Collegiate Championship CW results

Robert Barron barron at
Wed Nov 15 10:48:52 EST 1995

The Collegiate Championship's phone portion will take place this
weekend during the phone SS contest.  Please try and get your
university or alma mater club station on the air if only for a
short period of time.  The "rules" of the event are at the end
of this message.

The CW portion's unofficial results are below.  If there are any
other scores that are not on this list please let me know.

Call    School                QSOs  Sect  Score
----    ------                ----  ----  -----
KP4VA   Univ. of Puerto Rico  1257   75  188,550
WO9S    Univ. of Chicago       751   76  114,152
W4ATC   North Carolina State   525   74   77,700
KC5OJY  Baylor Univ.           360   72   51,840
W1YU    Yale Univ.             144   52   14,976
W5EHM   Univ. of Texas          52   33    3,432
W6BHZ   California Poly         28   21    1,176

Call    Operators
----    ---------
W1YU    WI2E


Second Annual North American Collegiate Amateur Radio Club 

1. Object: For college and university stations in all ARRL (American
Radio Relay League) and RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada) sections to
participate in the ARRL November Sweepstakes and compete against other
college and university radio clubs.

2. Contest Rules: CW portion takes place on first full weekend of
November (Nov 4-6),  phone portion takes place on third full weekend
of November (Nov 18-20).  Both start on Saturday 2100 UTC and end on
Monday 0300 UTC. All rules,  as stated in the October issue of QST,
pertain to this collegiate competition.

3. Station Location: In an effort to encourage club station
improvements all contacts must be made from the established club
radio station located on a college campus.  No "portable" operation
from a nearby contest "super station".  A club may operate from a
member's station provided that a club station on campus does not 

4. Results:  Separate champions will be determined for CW, phone and
combined scores.  Official results will be based on those published
in QST so all participants are required to submit a valid log to the
ARRL.  Participants must also submit a score summary (the contest
summary sheet, NOT a complete log!) to the collegiate contest
moderator.  Provisional scores and winners will be posted on the
ham-univ and cq-contest Internet mail reflectors by the moderator.
Send results to:

        Internet:       barron at
        Mail:           Robert Barron
                        P.O. Box 180703
                        Austin, TX 78718

5. Awards:  To be determined.  Certificates will be printed.

This means:
1. Not limited to multi-op single transmitter if multiple ops not
available.  Single op efforts may submit their score as their official
school effort.
2. Not limited to US stations only (US, US possessions and Canada).
3. All club members allowed to participate (including alumni,  not
just students).
4. Club station rule waived when no club station exists.

Jeff Tucker (N9HZQ) is keeping an Internet list of college clubs that
are planning on participating in this year's Collegiate Championship.
To add your club to the list send Email (with your club's name and
callsign) to:
       jefft at

Robert Barron, KA5WSS                 barron at
Liant Software Corporation            Hook 'Em Horns!

>From Harri Mantila <hmantila at>  Wed Nov 15 16:49:14 1995
From: Harri Mantila <hmantila at> (Harri Mantila)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 18:49:14 +0200 (WET)
Subject: OH6YF in CQ WW CW 1995
Message-ID: <Pine.A32.3.91.951115183812.26115F-100000 at>

Hello OM/YL!

I have been building new antennas at my station in Teuva, West Coast of 
Finland. The antenna work of many years with this system is now almost 
behind. I'm really looking forward to see how the new setup works in the 
CQ World Wide DX Contest 1995 CW. I'll be working in the single operator 
all band category. 

This years system will be the following:
160m slopers
80m  GP up 12m, 4 el. loop to Caribbean, slopers
40m  3 el. yagi up 36 m
20m  6 over 6 yagi up 44/23 m, 4 el. yagi 25 m
15m  6 over 6 over 6 yagi up 41/26/14 m, 4 el. yagi up 27 m
10m  6 over 6 over 6 yagi up 29/19/11 m, 3 el. yagi up 28 m
Some additional antennas

I'll be looking for your signal in the Contest on all bands. Please, come 
and call me when you hear my signal. Every contest QSO helps me to build 
up better station setup. Next year we'll put up some more towers and 
antennas to get more effective signal.

