query for cq ww ssb log
4x6tt at netvision.net.il
4x6tt at netvision.net.il
Sun Nov 12 21:24:51 EST 1995
I am intrested to know whether I can e mail my log or bin file to cq or
whether a disk only is allowed for the contest can some one pls ????
73's Amir Bazak 4X6TT
TELEPHONE: 972-3-5497373
FAX: 972-3-5401335
E-mail: 4x6tt at netvision.net.il
Date: 11/12/95
Time: 21:24:51
This message was sent by Chameleon
>From Jim Stockwell <74503.53 at compuserve.com> Mon Nov 13 00:25:08 1995
From: Jim Stockwell <74503.53 at compuserve.com> (Jim Stockwell)
Date: 12 Nov 95 19:25:08 EST
Subject: WA6GDS SS CW Results
Message-ID: <951113002508_74503.53_EHH67-1 at CompuServe.COM>
SO Low Power CK 59 LAX
15 Hours Operation
Band Q's Antenna
160 0 None
80 55 Windom up 35Ft
40 50 "
20 102 2 El up 30Ft
15 335 "
10 13 3 EL up 35Ft
Total 555 X 72 (Missed: ME, SC, MAR, YU, PR)
My favorite Contest - 1st Operated at age 14/15 in 1960 (or 1961?) - If someone
has a QST from '60 or '61 I'd be interested in my score. I recall the contest
went over a two-weekend period back then.
Replaced the gamma match on my 25 year old 2 el Hygain and got it up Sat. am
before the contest. Worked great on 15m! Rate was 60 my first hour. My 15 m
Q's are then highest I've seen reported here so I might get a prize for winning
that band.
Working KP2N was a thrill. No way I could break the pile when I first heard
him. Patiently checked back every hour or so waiting for the CA skip and when I
heard him working a W6 I got him on my first try!
Had to go to a social function after first 3 hours. Missed the next 7 prime
hours. Still had fun, but will never know if I could have gotten that sweep and
a personal best with more Q's.
73, Jim, WA6GDS
>From kp4xs at ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Ramirez ) Mon Nov 13 00:59:10 1995
From: kp4xs at ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Ramirez ) (Kenneth Ramirez )
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 1995 16:59:10 -0800
Subject: Bad Attitude RE: QSLing?
Message-ID: <199511130059.QAA22122 at ix8.ix.netcom.com>
A couple of guys responded to me saying how poor my attitude was
towards QSLing. I never said Someone who sent a card would never
receive one only that it wouldn't be me doing the returning.
Just because I hate the tedious job of sending out QSLs does it mean
I have a bad attitude towards it? My responsibility ends once I have
someone taking care of the QSLing. I hate paying taxes at the end of
the year but it gets done anyway. My obligation is met. Isn't it great
how we can all think differently whenever we want? Ken
>From kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) Mon Nov 13 01:24:39 1995
From: kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 1995 20:24:39 -0500
Subject: Continuous Quality improvement
Message-ID: <199511130124.UAA02564 at cais.cais.com>
>This is a snip of a conversation, which I thought would be of general
>begin snip
>In contrast we pre-assembled a KT34XA yesterday and the machining on it is
>junk... really bad... the through drilled, bolt holes in all the swaged
>pieces on the traps are about 15 degrees off center line, and do not line up
>with the predrilled fiberglass rods which they mate with... all the tubing
>with drilled holes had a big wad of burrs protruding through on the inside of
>the tube, sign of a very dull, drill bit... we spent a fair amount of time
>with round files cleaning this up...then we had to spend time with the drill
>press remachining the numerous pieces with misaligned holes... on one end the
>B straps were formed way off, and you have to sit there with pliers, and a
>hammer, and a drift, rebending and then redrilling them... the boom had 4,
>1/4" holes completely missing... luckily I had a drill bit long enough to do
>the job... All of the slotted ends were only grooved the last third of their
>length instead of slotted, and the unmilled aluminum had to be removed and
>the slot filed clean... I have a good workshop, but... what was an annoyance
>for us could be major problem for someone with limited tools and
>end snip
>Was this the once in five years bad job that got out the door, or a trend? I
>don't know.
>I called KLM and while they were polite, they had no answer as to how their
>product got out the door in such shoddy condition....
>General comments:
>There is no more excuse for this on a $700 antenna, than there would be for a
>mercedes to be shipped with bad paint...
