SSTV vs FD Congradulations!

Zack Widup w9sz at
Mon Jun 26 00:17:37 EDT 1995

>I would like to take the time to congradulate the fellows who forced W3OK 
>the Delawarre Lehigh ARCs Field Day station off of 14.233.  Your 
>effective and relentless sending of SSTV transmissions which aparently 
>were unidentified by SSB or CW was completely effective.  Without a DSP 
>filter I was completely unable to keep my frequency.  So I must 
>congradulate you and will of course return QSL upon reciept of yours.

We had a few new hams and budding CONTESTERS from a local boy scout group 
at our FD this year. One was working 20 phone, so I showed him where the 
SSTV window was and told him he was apt to get interference there. I said 
that with the power levels and antennas we were using, he wouldn't be 
able to do anything about it, so it would be best just to ignore that 
band segment for now. I don't think he had any problems.

Me? I worked 40 CW straight for 18 hours and made about 720 QSOs. Got 
sunburned and didn't have any sleep, but had fun! The FD food wasn't too 
bad this year either!  :-)

					73, Zack W9SZ
					Twin City ARC
					Champaign IL

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