73's and see you in the Contest.

de Harry OH6YF

>From David O. Hachadorian" <74752.115 at  Wed Nov 15 17:04:32 1995
From: David O. Hachadorian" <74752.115 at (David O. Hachadorian)
Date: 15 Nov 95 12:04:32 EST
Subject: TS-850 separate rx ant
Message-ID: <951115170432_74752.115_EHL57-1 at CompuServe.COM>

Quite a while back, someone posted a procedure for internally
modifying the TS-850 for separate rx ant input. I would like
to get a copy of that posting. Any help out there? Thanks in

Dave, K6LL
74752.115 at

>From james.mollica at (JAMES MOLLICA)  Wed Nov 15 15:51:00 1995
From: james.mollica at (JAMES MOLLICA) (JAMES MOLLICA)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 95 11:51:00 -0400
Message-ID: <8B502C7.01F400D4F7.uuout at>

I just purchased an Icom 765 as an early Christmas gift for pop.
The radio has the PBT mod done.  Are there any other mods for
the 765 I should consider?  Is there a site on the net or a source
for mod info on the 765?  Please excuse the bandwidth if not
appropriate. Tnx es 73, Jim.

P.S. The unit also has the cr282 xtal oven and fl53a 250hz cw filter.   

 * 1st 2.00 #1439 * N2NRD @ AMSAT.ORG

>From floydjr at (jim floyd)  Wed Nov 15 17:17:05 1995
From: floydjr at (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 13:17:05 -0400
Subject: All Scores CQWWSSB & SSCW
Message-ID: <199511151723.MAA03194 at>

First let me thanks to everyone for their patience and help in compiling all
these scores. It has been a job but with everyone's help it has been alot

Now for the final postings. Since this weekend is the SS SSB portion I feel
that the last posting for the CW portion should be on Saturday, Nov. 18th. I
will make a final posting then. 

For CQWW SSB I will make the final posting on Friday, Nov.24th. This is the
Friday before the weekend of the CW portion. 

I feel this should give everyone ample time to get their scores in and
posted. I do not want four different contests scores coming in here at one
time. I am sure everyone can understand that. Plus I would hate to mess up a
CW with an SSB score. These scores are also being posted on KA9FOX's home
page for further reference. If for some reason you can not find them
anywhere else, you can email me and I will email you a copy of them. 

I will be doing the scores for SS SSB and CQWW CW. Please just send me the
scores as you have in the past. I will be in both contests. If for some
reason I cannot get the scores on 3830 would someone help me with them. 

Hope to work everyone in both contests and if you hear me in SS remember I
am A power and we need all the help we can get.

73's Jim

Amateur Call:     WA4ZXA
Email:            floydjr at
Packet:           N4ZC

>From Ron-Stailey at (Ron Stailey, AB5KD)  Wed Nov 15 16:59:13 1995
From: Ron-Stailey at (Ron Stailey, AB5KD) (Ron Stailey, AB5KD)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 11:59:13 -0500
Subject: set no mail
Message-ID: <1395685743-20905315 at BANJO.EASY.COM>

>From snace at (Steve Nace)  Wed Nov 15 18:32:03 1995
From: snace at (Steve Nace) (Steve Nace)
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 11:32:03 -0700
Subject: [cq-contest 10107] JIDX Score de WC6H
Message-ID: <v01510101accfe19ffb53@[]>

>In message "[cq-contest 10107] JIDX Score de WC6H"
>    on 95/11/14, "Tim Coad" writes:
>:   Many times JA's would say I was 20 db over on 15,20,&40...but very few were
>:   calling.
>  JE1CKA writes:
>Sorry for the poor activity.

Hey Tim: Maybe you haven't kept up with all those QSL card requests and you are
being "black-balled".

de Hose KN5H

Of course, this is a joke.

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