>They have been building this model for what, 8 or 10 years? It is obvious
>that they have no concept of CQI.... By this stage of production, the parts
>should slip together like they were dipped in hot butter... there should be "
>match the color paint stripes" on the mating ends of all parts... the
>critical steps (like the A straps and caps) should be preassembled... the C
>straps should be factory bent... the manual should have hi-res drawings, with
>the assembly steps for each logical subassembly on its own page... etc. ...
>This is only one example as to why other countries are kicking our
>manufacturing butt all over the globe... (See Mario, I'm not always a bad
>guy.. :)
>Cheers ... Denny
I've had QC problems with some parts I've ordered recently....I understand that
KLM antennas was bought out about a year ago or so....which maybe the culprit,
but dont know. I ordered a bunch of new shorting clamps and they were bent
crooked and were slightly longer than the originals. Other parts such as
center insulators were OK. Also had problems with the cap tube blue endcaps
with voids in the molding in a small percentage of them. Replacement cap tubes
in the upgrade kits that I bought were also slightly longer (only 1/16th to
1/8th of an inch) than called for....I corrected that with a belt sander.
73, Tyler KF3P
>From Robert <w5robert at blkbox.COM> Mon Nov 13 02:21:29 1995
From: Robert <w5robert at blkbox.COM> (Robert)
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 1995 20:21:29 -0600 (CST)
Subject: true guest op'ing
Message-ID: <9511122021.aa00695 at blkbox.COM>
Over 20+ years ago as a High School student,
kj5m allowed us to use his triband beam at 50'
and Swan 350 at his business. Left us there for
the whole 48 hours and the local police would stop
in every night and check us out. We later learned we
could setup a 40mtr dipole and work KH6BZF at night.
He even had an amp with some OLD tubes inside (ww2 surplus?)
We used it at times on 40 so we could work BZF faster!
There were no contesters around to even instruct us which
way to point the beam, but it was fun. A SMALL town and
the local contester that lived there for 4 or 5 years never
invited us over or showed us what a contest was. Were is this
headed: Doesn't matter what type station you have, you (we) can
help get new contesters involved.
(kj5m wasn't his call then & I will credit that local contester
for really pushing the club FD effort.)
73 Robert WB5CRG w5robert at blkbox.com
>From Mike Wetzel W9RE <0006367589 at mcimail.com> Mon Nov 13 03:43:00 1995
From: Mike Wetzel W9RE <0006367589 at mcimail.com> (Mike Wetzel W9RE)
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 95 22:43 EST
Subject: PED Help?
Message-ID: <11951113034311/0006367589PK4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
Has anybody had any success with using an "Ensoniq Soundscape Wavetable
Sound Card" with PED ver 4.11i? Ped just says "No sound board
found" so I just get single signals from computer speaker.
In using VPED, I get multiple preprogrammed voices from the sound card
but can't seem to get microphone to work with voice bank. (Don't really
care about getting VPED to work but really would like to get cw PED
The sound card works normally with other games, cds, etc. I did try a
"virtual sound blaster driver" with no luck. Computer is a Gateway
2000 pentium 90.
Thanks -Mike Wetzel W9RE
>From w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths) Mon Nov 13 04:43:22 1995
From: w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths) (Stan Griffiths)
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 1995 20:43:22 -0800
Subject: QSLing
Message-ID: <199511130443.UAA13135 at desiree.teleport.com>
>I do not understand the guys who don't answer the SASEs. Here's a perfect
>example: WHen I was a 15 year old kid, collecting counties, I sent a card
>to W7RM (with SASE) for a SS QSO. Never got a reply. Even ran across RM
>himself on 20 SSB, and he assured me he would "personally see to my card
>being sent." Needless to say, I never got it; and needless to say, I skip
>over W7RM in any contest I may hear him (and it's 23 years later!)
>If FR5DX wasn't the only FR/zone 39 in the contest, I wouldn't work him e
>either. I bet plenty of others hold the same type of grudge for a long
>time. Think about it on Sunday afternoon in the contest...
>Barry N. Kutner, W2UP Internet: barry at w2up.wells.com
Hi Barry,
I found your comments about W7RM interesting. A few years ago, W7RM hired
my daughter to fill out 10,000 cards for old JA contest QSOs because they
were showing up on his frequency and bitching about not getting a card.
What I don't know is whether these cards ever actually got mailed or not.
Stateside cards for SS or any other DX contest cards for other countries
were not part of the project.
I supervised the W7RM QSL project and when I asked for logs so the contacts
could be verified, I was told to just take the QSO information directly off
the received cards. It was a waste of time to actually look them up! Well,
we did what we were asked to do, but I now have another view of the
signifigance of a W7RM QSL. I don't know if that is a widespread practice
or not, but if it is, why are we bothering with QSLs at all?
