KB5YVT at aol.com KB5YVT at aol.com
Mon May 29 10:30:19 EDT 1995

Nice Condx Huh!!!!!!!!

15m Only SO  Low Power  Yagi at 40ft.
105 X 86    9,030

7 hrs is all I could take! The Indy 500 and Rockets game were more exciting!!

73 See ya at FD...  Mike

>From abucksho at Direct.CA (Allan Buckshon VE7SZ)  Mon May 29 21:49:39 1995
From: abucksho at Direct.CA (Allan Buckshon VE7SZ) (Allan Buckshon VE7SZ)
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 13:49:39 -0700
Subject: CJ7NTT @ VE7SZ WPX
Message-ID: <199505291348.GAA11805 at mail.direct.ca>

Gary borrowed my station. I caught up on chores.

40M single band, High Power
1284 q's, 458 px = 2,821,280
Enough to give him Canadian 40m record, He allready has 15 & 20. Next year 80.

Rig: Ft-1000D + Henry Amp. Ant: M2 4-el at 115'

73/Allan VE7SZ

>From PARAT Gerard <parat at dassault-elec.fr> (Tel 34813272)  Mon May 29 16:51:19 1995
From: PARAT Gerard <parat at dassault-elec.fr> (Tel 34813272) (PARAT Gerard)
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 17:51:19 +0200
Subject: WPX 95 CW : TM6GG score
Message-ID: <19950529155119*/S=parat/O=dassault/PRMD=dass-elec/ADMD=atlas/C=fr/@MHS>

I improve my last year score by 1M points. Was the conditions better
or/and using TM6 prefix helped ?
Opening toward USA late in the night was fine here in europe !

73 de Gerard / F6FGZ
parat at dassault-elec.fr

                  CQ WORLD WIDE PREFIX CONTEST -- 1995

      Call: TM6GG (op F6FGZ)         Country:  France
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator High Power


      160       25       48   1.9        5
       80       48      106   2.2       11
       40      913     3504   3.8      319
       20     1346     2686   2.0      353
       15      124      178   1.4       23
       10        0        0   0.0        0

     Totals   2456     6522   2.7      711  =   4,637,142

>From Charles Fulp Jr <0006313915 at mcimail.com>  Mon May 29 16:05:00 1995
From: Charles Fulp Jr <0006313915 at mcimail.com> (Charles Fulp Jr)
Date: Mon, 29 May 95 10:05 EST
Subject: WPXCW SCORE K3WW QRP Single OP part time
Message-ID: <52950529150525/0006313915PK4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

K3WW QRP SINGLE OP AllBand  13.5 hours unofficial time
160   0    0
 80  18   62
 40 138  584
 20 167  417
 15  22   56
 10   3    4

    348  1123    232 prefixes  260,536 points

Saturday was beautiful, did major yard work, Sunday had some chrores left.
Watched Flyers eliminate the Rangers during he opening hours of the contest,
while s/p on 40 and 80.  Could not work anyone on 160 but some good ears
out there on 80.  Main goal was to see if my new Index Lab QRP Plus radio
could be used under real contest conditios.  The AGC is slow and pumps, but
could find guys well, and was hearing the stuff answering K3ZO and N3RS etc
It will be  my new FD radio, being very battery effecient and small, but
user friendly.  ONLY BIG PROBLEM is max speed of 30 wpm with external
(computer) keying.  The built in keyer will do 45 but it misses Dots when
using computer to key at 32 and above. Got a nice feel for the activity

with all the tuning I did, was fun to give the F1 button a rest.  
73, de Chas K3WW  CFULP at MCIMAIL.COM

>From MRYP19C at prodigy.com (MR CHARLES S SPAFFORD)  Mon May 29 16:57:28 1995
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 11:57:28 EDT
Subject: Networked Logging
Message-ID: <013.07029374.MRYP19C at prodigy.com>

-- [ From: Charles S. Spafford * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --

Hi All,

I'm not sure if this is what the mailing lists are for, I'm a newbie. 
If it's not, let me know it it won't happen again.  What type of
software is available for networking 2 computers together for a
contest?  I'm going to operate multi/multi in the 95 PA QSO Party, and
want to have sequential numbers coming from both stations.  I don't
want to have one station from 1-1,000 and the other from 1,001-?.  Any
help will be appreciated.

73, de Chuck / N3LAI

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