SS rules
Fri Nov 10 09:18:28 EST 1995
From: V.LONG.SA at OCGRV02
Date: 11/10/95 8:59AM
To: >INTERNET:cq-contest at at OCF_INFORM
Subject: SS rules
I guess I wasn't aware that you could switch band-to-band to pick up
those new mults. Or, is this true? From what I'm reading in some of the
summaries it sounds like the 2nd radio is a big help. I could have had
a sweep but was doing well on one band and thought that when I QSYed I
would have to stay on that band for 15 minutes (min).
I really got hooked on SS CW. Now I want to be able to run 60-70/hr,
how are you guys running even more than that per hour? What speed are
you running 30? 35? 40? more? I can run 30-35 WPM, can I run
60-70 (or more)/hour at this rate? Probably most of you are interfacing
your rigs with your PC's.....? CT? TR? NA?
Ok, someone please straighten me out the rules. I might be able to talk
the XYL into operating the SS SSB weekend with me. Its our 6th
anniversary and the kids will be gone! How more romantic can you get
but to operate SS SSB together on your anniversary? Maybe we can use
candles in the shack from the wedding.
Enough bandwidth, thanks.
Scott AA8SM
>From rrossi at VNET.IBM.COM (Ron D. Rossi) Fri Nov 10 14:25:07 1995
From: rrossi at VNET.IBM.COM (Ron D. Rossi) (Ron D. Rossi)
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 95 09:25:07 EST
Subject: CW SS at W5WMU
In a previous message, you wrote:
>>I have been pestered to do a short summary of my effort at W5WMU in
>>the CW Sweepstakes.
>>First off, let me correct my score. I found out last night that I had
>>operated 25 hours, instead of 24.
>Uh, oh.
>> Guess I was having so much fun, I
>>didn't want it to end. Because of this, I will have to remove my last
>>41 QSOs.
>Wait a second. Is that fair? What about the 41 people you worked in that
>time frame. Shouldn't they get credit for the QSOs they worked? If you
>remove them from your log, their logs won't be valid.
> .
> .
> .
>Bill Coleman, AA4LR Mail: aa4lr at
This came up last year. Just clearly mark the log at the end of the
first 24 hours. The rest of the log is check log. I don't see it as
much of a big deal. It's not like a 24 hour period that maximizes the
score is being ferreted out of the log. If I feel like running beyond
the end of my 24 hours and the rate is decent, I don't see any reason
I can't close out the official portion of my log and just work stations.
That's a relative newbie's impression. Kindof like having a batting
practice after the game is over...wierd, but allowable. BTW don't
count on me running past the 24. My ears will be ringing plenty by
73 de N1PBT...Ron (rrossi at ><>
>From Bill Standerfer <bills at> Fri Nov 10 14:49:42 1995
From: Bill Standerfer <bills at> (Bill Standerfer)
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 07:49:42 -0700
Subject: Aging Contesters
Message-ID: <199511101446.AA038294764 at>
ve7sbo at (Bill Rindone ) wrote:
>category". Call it what you will, but the thought of running against some of
>us crotchetty old f...s with stacked arrays and stacked tubes may be the
>biggest deterrent around. Let them have a first year against other mere
Not that it has much to do with this or anything else, but I was struck as I
read down one of the latest SS summaries that most were 1x2 or 2x1 calls. In
fact, over 80% of the SO high power list were that way. Of all categories two
thirds were short calls. I guess that's another measure of age since most
areas have been out of four character calls for many years.
Should have upgraded to Extra 25 years earlier than I did. Now where's that
Bill Standerfer * Hewlett-Packard Company
CFI-A, IA, ME * Measurement Systems Division
bills at * Loveland, CO 80539
Baron N222AB - KF0DJ * 970-679-2378
>From Lau, Zack, KH6CP" <zlau at Fri Nov 10 14:45:00 1995
From: Lau, Zack, KH6CP" <zlau at (Lau, Zack, KH6CP)
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 95 09:45:00 EST
Subject: SS changes
Message-ID: <30A365D7 at>
Maybe listening time shouldn't count as operating time.
Why shouldn't we encourage beginners to listen to
more experienced operators to learn how to operate?
We might even have a list on KA9FOX's web page
of recommended stations to listen to....
Zack KH6CP/1 zlau at
>From Brian Bogh <0006125879 at> Fri Nov 10 14:49:00 1995
From: Brian Bogh <0006125879 at> (Brian Bogh)
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 95 09:49 EST
Subject: N7LOX cw ss
Message-ID: <43951110144934/0006125879NA1EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
Call used: N7LOX Location: WWA
Category: Single Operator Mode: CW Power: 100W
Callsign of Operator: N7LOX
Lost the computer with a hour and a half to go.
Tried to go on with pensil and paper but had no
idea what my serial number was. An iron and space
heater on the same circuit pops breakers.
Great fun c.u. in ssb ss Brian N7LOX
Hours of Operation: 22:39
band QSOs points
160 0 0
80 57 114
40 201 402
20 317 634
15 281 562
10 0 0
TOTAL 856 1712 X 74 multipliers = 126,688
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