WPX CW: Where was TO9IS

ve2zp at bbs.ve3jf.ampr.org ve2zp at bbs.ve3jf.ampr.org
Wed May 31 02:31:36 EDT 1995

Wow! What a response!  I received 20 responses from people, half saying "when
you find out, let me know, too" and the other half reporting that TO9IS was in
French Guyana.  

Dick AA6MC provided additional the additional detail that the station was good
for IOTA SA-020, and K3TLX offering that the QSL route is:
BP 450
F-97310 French Guyana

Thank you all for your responses.  Now, if I may ask a more penetrating
question:  Is there any rhyme or reason to the special callsigns we hear from
France and its territories?  Are certain blocks of special calls reserved for
certain areas, or is it a free-for-all?  

73, Dave VE2ZP/VE9CB
InterNet: ve2zp at va3tcp.ampr.org

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