IARU.....


Bob Penneys, WN3K                    Internet:  penneys at
     Frankford Radio Club    N.E.R.D.S. (club call KB3BIJ for now)
                     Work: Ham Radio Outlet, Delaware

>From Patrick Collins <pcollins at>  Mon Jun 12 12:29:18 1995
From: Patrick Collins <pcollins at> (Patrick Collins)
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 07:29:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: VHF 6 SOSB
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9506120718.A1685-8100000 at acme>

Score for NZ4K a few hours of fun on 6 meters.

41 qsos x 19 grids = 779 points.

14 elements at 70' about 500 watts!  Thanks to W8ERD.

>From BILL FISHER" <BFISHER at CONCEN.COM  Mon Jun 12 09:31:10 1995
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 95 08:31:10
Subject: Bad luck...
Message-ID: <9505128029.AA802971070 at>

     Went to the KM9P mountain on Saturday morning.  Discovered two very 
     healthy oak trees had fallen over the road (dirt path) leading to the 
     top.  Since I left the chainsaw at home (1st time), I couldn't clear 
     the road.  So I decided to at least have a walk to the top and make 
     sure every thing was ok.  Unfortunately, another oak tree fell and hit 
     a tower.  
     The phyllistran on one set of guys looks like someone melted it before 
     it broke.  The 5 element heavy duty DX Engineering 15M antenna wasn't 
     heavy duty enough... The reflector & driven element were broken. The 
     mast, instead of pointing to the sky, is now pointing toward the 
     horizon.  The 15M beam (what's left of it) is pointing toward the 
     moon.  A side mounted KLM 10m antenna is mostly a mangled mess of 
     Question:  Anyone have any thoughts on how to safely remove the 15m 
     antenna now that the past is bent?  The antenna is about 6' up the 
     mast.  I might be able to reach the bolts from the tower, but it would 
     be a stretch.  I have also done all of my work so far single-op 
     unassisted.  I don't see this changing...  
     BTW:  I'm not at all discouraged.  One thing I have learned by being a 
     guest-op is that if you decide to be a station owner you have to know 
     that you will always be fixing something.  Just too bad I never made a 
     QSO on the stupid antenna!

>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM  Mon Jun 12 17:18:00 1995
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 95 09:18:00 PDT
Subject: VHF Contest results (stink-o)
Message-ID: <2FDC68E6 at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM>

1995 ARRL VHF contest

WB4iUX, EM84
6 meters, SO, single band
Kenwood TS690s, 5 element Cushcraft at 85 ft
20 Q's, 9 mults's

Summary:  stink-o

Listened and called lots this weekend -- brief opening Saturday
to EL29 but missed double hop to So. Cal.  Not even a whisper
from the gang (WA4VCC, K4MQG, AA4R) in FM26 on 6 meters.
Sounds like the Gulf Coast ops on 6m had a good opening to
8/9/0-land...will be interested to see where the band was open.
Just about the only thing that opened here was a new bottle of
Wild Turkey.  ;-)

Loudest non-local signal award goes to George operating W5KFT
from EM00.  That buck-a-roo had the LEDs dancing on the 690.

73, Tom WB4iUX
Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM

>From BILL FISHER" <BFISHER at CONCEN.COM  Mon Jun 12 09:46:09 1995
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 95 08:46:09
Subject: 20M from the south
Message-ID: <9505128029.AA802971969 at>

     My experience to date leads me to believe that no antenna will make up 
     the afternoon propagation advantage enjoyed by our friends in the 
     northeast.  N4RJ has had 20m antennas from 60' to 175'.  He settled on 
     100/50 stack.  Works FB.
     HOWEVER!!!  Just wait until the top of the cycle!  When we can run em 
     on 20m at 0800z at 130 per hour while the W1's are fishing around 40, 
     80 and 160m...  (Actually they get it to, but to a lesser degree)  It 
     frees you up from having to duke it out on 20m in the afternoon.  You 
     can sit on 10 or 15m all afternoon because you ran Europe on 20m half 
     the night.  K3KG told me about the opening when I moved here.  Didn't 
     really pay much attention until I experienced it first hand.  Ahhh.. 
     the good ole days.

>From sellington" <sellington at  Mon Jun 12 14:40:35 1995
From: sellington" <sellington at (sellington)
Date: 12 Jun 1995 08:40:35 -0500
Subject: Receiver Noise Floor.
Message-ID: <n1409176001.66747 at>

The close-in phase noise, of course, would be a very interesting thing
to compare between the IC-765 and other receivers.

Scott   K9MA
sellington at

>From sellington" <sellington at  Mon Jun 12 14:46:54 1995
From: sellington" <sellington at (sellington)
Date: 12 Jun 1995 08:46:54 -0500
Subject: Antenna/Tower Advice Needed
Message-ID: <n1409175637.89361 at>

>If you are going to add a separate 2 element 40 you might also consider a 
>Mosley PRO-67B.

But only if you're satisfied with a f/b ratio of 5 dB on 20.

Scott  K9MA
sellington at

>From Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at  Mon Jun 12 15:02:00 1995
From: Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 95 10:02:00 EDT
Subject: ARRL VHF Score
Message-ID: <2FDC48AD at>

Here's my score (and a few comments),
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

       ARRL VHF QSO PARTY -- 1995

      Call:  KB1GW
      Category:  Single Operator Single Band
                            (No packet)

      BAND     QSO    QSO PTS      GRIDS

       50             141          141               23
     Totals       141          141               23  =   3,243

Equipment Description:
Japan Radio Company (JRC) Model JST-245D (100 watts +/-)
Cushcraft A50-6S (Six elements on a 20' boom), up 35'
Heil "Pro" headset
CT by K1EA (Ver. 9.02)

Club Affiliation: YCCC

Op: Glenn Swanson, KB1GW

Location: Avon, Connecticut
(Only 290 feet above sea level.)

What was it like?  Made 101 Q's as of
midnight Saturday, 40 Q's all day Sunday!

Most Q's came from New England:
Had S-5 to S-9 "white noise" from due west
through southwest, on to the south!
(These were unusable beam headings.)

Equipment problems: Minor.
Gave the Ham IV quite a workout, swinging
the beam to NE, then West, and back, etc.
(At one point the 3A fuse in the control
box blew.)  By midnite Saturday, the rotor
brake stayed disengaged at all times.
It "cooled off" (or whatever) overnight,
and was fine by Sunday morning.

Had fun!  73, --Glenn, KB1GW

>From Bob McGwier <n4hy at>  Mon Jun 12 16:31:49 1995
From: Bob McGwier <n4hy at> (Bob McGwier)
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 11:31:49 -0400
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <199506121531.LAA00629 at>


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