No subject
reisert at
reisert at
Fri Jun 16 11:59:06 EDT 1995
> Our Field Day group is planning on using CT for "CONTEST" logging purposes,
> but I have been unable to locate the FD.DAT file. I've looked on the AD1C's
> server and checked on the CT bulletin board, nada. Any help would be
> appreciated.
Well, you didn't search hard enough. The file is most certainly there.
Send a command to ct-user-request at and in the body of the
message put the command:
GET fd.dat
The file name must be in lower case.
73 - Jim AD1C
reisert at
>From becker at (Tony and Celia Becker) Fri Jun 16 13:48:51 1995
From: becker at (Tony and Celia Becker) (Tony and Celia Becker)
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 08:48:51 -0400
Message-ID: <199506161550.IAA00477 at>
Greetings fellow US and Canadian contesters. Here is a NEW opportunity to
compete with the elite in a real CONTEST with real MULTIPLIERS and while
making a painless contribution to the future of contesting. Dave, W6QHS, is
sponsoring two nifty awards and the two winning entries are *guaranteed* to
be the record holders! (at least until next year).
Be the first in your club to sport our special personalized Field Day Clean
Sweep souvenir trinket. (Useful around the shack or field day site too).
You don't wanna think about being at the September meeting without yours.
Don't let those has-beens have all the fun! Break out the bug spray, join
in next weekend and give it your best shot. Our wire beams are gonna be
loaded with live Qs and those mults are out there to be bagged.
INTERNET FIELD DAY CHALLENGE (IFDC) IFDC is a new, separate contest within
the ARRL FD event for expert contesters who either mentor new contesters or
just show them how it's done. You can join in your local clubs existing
Field Day operation or go all out with your favorite multi-op buddies.
SS-type multiplier scoring, no bonus points, and limited expert operator
time / entry categories make this a more challenging contest for the expert.
All other ARRL Field Day Rules apply. You must submit a regular ARRL entry
in Class A or Class B including the 5W battery-powered option.
No limit to the number of transmitters including Novice Stations nor any
limit on hours for New Operators. Any number of Expert Operators (who have
won any major contest award) may operate one or two transmitters up to 27
hours (24 if you setup before the contest) each in increments of 15 minutes
minimum. Enter as Multi-Single or Multi-Two respectively. Time used by
experts coaching or assisting (not-operating) does not count.
Packet spotting OK. Work each station for scoring credit on each band/mode
but multipliers count once each only. Multiply the regular ARRL Field Day
score, less any bonus points, by the IFDC multiplier which is the number of
ARRL and RAC sections plus NWT/Yukon worked. A Clean Sweep is 77 sections,
for which there is a separate award. E-mail a summary sheet, showing the
number of sections worked and separate lists of new operators and expert
operators, with expert operating times identified, number of transmitters
and their power levels, including any novice station to AE0M, Tony Becker,
becker at by midnight, PDT, Sunday, July 2, 1994. Full rules
available at the same address.
A summary of results will be posted on the internet cq-contest email
reflector and a full report will appear in the next issue of the National
Contest Journal.
A modest plaque will be awarded to the top scorers in M/S and M/2 classes.
Certificates will be sent to the top-scoring group in each section. A
suitable trinket will be sent to each group reporting a clean sweep, subject
to receiving $5 to cover costs by U.S. mail with a copy of the summary sheet
to Celia Becker, N0BBS, 3273 B Rocky Water Lane, San Jose, CA 95148. Allow
6 weeks for delivery.
IFDC was developed in consultation with W6QHS and WN4KKN.
AE0M, Tony Becker - becker at - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.
>From De Syam <syam at> Fri Jun 16 16:02:42 1995
From: De Syam <syam at> (De Syam)
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 11:02:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: June VHF QSO Party: K3ZO results and comments
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950616105842.1729B-100000 at>
My final score was 523 QSOs and 129 mults for 67,467 points,
operating six and two meters only.
Six meters: 267/83
Two meters: 256/46
Six meters was a disappointment this year. No sporadic E at all
was detected on Sunday, and only moderate openings Saturday into
MO AR KS TX IL OK from 2108 to 2210 and then again from 2330 to
0030 into TX MS AL and LA. Except for locals and tropo, all my
remaining contacts were meteor and ionsopheric scatter, which I
could hear for a change because high humidity kept line noises low.