I can tell you that the QSL problem is definitely a deterrant to ME
operating any more contests. I am sick and tired of filling out QSL after
doing 26,000 of them, not to mention the dollars involved. I have a box
with about 3000 cards in it that is just sitting in a closet where I have
been tossing them for the past 5 or 10 years. At least I don't put them in
the garbage. Since I don't operate contests anymore, I get a lot fewer
cards and my guilt feelings have subsided considerably. My station is
sometimes available to others who want to operate. One stipulation is that
my call not be used since I do not want the QSL problem.
If someone would step up and offer to be MY QSL manager, it might actually
make me reconsider coming out of contest retirement. I have not actively
looked for a QSL manager because I can't imagine anyone really wanting to do
it and I am not willing to pay for the service.
Stan W7NI at teleport.com
>From Ray Rocker <rocker at datasync.com> Mon Nov 13 06:06:37 1995
From: Ray Rocker <rocker at datasync.com> (Ray Rocker)
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 00:06:37 -0600 (CST)
Subject: QSLing (digital and otherwise)
Message-ID: <199511130606.AAA27005 at osh1.datasync.com>
I've been thinking about the Digital QSLing idea too. As opposed to
AB6WM's idea for actual digital QSLs signed using PGP, my thoughts
were drawn more to a centralized server, with which contesters, DXers,
and anyone else could register. They would then submit their logs,
with PGP signatures, to the server for storage, and broadcast the fact
(via the usual QSL info channels) that their logs are online.
Award applicants, instead of submitting QSLs, would note the call/date/
time/band/mode of the QSO and note that the log is online. The award
sponsors would then run checks of the submitted info vs. the online
database and verify the QSOs that way.
There are a lot of issues to be resolved with this scheme, to be sure,
some of which I have answers for and some of which I've not thought of
yet. Would such a central database even be a good idea is the biggest
one. Who would run it...ARRL? IARU? A private company contracted by
one of the above?
Anyway, without going into detail I thought I'd toss that idea out
and see what happens. (I feel like I'm running a skeet shoot...PULL!)
It'd certainly be the easiest solution for the big contesters and
DXpeditioners...just mail in your log and you're done with it.
As for traditional QSLing...count me in the group who likes them.
I do, however, get irritated at times when I don't get the SASE.
I guess about 50% of them I get are just raw postcards. I do
answer 100%, but if I were louder and able to work more one-lung
stations I might have a problem. (rare state + rare prefix == QSLs)
73 de WQ5L
Ray "CK 81" Rocker
Pass Christian, Mississippi, USA
rocker at datasync.com
>From btippett at ctc.net (Bill Tippett) Mon Nov 13 10:31:38 1995
From: btippett at ctc.net (Bill Tippett) (Bill Tippett)
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 06:31:38 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: QSLing (digital and otherwise)
WQ5L wrote:
>Award applicants, instead of submitting QSLs, would note the call/date/
>time/band/mode of the QSO and note that the log is online. The award
>sponsors would then run checks of the submitted info vs. the online
>database and verify the QSOs that way.
This is a terrific idea! Now that contests are beginning to REQUIRE data
on disk, it should be fairly simple to set up a system to automatically do
the QSLing. Some of you old timers may remember that ARRL previously
did this about 25-30 years ago. If you worked a new one in ARRL DX, you
could reference that on your DXCC application and they would check the
paper logs on file manually to give you credit. Computers and data on
disk would make this very simple to automate. I think it would not only
address the "operator discouragement" issue of this thread, but it should
actually INCREASE participation by casual operators that would see an
easy way to get award credit. Many, of course, would still like to receive a
"real" QSL if possible, but this would offer an alternative that should be
much faster and less expensive. Great idea Ray!
73, Bill W0ZV
Bill Tippett, PO Box 37, New London, NC 28127-0037 USA
Phone/FAX: +1 704-463-1445 E-mail: btippett at ctc.net
>From Mr. Brett Graham" <bagraham at HK.Super.NET Mon Nov 13 11:58:17 1995
From: Mr. Brett Graham" <bagraham at HK.Super.NET (Mr. Brett Graham)
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 19:58:17 +0800 (HKT)
Subject: VS6BG JIDX SSB score
Message-ID: <199511131158.TAA22477 at is1.hk.super.net>
Category: single-op all-band
Breakdown: 80 - 74/31
40 - 178/41
20 - 320/48
15 - 962/47
10 - 248/42
Total: 1782/209
Score: 439736
On-time: ~29 hrs
73, VS6BrettGraham aka VR2BG bagraham at hk.super.net
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