PJ9B CQWW SSB Breakdown?
KA2AEV at aol.com
KA2AEV at aol.com
Fri Nov 10 22:19:33 EST 1995
Anyone have a copy? I was in Antigua enjoying the warm weather and Pizza when
it was posted!
Thanks de Mike
>From Jack Fleming <oolon at eskimo.com> Sat Nov 11 03:43:33 1995
From: Jack Fleming <oolon at eskimo.com> (Jack Fleming)
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 19:43:33 -0800 (PST)
Subject: WWDXC Contest College
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951110192353.23521A-100000 at eskimo.com>
Here is the Course Syllabus for the Western Washington DX Club's Contest
College. We started it to get some of our new contesters involved with
the things that make contesting REALLY fun (computer logging, entry in
classes where they can win certificates, packet, pre-contest planning,
etc.). It seems to have worked since some of the students are
getting better scores than the Dean of Students (me)...
A new college is opening in the Pacific Northwest! A series of
classes will be presented by the "WWDXC Contest College" related to
a variety ofcontesting issues and interests.
We are always looking for prospective students and instructors for
these classes (which will take place at shacks and locations
around Seattle). If you would like to take a class or if you
have expertise in any of these areas (or have an idea for a
class!) and would be willing to be an instructor (no experience
necessary!), please contact the Dean of Students, Jack Fleming,
The current WWDXC Contest College course syllabus includes:
Compact Low Band Antennas
Where have all the sunspots gone? The low bands are going to be
even more vital to your contest efforts in the next few years.
We will review the advantages and disadvantages of loops,
verticals, slopers, and dipoles for 160, 80, and 40 meters. Plus
a look at the ELNEC computer program that can model antennas
before you put them up.
Contest Software
This is your chance to see all the various contest software
programs in action in one location. Computer programs that will
be demonstrated include CT, NA and N6TR, plus any others that are
available. Examples of simple circuits to wire your computer
directly to your rig for automatic sending of cw will also be
demonstrated. Also see how to have direct frequency recognition
by your computer when you change bands on your rig.
Contesting Tips and Tricks
How do those guys get those big scores? What are their secrets?
This panel discussion will include some of the best contesters in
the Northwest as they discuss how to improve your score in the
next contest. Bring your questions and ideas! Watch for the
video at your local rental outlet!
Had enough of fighting through pile-ups to grab that rare
multiplier? How about going out and being on the other end of
the hysteria? We will review possible destinations, what
paperwork is involved, and stories from people who have been
there. It's a lot easier than you think!
JE2MAS Pile-up Simulator
This Japanese program (along with your Soundblaster sound board)
will simulate a pile-up of 18 different cw stations! Using a CT
contest software interface you can practice sorting through pile-
ups before the next big contest. During class you will have an
opportunity to match your pile-up skills against the other class
Multi-Op Contesting
Those multi-op stations always seem to be everywhere on the
bands. Hear how it is done. Meet both station owners and guest
ops who work at these stations. Find out how you don't need a
"Super Station" to have fun in the multi-op class.
Packet Assisted Contesting
What about this new class in contests? Is it a good idea for the
casual operator? For the Super Station? For the tiny station?
Is it going to last? Will it be the only class in the future?
You will know the answers after this class!
QRP Contesting
What can you do with just 5 watts? Plenty! The Northwest has
some of the best QRP contesters in the world. Hear how they
manage to amass their startling scores. Find out what tricks
work best. This might just be your best route to a prize winning
certificate in the next big contest!
RTTY Contesting
The final frontier of contesting! What are these weird RTTY
Contests? What equipment do you need to run RTTY? We will also
demonstrate the contest software (WF1B) that will operate these
contests with just a computer mouse - you never need to touch the
Soldering PL259s
We all hate those little rascals - but we have to deal with them.
Let the Quarter Century Appliance Operators' Technical Advisor,
Ward Silver, N0AX, show you how these monsters can be correctly
soldered easily and quickly. Plus Ward will demonstrate some of
his favorite tools to make things easier on your workbench!
VHF Contesting
VHF contests take place on many weekends when no other contest
activity is available. What do you need to compete in this
esoteric art? Is a handheld enough? What about antennas? And
what about this "mountain-top" business? Get the answers and
maybe find a new challenge.
What is this Propagation Business?
Getting ready for a big contest usually includes planning a
strategy of when to be on each band and when to watch for special
openings to rare multiplier locations. The class will also
include a review of how to use the "Mini-Prop" software to
prepare for contests.
Class Credits
Each class attended will earn 1 "Credit".
4 Credits earn a "Bachelor of Contesting" Diploma
7 Credits earn a "Master of Contesting" Diploma
10 Credits earn a "Doctor of Contesting" Diploma
Jack Fleming, WA0RJY ex-CN2JF ex-CT1/WA0RJY oolon at eskimo.com
Seattle, WA http://www.eskimo.com/~oolon/ DON'T PANIC!
>From Danny Eskenazi <k7ss at wolfenet.com> Sat Nov 11 04:16:44 1995
From: Danny Eskenazi <k7ss at wolfenet.com> (Danny Eskenazi)
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 20:16:44 -0800 (PST)
Subject: QSL Chore Solution (?)
Message-ID: <199511110416.UAA25021 at wolfe.net>
A friend up here when deluged with many hundreds of JA cards each season,
took my tongue-in-cheek suggestion of buying a rubber stamp that said
something like...."The contact on this card verified by this stamp"....
(This was in the 70/80s when one could easily do 2500 JAs in a good ssb
weekend, BTW)
If indeed the need for a card is to confirm that particular QSO, then such a
stamp would work. It's not the
"nicest" way to confirm, but does do the trick and makes it alot easier on
the DX station getting buried under a pile of requests.
just an idea........
73 de K7SS
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