WX3N/VE3 north of Lake Superior was a pleasant scatter surprise.
Two meters found enhanced conditions to FN32, FN33, FN34 and FN44.
Other than that two meters was normal or below normal.
Very 73,
Fred Laun, K3ZO
>From Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at Fri Jun 16 17:03:57 1995
From: Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at (Rich L. Boyd)
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 12:03:57 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: VHF Contest Rover
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9506161256.D26753-b100000 at>
I notice N6IPE's mention of "so what if they changed the rules -- it's
still a level playing field."
While I'm a neophyte at VHF contesting in general and haven't ever roved,
so maybe I'm not up on this issue, but, is the controvery something like
this: Rover scores have been devalued, meaning their scores are not as
competitive with fixed stations as before? Is that the issue?
If it is, it seems to me a comparison of stations/scores/efforts in two
drastically different categories was artificial anyway. Rovers versus
rovers should be the only relevant thing -- competition within category.
(And fixed versus fixed within category of course too).
I've always thought the Field Day "overall top 10" was bogus, because to
be competitive in that you had to go five watts to get the 5 points per
QSO (I guess it's 10 per QSO on CW) advantage. To me, the only relevant
FD competition is within category and an overall top 10 is irrelevant.
So, N6IPE's comment makes sense to me, if my assumptions on this issue are
correct. 73 and good contesting.
Rich Boyd KE3Q
>From Brian Short <ke7gh at PrimeNet.Com> Fri Jun 16 19:31:44 1995
From: Brian Short <ke7gh at PrimeNet.Com> (Brian Short)
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 11:31:44 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Nazi on List
Message-ID: <199506161831.LAA02221 at>
Mr. Childers seems to belong to a hate organization. Perhaps he should
consider bombing SSTV equipment manufactures. Perhaps the law should be
taken into his hands to bomb the FCC Federal Building since they permit
such a mode to be transmitted. There is not enough spectrum for everyone
and by god Mr. Childers is entitled to his. Next he should set up a WWW
page to rally armed support to round up and eliminate those who enjoy
transmitting and receiving SSTV pictures. They're just little people.
Mr. Childers interest is much more important. After all there is only one
way to do ham radio - yell into a microphone while everyone else around
the country does the same, resulting in no communication at all.
-no society memberships...
>From prosper at (Brent Childers) Fri Jun 16 04:23:48 1995
From: prosper at (Brent Childers) (Brent Childers)
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 22:23:48 -0500
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <199506160323.WAA10231 at>
I approach the temple in search of knowledge,
Our Field Day group is planning on using CT for "CONTEST" logging purposes,
but I have been unable to locate the FD.DAT file. I've looked on the AD1C's
server and checked on the CT bulletin board, nada. Any help would be
73 - KI5JC
(humble member of the "Society for the prevention of 20m SSTV" Field Day Crew)
SOME HUMILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> Fri Jun 16 19:44:23 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 11:44:23 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Nazi on List
Message-ID: <803328263.460001.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
> Mr. Childers seems to belong to a hate organization. Perhaps he should
> consider bombing SSTV equipment manufactures. Perhaps the law should be
On the net we have a standard expression we send to people who send messages
like this one:
>From mbarts at (Michael Barts) Fri Jun 16 09:56:46 1995
From: mbarts at (Michael Barts) (Michael Barts)
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 14:56:46 +0600
Subject: Nazi on List
>Mr. Childers seems to belong to a hate organization. Perhaps he should
...ranting deleted
Get a grip.
Get a sense of humor.
Get a life.
Not necessarily in that order.
Michael Barts Amateur Radio: KB4NT
mbarts at
>From Brian Short <ke7gh at PrimeNet.Com> Fri Jun 16 19:56:23 1995
From: Brian Short <ke7gh at PrimeNet.Com> (Brian Short)
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 11:56:23 -0700 (MST)
Subject: CONTEST
Message-ID: <199506161856.LAA03630 at>
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