QSL Contest
py2ny at SP-gw.ampr.org
py2ny at SP-gw.ampr.org
Sat Nov 11 11:19:12 EST 1995
Reading many news about solving QSL contest problems...
I'll give only the way that I am using since october 1993 --> Just after the
endo of each contest, CT produces all labels, and almost all QSLs were sent to
Bureau. Rare countries were sent to WF5E QSL Service.
I like to receive cards from USA and JA, but I'm loosing space on my home HI
HI. Maybe in the future, many cards will go to "garbage" and I will stay with
one prefix confirmed on each band and mode...
Every time the QSL will be sent from my station...
KC2X said anything about more presences from world hunting people that are on
the air, and are good QSLers...
I'll be on CQ WW CW like PW2N, and all cards will be on Bureau one or two weeks
after contest... Don't worry! Hope to see you there...
PY2NY - Vitor (PW2N)
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