SSTV vs FD Congradulations!

Robert Barron barron at
Mon Jun 26 10:22:55 EDT 1995

Jim (WA4ZXA) wrote:
> I also hear them make the comment this weekend that you could blame the 
> ARRL for what happened this weekend with the contest.

Last night I heard on the Amateur Radio Newsline that someone has
donated a complete SSTV station to W1AW.  So perhaps the SSTV'ers will
be a little less anti-League.

I think the majority of the situations about SSTV interference
described on the reflector are clearly a cause for concern.  I
think that's it's important to realize that there are some
situations where it seems like intentional SSTV interference,
when it's really not.

Not long ago I started a run frequency near 14.350 after asking
several times if the frequency was in use.  After working one
or two stations one of the SSTV guys came up as though in mid-
conversation.  At first I was a little upset until I realize
what had happened.  I could not hear the station sending the
SSTV so I thought the frequency was clear.  The station receiving
the SSTV could not reply to my query about the frequency since
his radio setup was busy receiving the photo.

There are probably technical reasons why SSTV'ers guard "their"
frequencies so zealously.  Since SSTV is interference prone (no
error correcting) they feel they need a sanctuary of their own.
It seems the answer is to use some other method to exchange their
photos.  Some packet/Clover technique would be less intrusive to
other users and more reliable for their activities,  IMHO.

No,  I have never operated SSTV in my life but I thought with so
much said about the bad SSTV ops that an explaination why some
SSTV interference takes place might be in order.


Robert Barron, KA5WSS                 barron at
Liant Software Corporation            Hook 'Em Horns!

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Mon Jun 26 16:06:07 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 1995 08:06:07 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: SSTV vs FD Congradulations!
Message-ID: <804179167.781168.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

> I think the majority of the situations about SSTV interference
> described on the reflector are clearly a cause for concern.  I
> think that's it's important to realize that there are some
> situations where it seems like intentional SSTV interference,
> when it's really not.

The most brilliant SSTV intentional QRMing caper I was ever personally
involved in was during the 1988(?) CQWW SSB contest.  I was operating
15 meters at N5AU, and suddenly at the flip of a switch Saturday
morning at 1500Z a pack of European SSTV-ers fired up on cue and
obliterated the bottom 30 kHz of the US phone band for 10 minutes.  It
was awesome.  It sounded like space aliens had captured part of 15
meters.  Then exactly on cue, after making their point, they all went

You have to give somebody credit for that one .. it was pretty well

This SSTV thread doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.  Can we please
move on to something else?

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

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