Ed E Jensen ae110 at rgfn.epcc.Edu
Wed May 31 16:34:02 EDT 1995

I guess I also treat FD as a contest
and one of my pet peeves is finding
a club's results in the QST writeup.

The scores are listed by score only
(sure sounds like a contest, doesn't it?).
If they were separated by divisions
it would be much easier to see how your
club stacked up with other local clubs.

If others feel this way, let the ARRL

73, Ed

Ed Jensen, K5ED, El Paso, TX (ae110 at rgfn.epcc.edu)

>From Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at smtp.svl.trw.com  Wed May 31 22:59:09 1995
From: Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at smtp.svl.trw.com (Tim Coad)
Date: 31 May 1995 14:59:09 -0700
Subject: Rangers....
Message-ID: <n1410189959.9294 at smtp.svl.trw.com>

                             5/31/95             2:26 PM

I have had great experiences with rangers with VHF contests. But I always get
permission first. And I never presume I can use their towers, power or

I went to a hill once that had a vacant 40' tower on it. I asked if I could
use it, and the ranger said sure no problem. I am pretty sure he would have
been a little upset if he came up there and saw my ants. on it without me
asking. And I would have been a little upset if I had to take them back down.
So I asked.

Another experience: I got to a mountain top. Ranger was there waiting for me
to make sure everything was OK. I soon noticed that the hill had AC wired to a
small shed. I asked if I could use the power instead of running the generator.
He basically said he couldnt give me authorization to do that, but that it
wouldnt be something that he would normally check on (wink wink), and he would
prefer not to have the generator noise going all the time if we didnt need
it.(wink wink)

In summary, most rangers seemed very interested in all the radio gear. In fact
the only bad experiences I've had with rangers, were with rangers who had
previous bad experiences with hams (more likely CB'ers). So please do me a
favor this FD, be nice, ask permission, and dont be a bunch of jerks and ruin
the hill for the rest of us. (Of course I know I am preaching to the choir!)

Tim - NU6S

>From Greg Becker <gb546 at bard.edu>  Wed May 31 23:17:26 1995
From: Greg Becker <gb546 at bard.edu> (Greg Becker)
Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 18:17:26 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: St. Martin Station Rental?
Message-ID: <Pine.A32.3.91.950531181726.42547B-100000 at core.bard.edu>


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