WPX Calls

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Wed May 31 18:39:39 EDT 1995

>  2. If he did he probably would have had a lower score. I used to
>     think that having a 2x1 call would be an advantage in WPX but the
>     more I see of the results I now think it's a disadvantage.  If you
>     have a good 2x1 call, _everyone_ in the US will call you and
>     you'll have a large number of zero point/no mult QSO's in your
>     log. The more competitive you are the worse this problem will be.
>     Hell, I'm a weak K3 and 5% of my QSO's were 0/0's. I'd like to
>     know how many of Tyler's (KF3P) QSO's were 0/0's compared to
>	 Randy's.
>  It's still my favorite contest.
>  73, Larry, K3TLX

I keep having people half through the contest (Stateside as well as DX) 
telling me I"M A NEW PREFIX !!!!

Maybe W9's are being neglected in favor of the 2X1's!   ;-)

					Zack W9SZ

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